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------- A Daily Prayer -------
Lord, help me to remember
That nothing is going to happen to me today,
That You and I together can't handle


Hi, My real birth name is Clara but everyone knows me as Connie.
I live in South East Louisiana and have lived here for most of my life. you can find out a little more about me as you browse through my family pages and other personal links. I would like to extend to you a warm southern welcome to my corner. do feel free to browse my links and other pages, And please by all means sign my Guestbook so that I'll know you were here and can return the visit and greet you properly.
Thank You for stopping by, I hope you enjoy the pages and that you will return again soon.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

To each of you who have come to visit ~ Connie's Corner ~..THANK YOU!
To all of you who have signed my Guest Book - Thank you for taking the time to do so! Your comments have warmed my heart! PLEASE NOTE: I have to empty my Guest Book occasionally to make additional space because, the maximum signing is 250 - So if you cannot find your comments, *I have saved -ALL- comments to a folder, and will eventually add them to a disk.* God Bless Each Of You!

Thank you WWH for this honor.
This is Beautiful!!


I would like to say Thank you to all the ladies of the Garden at Friends, Flowers and Musings for all the lovely gifts they have sent me during my reign as Flower Of The Week and since becoming a member. you are such a wonderful group of ladies and I am really happy and Proud that I am a member of the group. a Special Thank you to Jeanette aka Maw Nette for sending me the invitation to join the group. I have really been blessed with meeting some new friends by accepting her invitation. Hugs to all the pretty flowers in the garden *smile*

Your are listening to "The Dance"

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Don't take this set it was

Last updated June 12, 2000
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Since March 20,1998.. You are visitor number...