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Jelequed's Weyr

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Jelequed has exciting news to tell you! Just keep reading!

You walk into a grey room with little designs on it. In the far right corner you notice a shining necklace with a matching ring. You walk up to it and lift up the glass that it is safely kept in. you pick the ring up and try it on for size. It's way too, big. You put it back. Next you put on the necklace, it almost pulls you to the floor! "Who in the world could wear that!?" you ask yourself.

"Me," someone replies.

You look up and see and beautiful, blue and white adult Vitora Dragon (she looks like snowflakes)with a matching fire-lizard, sort-of.

"Hello, I'm Jelequed Pal'na." she says as she notices you staring. "This is the lovely Tidalqued. Over there is my keeper." Jelequed points out to you.

You turn around, and there in the door way is a young woman about 15. Her hair was blonde and her eyes were blue. She was wearing a long, silky, black dress with black high heels to match.

She has a gold fire-lizard on her left shoulder. She had a necklace and ring that looked exactly like the ones in the glass. Except smaller. "Their jet." she says as she notices you looking at them. "Excuse me?" you ask. "Jet, you know the color black. I noticed you were staring." she says. "Like saphire?" you ask. "Yes. By-the-way, my name is Rebecca Trishelle. But you may call me Becca. This is Golzeena."she tells you while pointing to the gold fire-lizard.

"Becca is the coolest person. I love her very much." Jelequed says. "I do, too." the fire-lizards say at the same time. "Jelequed and the fire-lizards are so kind and sweet. Their always saying that all day. Their gonna grow up to be a sweet." Becca sighs.

"Becca and Jelequed are going to be safe while they live here because if any uninvited or mean person walks in here, I'll swoop down and knock 'em on the head!" Tidalqued says. "Same for me!" Golzeena adds. "Also, I'll fly above their head, pick them up by their shoulders, fly outside , and then drop them in the fire-lizard and dragon's dump!" Jelequed acts out. "And if that doesn't work-" Becca stops and pulls out a long staff from behind the wall. "- I'll take care of 'em. I'm a trained professional." Becca finished. "You should see her! She's steller if she has on her blue and white ninja suit! She won't miss one shot, if they don't have wings." Jelequed exclaims. "I wish I could be as great as her!" Golzeena says.

"Did Jelequed tell you the great news?" Becca wonders. "No, what great news?" you ask.

"Jelequed is mated to the sweet and hansom Gremarc!

I'm sure you noticed her gold and green bracelet." Becca says. "Yes, I was wondering why she was wearing it." you say.

"Do you want to see another Vitora Dragon?" Becca asks.

"Yes, please." you say.

"Well then, follow me." she says.

~~Back home~~

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