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Cloning of George Washington Reported

In April, 1994, long before the recent "Dolly" craze, it was reported, or "leaked", that a German scientific laboratory had successfully cloned the father of our country (USA), George Washington, apparently from DNA extracted from a strand of Washington's hair. It was reported, at the time, that,"President Washington's cells have already started dividing and we have a legitimate embryo." The report went on to advise that the actual "birth" of the infant would take place around Christmas that year somewhere in the United States.

If the procedure was successfully carried out in its entirety, then George Washington II is, by now, a living three year old human being. You can be sure, whatwith the recent frenzy and outcry following the cloning of a mere sheep, that George II is being held tightly under wraps.

Is all this possible? The laboratories/scientists we've contacted have indicated that they are not yet able to form cells from DNA. "Dolly", as an example, and as best we can determine, was cloned from an existing, living cell, with all the components, including DNA, in place.....a far simpler (and now proven) procedure. However, who is to say that some group of scientists, somewhere, someplace, have not indeed found the way to form a cell and create life from the DNA itself. It's undoubtedly going to happen, and who's to say it hasn't already happened?

If, indeed, George II is now an infant sauntering around in some tightly secured nursery.....who's next? Einstein?

If you have any interest in human cloning, or perhaps might be interested in possibly being a future "clonee", you are urged to check out the homepage of the International Cloning Society, which is linked/clickable below. You may also contact the Director of the Society, Dr. A. D. Lafferty, at the email address noted below.


International Cloning Society
