"Inmates and guards had both told me that Dead Serious was into steroid cycles. I have no idea if that was true, but throughout the triangle and especially across the street at Florida State Prison, there was (and is) a big problem with uncontrolled roid rage among guards. My neighbor in G-dorm, an 18 year veteran convict of the area, told me tales of skinny young uniforms (sons or grandsons of guards) just beginning their rites of passage as newly employed officers, fearfully walking the corridors all stick-insect insecure, then bulking up overnight on steroids, bragging about it, losing their cool a few times over tiny things (testosteronic overload), eventually becoming mountains of angry muscle with no brain to accompany all that power. I myself have had RHOID rage a time or two, but rhoids and roids are two different things."
Gary Brooks Waid
Think of the "Steroid Rage" Gary Waid spoke of,
look at the pictures and ask yourself,
Why it would take nine big guards to subdue this small man?
Where did the anger come from to so brutally beat any man to death?Mr. Frank Valdez was beaten to death while handcuffed by nine of the local prison guards that the people of Starke and the Florida DOC
seem to want to protect.
Griffith, Sauls, and Thornton -
Three of the guards implicated in the beating murder of Frank Valdes
Mr Bush, I know we have a problem and I have a partial solution.First I want you to know that the brutality and retaliation by guards is still going on in Florida. It did NOT end with Frank Valdes' murder.I have an idea you may not have thought of as to why there are so many instances of the guards going off on the prisoners without ample provocation. Here's a paragraph from Gary Brooks Waid, the Federal marijuana prisoner you have caged in the Florida system..."Inmates and guards had both told me that 'Dead Serious' was into steroid cycles. I have no idea if that was true, but throughout the triangle and especially across the street at Florida State Prison, there was (and is) a big problem with uncontrolled roid rage among guards. My neighbor in G-dorm, an 18 year veteran convict of the area, told me tales of skinny young uniforms (sons or grandsons of guards) just beginning their rites of passage as newly employed officers, fearfully walking the corridors all stick-insect insecure, then bulking up overnight on steroids, bragging about it, losing their cool a few times over tiny things (testosteronic overload), eventually becoming mountains of angry muscle with no brain to accompany all that power. I myself have had RHOID rage a time or two, but rhoids and roids are two different things."
Gary Brooks WaidNow, steroids may not be illegal like marijuana, but they are much more dangerous. If I'm correct, I believe a doctor has to prescribe them for a medical condition. My daughter was given them while she was in a three month coma and I watched her lay there and swell up. If some of these guards are 'self-medicating' to 'bulk up' then they are using steroids in the same manner as recreational drugs and are surely breaking a law.I don't know if the DOC approves of steroid use among employees...It doesn't even matter. What matters is that too many of the DOC guards are unnecessarily attacking inmates, and if steroids are part of the problem, getting rid of them is part of the solution.I suggest you begin to look for this problem within the DOC. I am suggesting to others, including Mr. Rod Smith, state attorney, that the guards be examined for steroid use. I am suggesting that you and the DOC do the same. Steroids are known for the side effect of rage and some of your guards are taking them. Look for the difference in them today and the day they were hired. Look for inmate complaints. Look for the signs, Jeb Bush, and make it stop.
You can see what I mean by looking at the pictures of three of the guards going up for trial in Mr. Valdes' murder. Think of the "Steroid Rage" Gary Waid spoke of, look at the pictures of the victim, thin little Frank Valdes, and the guards who...okay, okay...ALLEGEDLY killed him, all of them big hulking men who've been named by other prisoners beaten by them. Ask yourself why it would take nine big guards to beat a small man to death: Where did all that terrible rage come from?No place of employment should encourage that kind of personal anger. No society should tolerate it! And not even a prisoner should be forced to accept it.
Visualizing You Caring,Kay Lee1290 Overlook Terrace
Titusville, Florida 32780321-383-3000
The Smuggler's Tales From Jails
Project of the
Journey for Justice