Ocean Songs and Fingerplays
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Ocean Songs and Fingerplays

Sandbox Song (Tune: Frere Jacques)

Make a sand cake,
Make a castle
In the sand,
In the sand.
Pouring, measuring, digging,
Pouring, measuring, digging
Just feels grand
Just feels grand.

Sand (Tune: Frere Jacques)

Sand is gritty,
Sand is gritty,
At the beach,
At the beach.
Sand is many tiny rocks
Broken down from bigger rocks,
At the beach,
At the beach.

Down Under The Sea (Tune: Home on the Range)

Down under the sea,
Where the dolphins swim free,
And the sand and the sea grasses sway,
Where the starfish shine bright,
And the dog fish don't bite,
I ride my seahorse all day.

Down under the sea,
Where the whales sing and dive deep,
We chase and rope sharks,
Until it gets dark,
When the waves gently rock us to sleep.

Down under the sea,
My seahorse takes me,
On a ride through coral and caves.
We round up fish there,
Rescue mermaids so fair,
My seahorse and I are quite brave!

(repeat chorus)

Three Puffer Fish (Tune: Three Blind Mice)

Three puffer fish,
Three puffer fish,
See how they swim,
See how they swim,
Their tails go left and
Their tails go right,
Their gills breathe in and
Their gills breathe out,
Did you ever see such a prickly sight as
Three puffer fish?

Change the name of the fish and change the "prickly" to a fitting adjective. For example, 3 rainbow fish would be "Did you ever see such a "colorful" sight as three rainbow fish?

Did You Ever See A Fishy? (Tune: Did You Ever See A Lassie?)

Did you ever see a fishy,
A fishy, a fishy?
Did you ever see a fishy
Swim this way and that?
Swim this way and that way
And that way and this way?
Did you ever see a fishy
Swim this way and that?

repeat the song replacing "swim" with other verbs such as: slide, swish, and splash.

Caught a Million Fish (Tune: Jimmy Crack Corn)

Excellent song to use with "A Million Fish...More Or Less" by Patricia C. McKissack

Caught a million fish,
What'll I do?
Caught a million fish,
What'll I do?
Caught a million fish,
What'll I do?
I'll bring them home to show to you!

Alligator ate some,
What'll I do?
Alligator ate some,
What'll I do?
Alligator ate some,
What'll I do?
I'll bring the rest to show to you!

(Repeat the second verse, inserting the phrases below.)

Raccoons ate some, what'll I do?....
Fish crows ate some, what'll I do?....
Hungry cat ate some, what'll I do?....

Three fish left,
What'll I do?
Three fish left,
What'll I do?
Three fish left,
What'll I do?
I'll have to tell the tale to you!

I'm a Little Fish (Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)

I'm a little fish in the ocean so blue,
There are so many things that I can do,
I can swim around with my tail and fin.
The water's fine-just jump right in.

Six Little Fish (Tune: Six Little Ducks)

Six little fish that I once knew,
Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones, too.
But the one little fish who was the leader of the crowd.
He led the other fish around and around.

Color Fish Song (Tune: Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush)

I saw a fish go swimming by, go swimming by, go swimming by.
I saw a fish go swimming by, so early in the morning.

Color and cut out several fish patterns. Tape the fish around the classroom so they can be seen by the students. Change the lyrics to the song to reflect the fish around the classroom.

I saw a fish that was green and blue, green and blue, green and blue.
I saw a fish that was green and blue, so early in the morning.

When you're done singing, call on a child to find and point to the green and blue fish. That student can then repeat the song using a different color or colors.

Ocean Fingerplays

Fish Story

One, two, three, four, five
(Hold up fingers while counting)
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
(hold up additional fingers)
Then I let it go again.
Why did I let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
The little finger on the right.
(hold up pinky on the right hand)

Little Color Fish

Five little fishes swimming near the shore,
The red snapper took a bite and then there were four.
Four little fishes swimming in the sea,
The orange roughy swam away and then there were three.
Three little fishes in the ocean blue,
The pink salmon took a seahorse ride and then there were two.
Two little fishes, swimming in the sun,
The yellow perch swam too far and then there was one.
One little blue marlin, now you're all alone,
I'll put you in my fish bowl and take you home.

I like to make flannel board fish to use with this.

*Use the "fish" from the above rhyme and say:

There are so many fish in the deep blue sea.
What color fish does______________see?

(Insert child's name in the blank. Point to a fish and have child name the color.)

Five Little Fishes

Five little fishes swimming in a pool.(wiggle five fingers, move arm)
The first fish said, "This pool is cool!" (Shiver and hug yourself)
The second fish said, "This pool is deep." (Use a low voice)
The third fish said, "I want to sleep." (yawn and stretch)
The fourth fish said, "I spy a ship." (hand shading eyes)
Fishing boat comes, line goes kersplash! (throw in line)
Away the five little fishies dash. (fingers "swim" away quickly)