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Welcome to Krysanthemum's City of Angels Page. This page was designed for the romantically inclined person, who is as obsessed with this movie as I am. You'll find pictures, sounds, scripts, and sarcastic comments, and other stuff as I think to add it. Keep coming back here, it will be changing a lot. In the meantime, enjoy what's here, and if you have any comments or criticisms, you can E-mail me.

UPDATE 18-3-2000 Lyrics page finally added!! Thank you all for the great messages that I've been sent. Keep them coming!

Picture File

Script Excerpts





Movie Clips

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This page is not connected in any way to Warner Bros., so I hope they don't sue my butt. It is not meant to infringe their rights in any way, and is merely here for entertainment purposes, not commercial. Any problems or queries should be addressed to the above E-mail address. Thanks!