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Why I Like Spike

Well, for one, he's got to-die-for cheekbones, and his cute (yet fake) accent. (I'm a HUGE Anglophile.) But, mostly, I like him, because of the potential the character has, and has shown already. Plus, he's very complex- for a vampire.

When I first saw him, he was at Parent/Teacher Night, and got beamed with an ax by Buffy's mom. Later, I found out that her was one of Angelus's childer, and had a vampiric consort, the crazy Drusilla. He seemed determined to kill Buffy, even though this was kinda undermined when she dropped an organ on him, rendering him immobile for most of season 2. But, while being Wheeler Boy, he had to deal with Angelus stealing Dru away from him. But, finally, after getting back the use of his legs, he teamed up with Buffy to help defeat Angelus and Acathla. Then, he comes back during the third season, capture Willow and Xander, and tries to make Willow do a love spell for him and Dru. (Nice bit of chemistry between him and Willow in that eppy. See WT for more in depth info on that.) Then, he comes back fourth season, gets zapped by the Initiative, and is effectively neutered. But, he's got a lot of potential as the replacement for Angel (possibly) in the Scooby Gang.

But, he's also wonderfully complex. I mean, how many other vamps have you heard of that love another vampire? Not many, I assure you. For example, remember when the Judge said he smelled the stench of humanity on them in 'Surprise'? Case in point. He would go to any length to get her back, since he kidnapped Willow and tried to make her do just that. And, though he's technically a bad guy, he has, on occasion, asked for help from, or made a deal with the Scooby Gang. When it suits him, that is. Plus, he really seems to genuinely like Joyce and her hot chocolate with the 'little marshmallow thingies', as he's said to Buffy on occasion. I also like the way he handles himself. Even after being captured by the Initiative, he still manages to joke about it. And, I think that, deep down, he really cares about the Scooby Gang, especially Willow, though he understandably can't stand Buffy.

(Disclaimer: Not that I blame him. You can flame me for this all you want, but Buffy's been a little bitch this season, and I, for one, am sick of it. And, apparently, Joss seems to think that, once one gets to college, one turns into a nyphomaniac. {Coming from personal experience, or, I should say, lack thereof