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Why I Like Willow

Willow, for one, is Jewish, just like my father's side of the family. She's also a Wiccan, just like my best friend in high school. Plus, she's a redheaded 'net girl, like me. (Though, like the actress, I'm a natural brunette.) And, watching the show, I've watched her grow up and gain more confidence as an integral part of what the Scooby Gang was, is, and will be. In the beginning, when I first 'met' her, she was the shy, fade-into-the-background best buddy of Xander and Jesse, who was rudely thrust into the world of the mystical when Jesse is turned into a vamp, and her new friend, Buffy, turns out to be the Slayer. But, as the years have progressed, she has come out of her shell, as she's helped Giles and Jenny look up things on the net, and helping out whenever Buffy needs it.

She also started dating Oz, (who I've never really liked anyways), after pining after Xander for many years, only to find out that he'd been fooling around with Cordelia behind her back, as it were. However, to use one of my favorite phrases from Labyrinth¸ not everything was all peaches and cream. First, she finds out that her boyfriend changes ala Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde during the three days of the full moon, then, after Spike captures her and Xander, Oz and Cordy catch her and Xander kissing. And, during the second season finale, though badly bruised, she manages to restore Angel's soul, showing her capable of great compassion, even in the face of all the evil he had done to them as Angelus. She seems unselfish about a lot of things. And, during the same season (2nd), when asked to take over for the recently murdered Jenny Calendar, she readily agrees, showing her immense willingness to help others in need.

However, it was the third season where she really started to let loose and show what she could really do. In a show called 'The Wish', I got to see what a Buffy-less Sunnydale would have been like- very scary. Willow was, in her one words when she discovered what her counterpart from the alternate universe was like in 'Dopplegangland'- "I think I'm skanky- and a little gay!" Now, before I go into my explanation about the supposed discrepancies in Dopplegangland, apparently, this Evil Willow, or EW for short, was a nice little walk on the wild side for Willow. The discrepancies, supposedly since, when Giles smashed the talisman, destroyed the AU, are wrong. What I think happened is that, since there are all sorts of different timelines, depending on choices made, I think Anyanka just sent Cordelia into an alternate timeline, not create a new one, and, when Giles smashed it, it just sent Cordelia back to the moment she left.

But, back to Willow. As the ascension loomed, she grew more and more worried about the fraility of life, and slept with Oz. This is one matter, (and the first of two), where I wholeheartedly disagreed with what she decided to do. (I'm still a virgin now, and quite proud of it!) And, thankfully, with help from her fellow students of Sunnydale High, they didn't die, but managed to go on to college.

However, though Oz was there for her in the beginning, after an incident with a female werewolf, Veruca, he took off for parts unknown. Now, she started to show interest in a fellow Wiccan at her school named Tara. It was after the subtext about their 'relationship' became less so, I refused to watch the show. I love the character of Willow, but, when Joss Whedon decides to try and shove this type of abomination down our throats, whether we like it or not, I refuse to watch. Now, let me set the record straight. I am not a homophobe just because I don’t approve of homosexuality. Homophobe means you are afraid and hate the people that do that. I do not hate the people. I just hate what it is that they practice, since it is against God's law and nature. (If you have problems/questions about this, LMK.) And, trying to say, 'you're not supposed to judge people' won't fly with me. (Check Matthew 7:1&2 if you think I'm lying.) Now, if they decide to change things, I might go back to watching it. But, as for now, I'll just stick to 'Angel'.