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A Search To Feel Loved

This is a song that comes across a little sad or disobedient I suppose. (Perhaps this is because sometimes I think I'm a Christian Existentialist--talk about opening a can of worms.) Anyway, this song is my honesty on display; sometimes even when I seek God I feel like He is far. Of course, this is not His fault, but I still feel the way I do.

Verse 1
There’s an emptiness inside me
That’s been tearing me down for some time.
It’s a search for some sort of meaning
In what seems to be an aimlessly wandering life.

I’m not asking for all of the answers--
Just a sense that I belong.
I don’t even need to understand You,
I just need to understand that I am loved.

Verse 2
I feel guilty even feeling this way
When I have been given so much.
But as hard as I try to complete myself with You,
I come back unsatisfied.

I mean no disrespect; I’m just being honest with You.
I have my struggles just like anybody else,
And I need You to be my guide, because I’ve tried and failed by myself.
I just would like to get to know You and let You change me.


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