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"Forgiveness" is another song created from the songwriting game between Chris and I. The word was "forgiveness" and inspired the thought that it would be much easier to forgive others if we embraced more fully the forgiveness that Jesus Christ offers. When we don't forgive, we place ourselves in the seat of pride and look down on others.

Verse 1
When I look at my life sometimes I can’t help but laugh.
I can be such a hypocrite, it’s really pretty sad.
Why am I so quick to pass the blame on someone else
Or overlook my same mistakes?

I should stop trying to fix everybody else and start with myself.
I should stop trying to fix everybody else and start with myself.

Forgiveness is easier said than done.
But that’s because I’ve put myself out of place.
If I could look at others as I am looked upon by You,
I’d surely extend much more grace.

Verse 2
Sometimes I think it would be nice to see me through other people’s eyes.
Or maybe I wouldn’t even want to spend time with myself.

He who’s one is none; he who’s none is one, just maybe not today.
So why am I so eager to take first now and later fall away?


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