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My Life As Captain Dave

This song is another song from the summer 2002 songwriting game. The word was "insight." My thought process started with a pirate saying "Land Ho in sight!" I ended up using this to write a song about how I plan to be a pirate one day since I'm never actually going to get a normal job.

Verse 1
I’ve spent all this time in higher education,
And no one bothered to tell me that I won’t even get a job.
So here is some insight to my situation,
And how I’m gonna stay employed and not be a slob:

I’m gonna be a pirate, with a patch over one eye.
(with a parrot by my side.)
(that’s how I wanna live my life.)
Sailing the seas with a wooden leg until the day I die.
I’m gonna be a pirate; they’ll call me Captain Dave,
And if work gets slow I’ll do the voice for Spongebob Squarepants to get paid.

Verse 2
Pirating’s not a respected job these days.
People’d rather be engineers or CEOs to get maximum wage.
Well I’m here to make sure pirating’s reputation will be saved,
And after all, you just can’t beat pirating’s pay.

Howdy folks!
Captain Dave here with all the reasons why pirating’s a job you should consider.
Pirating’s got all the best jokes that you’ll ever hear
Like “Did you hear about the pirate who got his ears pierced?”
“It was a buck-an-ear!”
or “Have you seen the new pirate movie?” “It’s rated Rrr!”
Plus don’t forget as a pirate you won’t have to have insurance for a car!
Still not convinced? Well hear me out.
Pirating’s also got all the best catchy line like:
“Walk to plank!”, “Land ho in sight!” and “Don’t drink turpentine!”


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