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You Saved Me From Myself

I guess this is my version of the classic "Amazing Grace." It was stated so beautifully hundreds of years ago, and that is why it has stood the test of time. The words are so true: "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound..."

Verse 1
Sometimes I feel three nanometers small
Standing next to someone a trillion light years tall.
Maybe this comparison is not too wrong,
Which is how I knew I needed to write You this song.

They say grace is receiving favor undeserved.
But how can grace be captured in mortal words?
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved me from myself.

Verse 2
Sometimes my mind gets cluttered with the wrong things,
But that doesn’t keep You from accepting me.
You don’t need me to perfect on my own.
You’ve given me the way to find the place that we’ll call home.


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