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'Kay, here's how the ads work. It pops up. You press the button that puts it on your taskbar. It stays there until you leave, then you can close it. Otherwise, it would be at the top of all of my pages, and that does not look good.


You step into a room. It is large but cozy, with bookshelves along the walls, a desk in one corner with a comfy looking dark green padded armchair, and a large picture window with a dark green curtain pulled over it.

"Well, come in!" says a cheerful woman's voice from a dark corner. You strain your eyes to see her, and then she steps out of the shadows. She is exceptionally beautiful, with auburn hair, a dark green dress, and bright piercing green eyes. "Welcome to the land of Jade! I am Celestial, the guardian of this land. You may look around, but be warned - some who come never want to leave." You look around at the room and open your mouth to say something, but when you look back, she is gone.

Pulling aside the curtain of the picture window, you see a large meadow with a huge ash tree in it, a cave, a grand golden castle, a beautiful green forest, and more.

You can see the Meadow, Guild and Portals, Shelves, Cave, Forest, Castle, East Tower, Gallery, West Tower, Chapel, Courtyard, Gardenor Haunted Attic.


Win an Award!

I just got this mood indicator! It's really awesome. I just have to remember to update it. :) The current mood of Celestial at

This is a magic transportation orb. Touch it and you will come back to the house instantly.

If you see a graphic on this site that is from another site that isn't on my links or gallery page, or notice that that site doesn't allow people using thier graphics, or just for the heck of it, please Email me!

View My SlamBook! | Sign My SlamBook!

My guestbook is up, so PLEASE SIGN! Thank you.

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To all the people who sign my guestbook: I'm really sorry if I miss going to your site or replying to your entries. I haven't been to my own site for MONTHS on end! If you would like actual contact with me, it's much more practical if you would email me! I also have a brand new site now, so feel free to check it out! Sorry for the inconvenience!

What's New? *** Sitemap *** About Celestial

If you find my secret lair
If you're brave and smart and true
You will know who I am
I know magic of every hue.

Awards I've Won



Thank you to Moyra's Webjewels for free pics for some of my pages, and to Boing Dragon for my unicorn counters

This is the slambook from my old site. You can sign it, but I don't check it as often.

View My SlamBook! | Sign My SlamBook!