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Onfire 4 Jesus Online Ministry is what is going to help in the fight of taking back America's youth. I want this to expand so that all christian teens online can enjoy it.

What does all this have to do with you, you might be asking yourself? At the moment we are 65 members strong. That means 65 new found Christian friends. There are 2 main american online chat rooms for fellowship. Life - TeenDiscipleship and Friends - TeenDiscipleship .. It will be awesome to see these 2 chatrooms fill up so we have to make more. :o) AMEN!!!!!

Is there anyone I can talk to? Of course. If you have a problem and really aren't sure what to do about it? Onfire 4 Jesus Online has people here willing and ready to help you out. We can hook you up with an onfire sold-out/ spirit-filled youth counselor who has more than likely been through exactly what you're going through now.. Just mail me and we'll get you taken care of. :o) Also you can mail because she is the leader for counseling. If you want to become a counselor than talk to her and we will discuss it.. :o)

Do you need someone to pray for you? Send prayer requests here. 24 hours a day, 7days a week. I am no longer taking prayer requests on only Tuesday. As soon as you send your prayer requests to me it will be forwarded to a group of prayer warriors that promise to pray for you everyday. On Tuesday a compilation of all the prayer requests will be sent out to all the group members. If you have praise reports please send those we well. They are very important. Prayer and intersession is so very important for the spirit. If you want to become a prayer warrior mail Dawn at and we will discuss it..

Do you sometimes have no clue about how to become a disciple of Christ? Look no further. Up to 4 lessons a week will be mailed to you. We will discuss issues that affect us most as christian youth. If you want, you can also write a teen discipleship lesson. Make sure you mail it to me before it is sent out to the group. That way it can be looked over to make sure it is Biblically sound. After all we don't want to send out false doctrine.. AMEN??

Have you ever felt that you needed advice from an adult and you couldn't go to mom or dad? Well we have 4 adult mentors online here with us. Dawn who is, Jade who is, Val who is and Dan who is They're totally awesome.

I would really like to touch the youth of America. Please send out things like this to all your christian friends.. It is our vision to see one youth saved every week and belonging to this ministry. One soul is not too much to ask.

Further more, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to tell me. If you have a problem with anything don't hold back.

Peace and love, Elizabeth

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Onfire 4 Jesus Online Members
Onfire 4 Jesus Online Counselors
Onfire 4 Jesus Online Prayer Warriors
Onfire 4 Jesus Online Adult Mentors
Questions and Answers that Teens Wanna Know
