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This beautiful picture was made by an AMO member Nienke, all the way from the Netherlands! I thought that it deserved a page of it's very own. While Nienke was putting this collage together, another AMO member Hashima, suggested that Nienke send this to Donny for his 42nd birthday! What a great thought!! Nienke took pictures of the AMO members and put them together in a collage! Isn't it fantastic? This picture was made from the heart and with lots of love. We all know that Donny will be so very proud of this picture when he sees it, as will the rest of The Osmonds! Nienke, you make us so proud to be a part of AMO. And once again, what a fantastic job girlfriend! OS-LOVE to you all!!

Here are some cute story's written by AMO members using titles to Osmond Songs!


Written by Nienke

One day my Puppy Love came strolling up to me, telling me it wanted to be a vegetarian. "I want One Bad Apple!" it said. We were having a quiet afternoon Down By The Lazy River at the time, our picknickfood spread out on a nice Deep Purple blanket and thought to myself: "Yo-Yo, what is this idiotic dog on about! Why would it want a bad apple?" But, Soldier Of Love as I am, I put on my most Sweet & Innocent face, looked at it and was about to feed it the worst apple in my picknick basket when a herd of Crazy Horses came storming down the riverbank. I yelled to my puppy: "Go Away Little Girl! There's not a lot of Sacred Emotion in these horses! Meet Me In Montana, I'm Goin' Home pronto!!" As I arrived on Montana's Morning Side Of The Mountain I felt Double Lovin' flowing through me when I saw my vegetarian puppy still alive and healthy and the horses nowhere to be seen. My puppy was chewing on Paper Roses though, it didn't quite seem to understand vegetarianism just yet... I tried to tell it: "Read My Lips, paper is not food." But she looked Too Young or too canine maybe too understand so I figured: "You know what, I'm Leaving It All Up To You." That night she fell ill. I just wanted to Make The World Go Away. My puppy looked at me with eyes that said: "I Only Wanted You To Love Me For A Reason and the song said: "love me for a reason and let the reason be food..." I smiled and said to her: "No no no, you little deaf darling, it was 'let the reason be you'". I told you to not sit by the speakers when I crank up the volume, Who's Sorry Now!" But puppy didn't seem conviced. We exchanged quizical looks for a moment. "What Could It Be", I thought... "what could it be??" And then it came to me, the words are: "Let the reason be love!!!". Next thing I know my puppy waggled outside. Out came the paper roses and the bad apple and after a minute or two I heard a scratching on the door that said: "Let Me In!" She looked happy and healthy again! Relieved I pondered the day's lesson and here's what I learned: a) when I Think About Your Lovin' I need to see where you're trying to be who you're not and then tell you: be you, cos There Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing! and b) don't sit too close to the speakers :o) ~*~ Nienke Copyright@Nienke


(CIRCA 1975)

Written By Polly

Dear Donny: As I sit here writing you sitting in my deep purple beanbag chair and watch my lava lamp go glub glub, with my many posters of your sweet and innocent face on my walls, I imagine finally meeting you. I had a dream last night that I must tell you about ! In my dream I am going back stage after the concert, and you let me in !! No, you didn't say "go away, little girl "! We sat forever and talked, and the whole time I'm hoping that you don't think I'm some kind of a yo yo ! :) The tour is supposed to take you to Montana next, so you ask if I'd meet you in Montana! But of course, I say ! Crazy horses couldn't keep me away ! But alas, my dad comes in, overhears this, and says read my lips! You are too young to be travelling all by yourself! But dad, I said ! No way, says dad! And alas, a beautiful dream ends with me waking up after my dad, just like that one bad apple in your hit song, spoils the plan by saying we're goin' home!! Argh! I say to myself in a half sleep.... who's sorry now? Donny, this may be a bad case of puppy love, but to me it's a sacred emotion ! A devoted fan forever, Hortense copyright@PollyWeifenbach


Written By Kate

At the age of 17, Joseph found himself in an odd position. He was both the most loved person in his family and the most hated. His father, Jacob, adored him and was often overheard telling Joseph, "I only wanted you." Joseph's brothers hated him because their father loved him best. One day Jacob gathered his sons and announced, "It is with great love, the most sacred emotion of them all, that I present my youngest son, my sweet and innocent Joseph with this special coat." Joseph stepped forward to accept the beautiful garment, counting the many colors as it was placed on his shoulders: it was red and yellow and green and deep purple and blue! Joseph's brothers were, to say the least, disgruntled and they mumbled something about goin' home as they left their father and least favorite sibling standing together. Noting their parting scowls, Joseph asked Jacob if he should try to make amends. Jacob replied, "I'm leaving it all up to you. I have no real bond with them. You remind me of your mother who died too young; you'll always be precious to me." Joseph only increased his brothers' jealousy when he began sharing his dreams with them. "Last night I dreamt we worked on the morning side of the mountain tying wheat sheaves and all of your sheaves bowed down to mine." Furious, Joseph's brothers plotted to get him alone. "Come brother," they said, "let us go down by the lazy river and herd our crazy horses for father." On the way the brothers spotted a ditch and grabbing Joseph they took hold of his coat, and yanked it off before shoving him into the dark hole. "Who's sorry now, you lousy dreamer?" laughed brother Reuben. At that moment some wealthy travelers came by and offered to buy the trapped slave. The brothers thought this a fair trade and accepted the money for their next of kin, rushing off to tell their father a tragedy had befallen Joseph. Joseph, now being led off to start a new life, thought to himself, "That Reuben is one bad apple but I guess I can forgive him. Perhaps one day all my brothers will meet me in Montana and we will all have a good laugh." Eventually Joseph got into some trouble with a case of puppy love at the hands of a V.I.P's S.O. He tried valiantly to thwart her advances but she proved tireless in her passion. "I think about your lovin'," she whispered. "Please go away little girl," Joseph begged. "I want to make the world go away with some double lovin'" she cried, pulling the door shut behind her. "No!" Joseph yelled, "I won't be your soldier of love!" "You must!" she yelled and pulled Joseph close. Suddenly there was a banging on the door--"Let me in!" It was the V.I.P. who burst in and it was all over for Joseph. Joseph quickly found himself in prison, but fortunately he still possessed some keen interpretive abilities. This talent was noted by a powerful man who employed Joseph to explain his dreams. When Joseph foretold of great fortune, his boss showered him with paper roses. When the dream came true, Joseph was showered with gold. When Joseph explained a darker dream, he warned his boss, "Read my lips- famine will follow so stock up now!" All of Joseph's predictions came true and that landed him in a position of great power and renown. So who do you think showed up then? That's right, the brothers came abegging, every last one including that yo-yo Reuben. When Joseph revealed his true identity to them they bowed down in front of him, begging for forgiveness and professing their love. Joseph gently told them to get up and said, "My brothers, love me for a reason other than how I can benefit you, and I'll be happy to welcome you home." They all embraced and then Joseph's very old father tottered in yelling, "My son! You're alive! Meet your newest sibling." Joseph was shocked, not that his father had another child, but that this one was a girl! Imagine that. Joseph put his arm around his sister's shoulder and addressing the family they said, "G'night everybody!" -Kate ;)


At My Rainbows End

Written By Robin Laferriere

There was bright sun now and a nice cool breeze with the smell of fresh fallin' rain lingering on the grass. As I walked the banks Down By The Lazy River I looked up to find a rainbow. And there, right over the tallest tree, was the most colorful rainbow ever to be seen. As I sat up against the tall tree I found myself wondering just what might be at that Rainbows End. With my eyes closed and my head resting back against the tree I took a long deep breath and took in much of those Chilly Winds. While relaxing and freeing myself from all of that Traffic In My Mind I was started by what seemed like a 7 lb. bag of jumping beans jumping on me. I opened my eyes and there I saw the cutest little puppy dog you had ever seen. Carrying a stick so much bigger then she was. It's owner running over to me and apologizing for all of the trouble his little pooch caused. As I rose to meet this man, I couldn't help but gasp for air when I met his eyes. They were the most beautiful pair of brown eyes I had ever seen. His hair was wavy brown and his skin was oh so smooth. I'm sorry for my dog jumping on you like that. You looked to calm and peaceful he said. No, please don't even think about it I stuttered. He's the cutest little thing I've seen! Well, thank you very much he replied. She's my little puppy, Girl. My Puppy Love he said. I'd call her Yo-Yo I replied. She's such a hyper little thing! What's your name he asked. Marianne I replied. And yours? With a chuckle and a little blush of red he said, people call me Corky. Corky I said? Yes Ma'am he replied. He seemed to have this Lonely Boy look in his eyes I thought. As we stood there, I thought to myself that I wish I could Make This Last Forever. Well he said, I guess we'll go now. Again, I really didn't mean to bother you. Oh please don't even think about it. I come here every morning I said with a smile. I call this my Morning Side Of The Mountain. Really he said. How nice. I really like that. All I could think was that he was Sure Lookin' Good. Man oh man! See ya he said. Bye I waved. I watched him as he walked away. He looked really good in those blue jeans and that tight black t-shirt. My heart skipped a beat when he turned around and asked shyly, would you like to join me and Girl in our walk? I wanted to run to him so bad, but kept my cool as I didn't want to fall. Only Heaven Knows I'd be so embarrassed. A few weeks had passed and we met each other everyday under that same old tree. We walked and talked and the days always seemed to race by. We had learned so much about each other. Learned of each others lost loves, of each others heartaches. We could almost feel each others Inner Rhythm. I somehow knew that he felt the same love for me now Since Eyes Don't Lie. That lonely boy was no longer lonely. He was so caring and true. He said I Think About Your Lovin' All The Time. He took my hand and said Love Me For A Reason, please I can't bare to lose at love again. I never thought I'd feel this way about another. I'm Leaving It All Up To You He Said. As my heart raced I replied If Someone Ever Breaks Your Heart, it won't be wont be me. As he gazed into my eyes and came closer, our lips began to touch when, wham!! I get hit on the head with One Bad Apple! Startled and dazed I looked around and much to my dismay I realized that it was just a dream! A dream! I Can't Live A Dream I Yelled! Take Me Back Again! I want to go back! Wiping away the tears from my eyes I suddenly hear a loud rumble! I looked over and saw a heard of Crazy Horses coming my way! As they rushed by, a puff of dirt and dust sting my eyes. I turn away to shield my eyes from the pain. As the rumbling slowly fades and I wipe the grit from my eyes an image in the distance appears. A beautiful white horse with it's flowing mane blowing in the cool spring air slowly approaches. It stops along side of me. I Iook up to see who this rider is, but the sun gleaming so strong was blinding. I couldn't see. Then I hear a voice say, When Somebody Cares For You, nothing can ever keep our love apart. As he slid off from his white horse, I met those oh so familiar beautiful brown eyes once again, as I had seen so many times in the past. They were the eyes I had fallen in love with many years ago. I'm sorry he said. I didn't mean to argue over something so petty. I Think About Your Lovin' All The Time. Read My Lips. Next time you'll Meet Me In Montana when I have to go away and I'll cherish every moment I can spend with you and not take your love for granted ever again. I wish Every Man Had A Women Like You. C'mon Marianne, I've Got Plans For You. He jumped on his horse, extended his hand and pulled me up. Hold On he said. I love you Corky I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist so tight and would never let go till the Twelfth Of Never. He was my knight and shinning amour. Come on Girl he shouted! And out from behind the tree dragging a stick still bigger then her was Girl our little Puppy Love. We were Goin' Home now. We're going to Take Another Try At Love. Os-Love, Robin

copyright@Robin Laferriere


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