You find yourself staring into a cozy-looking cave. Stepping inside, you notice a large green adult dragon with a purple bracelet lying beside a boy. On the other side is another dragon.
The boy has brown hair and brown eyes. He is wearing brown shorts and shirt. All that brown makes him look strangely dull. But as he speaks, something tells you he'd be a good bondmate. He smiles. "Hey, these are Vitora dragons fromVitora Beach. This one's been abandoned, I'm sorry to say," he said, pointing to the green. "I offered him this cave. His name is Pesyliac, and I believe he's Mikalic's brother. I must say, those two have hit it off really well. Almost, execpt when Seli gets too close to Calyd. . ." He pauses, climbing to his feet. "He's still getting over his abandoning. Poor guy, he'll probably never recover, completely."
He rubs his companion on the neck gently. "Hello, visitor. I have wonderful news! I now have a mate. Her name is Sorind. She's the most wonderful violet I've ever met! That is why I wear a bracelet."
"Oh!" Victor exclaims, suddenly. "Let us introduce you to his friends." Then, with a deafening, two-fingered whistle from Vic, in fly five little fire lizards!
The blue and red land in Victor's hands, almost knocking each other to the ground, the green and the gold land on Pesyliac's back and start to chirp wildly, but the little pink one flies to you and perches on your shoulder. She rubs againts you and chirps a soft melody.
"Wow," Victor breaths. "That's Princess. All of these are Vitora Flits, but she was a special born. She really likes you! As for these other little guys, the blue one's Icie, the green one's Shamrock, the red one's Magma, and the gold one's Jewelynie."
Suddenly, Magma chirps something and then zooms away. The others follow. Pesyliac, forgetting you were there, cries, "He just challanged me, ME, to a race! No WAY is a lowly fire lizard gonna beat a dragon!"
With that, Pesyliac zips off after the fire lizards. Victor laughs. "Pesyliac loves his new home here, I believe. Whith friends like those, how can anyone feel abandoned?"
"Who is this?" you ask.
"My name is Melinia," announces the dragon. Then, with a laugh she adds, "I was wondering if you'd notice me."
"Pesyliac takes care of her like his own daughter. Mikalic, Calyd, Warrior Monica and I all do."
Suddenly the beauty rubs her stomach. "I'm hungry, Victor."
Victor smiles. "Well, I guess I'll see you later," he tells you.
"Yes, do come back to visit us," Melinia invites. You watch as the walk farther into the cave.