Vitora Dragon Caves Pesyliac & Melinia's Cave Maranded & Malachai's Cave My Non-Vitora Adoption/Impression Site: Jade's Domain-Impress a Mystery Dragon Contact me:
Last updated: 8/6/99: Main page
The pic of me was drawn by Tori.If you came for the Pernese, they moved to NightDDust Weyr. FastCounter by LinkExchange You enter a large gym-sized room full of doors leading to seperate rooms. When you look out a window, the sky is full of light, shooting up and exploding in the air like fireworks. When you study the room, you notice not-very-neat paintings of dragons on the walls. There are chairs, and a table with cups of juice. Suddenly, a small green fire lizard flies toward your face.
"Why not, lovely? It's the truth!" Calyd exclaims, "Oh, Mikalic!" Then they fly off into the air. "Ah, welcome," You notice a girl who looks around the age of fourteen walk up to you.
"Ahhh. . ." she cooes. "There's no way for me to stay mad at you. I'll forgive you this time, but next time-" But before she could finish, the little flit zooms away. The girl sighs, "She does that to me every time!" You observe her, and see her long, dirty-blonde hair pulled back. You notice that she is wearing tight purple paints, and a matching top. You also see that she's carrying a long staff. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Warrior Monica. This is The NightDust Vitora Dragon Sanctuary. I take in and care for Vitora Dragons, and Fire Lizards. You may visit any or all of the inhabitants, but you mustn't harass them. For, if any one of them complains to me, well..." She glances at her staff. You get the idea. "But don't worry, I've never really had to use this, I just sort of like it. Plus, it makes my dragon friends feel secure and protected. Mikalic and Calyd are Vitora Dragons," she adds. "Flicker is a Vitora Fire Lizard. I got them from Vitora Beach. Mikalic appointed himself Calyd's guardian. Calyd loves him. I had a feeling they'd mate." Warrior Monica motions with her hands. "Come, sit." She leads you to one of the chairs, and you greatfully take a seat. She hands you a cup. "I hope you like fruit juice." You nod. "If it's all right," you begin, "please tell me about yourself?" "Certainly. I love to paint, and cook. I made the juice, and wall paintings, which may not be Michealangelo worthy, but the dragons appreciate them. I also like to ride with dragons, and play with my staff." She laughs, remembering. "You should have seen the pile of broken ones I threw away last week! I was trying to conquer the little tree outside." You're done with your juice, so you ask to visit the dragons, now.
"Yep, I'd better check on some of them, too. You may see me, or some of my friends and their draons somewhere in the caves and rooms. See you!" With that, she dissapears into a room, and you are left alone to explore.