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Welcome to our Sailor Shrine!

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Three girls is sailor outfits walk up to you, side by side. The center one has purple eyes and pink-red hair. At her left side is a girl with wavy, shimmering golden hair and hazel eyes, and on the right is a girl with black hair and pale,icy blue eyes. Behind them are two more girls, one with blonde hair and green eyes and the other with blue eyes and silver hair. They are playing with 3 young chidren--one has rainbowy hair and eyes that seems to change color in the light, and she looks a little like the girl in the center coming toward you. The other has blue hair and silver eyes.
"Hello!" says the one in the middle, approaching you. "I'm Sailor Nebula! This--" she gestures to the girl on her left, "--is Sailor Sunbeam, and this is Sailor Europa." She gestures backwards. "Sailor Utopia, Sailor Solinari, Chibi Rainbow and Chibi Andromeda." As you look at Chibi Rainbow, you see a faint outline.
"Who is that?" you ask.
"That's Ghostie Usa," says Sailor Europa. She points to a young boy dressed in a tuxedo. You hadn't noticed him before because he was in the shadows. "And that's Chibi Kamen."


Sailor Nebula smiles. "This is our shrine to the best animated TV series in the world--Sailor Moon!"
Sailor Sunbeam cuts in. "Sailor Moon is a Japanese anime series about a girl named Serena, or if you're Japanese, Tsukino Usagi, which means Rabbit of the Moon.
Sailor Europa smiles shyly. "Here's a list of the Sailor Senshi that join her in their fight against the Dark Kingdom.

(note: Nebula, Sunbeam, Europa, Utopia, Solinari, Rainbow, Andromeda, Ghostie, and Chibi Kamen are not oficial senshi. To see about them, click here)

These have: Title, Japanese name, name meaning, N. America name, attacks, and their role)
(I'm so crazy about Sailor Moon I nicknamed each of my friends after one of the Sailor Senshi!! ^_^ I guess...I'll put that too. *smile* And a funny quote from that friend! ^_^)

  • Sailor Moon
    - Tsukino Usagi
    - Rabbit of the Moon
    - Serena
    - Moon Tiara Action, Moon Tiara Stardust, Moon Healing Escalation, Moon Princess Halation, Moon Spiral Heart Attack, Rainbow Moon Heartache (Scroll down!), Moon Gorgeous Meditation, Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss (LOL!!), Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss
    - Senshi of the Moon, Usako-chan, "owner" of Luna, and Princess Serenity
    - Lily
    - Click here for an image I did of Sailor Moon...This is my image so please don't use it without my permission!!

  • Sailor Venus
    - Aino Minako
    - Surrounded by beauty and love
    - Mina Aino
    - Crescent Beam, Crescent Beam Shower, Love Me Chain, Love and Beauty Shock
    - Senshi of love, Sailor V, and the "owner" of Artemis.
    - Me, Rachel

  • Sailor Mercury
    - Mizuno Ami
    - Friend of Water
    - Amy Anderson
    - Shabon Spray, shabon spray freezing, shine aqua illusion, aqua rhapsody
    - Senshi of water, one of Usagi's best friends
    - Avery

  • Sailor Mars
    - Hino Rei
    - Spirit of Fire
    - Raye Hino
    - Fire soul, fireball charge, fire soul bird, burning mandala, flame sniper, and her anti-evil sign (Akyrou Taisan!/Evil Spirit, Begone!)
    - Senshi of fire, Shinto shrine maiden
    - Jennifer

  • Sailor Jupiter
    - Kino Makoto
    - Wisdom of the Trees
    - Lita Kino
    - Supreme thunder, supreme thunder dragon, sparkling wide pressure, oak evolution - Senshi of storms
    - Sophie

  • Sailor Uranus
    - Ten'ou Haruka
    - I don't know what it means
    - Corrine Tenoh
    - World shaking, space sword blaster
    - Senshi of the sky
    - Emily

  • Sailor Saturn
    - Tomoe Hotaru
    - ??? Firefly
    - I think her NA name is Christine...
    - Silence glaive apply, silence block, death reborn revolution
    - Senshi of destruction
    - Audra ("Do not stare into the face, of Tooky-Tooky-Tooky, or he will turn you into salt!")

  • Sailor Neptune
    - Keioh Michiru
    - Rising Tide
    - Nerrisa Keioh
    - Deep submerge, submarine reflection - Senshi of the ocean

    - Beth

  • Sailor Pluto
    - Meioh Setsuna
    - A moment in time
    - Celia Meioh
    - Dead Scream, Dark Dome Close
    - Senshi of time, Puu
    - Chris
    - Click here to see an image I made of Sailor Pluto. This is my image so please do not use it without my permission!! Thanx. Reverse

  • Sailor Chibi Moon
    - Chibi Usa
    - Little Rabbit
    - Reeny
    - Pink sugar hearts, Luna Ball/Luna-P, twinkle yell, Moon Gorgeous Meditation
    - Senshi of the moon, The Rabbit, and Sailor Moon's future daughter
    - Kristin

  • Tuxedo Kamen (America, Tuxedo Mask)
    - Chiba Mamoru
    - Protector of Earth
    - Darien
    - Rose
    - Mamo-chan, Prince Endymion, protector of Princess Serenity, in love with Usagi/Sailor Moon
    - My brother, Michael

  • Sailor Cosmos (in the manga)
    - Chibi Chibi
    - Small Small
    - Not translated
    - No attacks
    - Senshi of Galaxies and, well, I can't say much more without spoliing absolutely everything.
    - Aubrey

  • Sailor Star Fighter (picture soon)
    - Kou Seiya
    - I don't know what it means
    - Seiya Kou
    - Serious Laser
    - Starlight, subject of Princess Kakyuu
    - No one

  • Sailor Star Maker
    - Kou Taiki
    - I don't know what it means
    - Taiki Kou
    - Gentle Uterus
    - Starlight, subject of Princess Kakyuu
    - No one

  • Sailor Star Healer
    - Kou Yaten
    - I don't know what it means
    - Yaten Kou
    - Sensitive Inferno
    - Starlight, subject of Princess Kakyuu
    - Joanna

    Sailor Nebula shrugs. "That's all we have right now, but soon will have much more detailed information, including birthdates, links, and more.
    "We'll also tell about the Starlights, Astroids, the cats, and the villains.
    "Lastly, we'll have shrines to Sailors Saturn, Pluto, Moon, Venus, and Neptune, and Tuxedo Kamen and the two Chibis! ^_^"
    "Oh! I'm also working on a better version of this; there will be two sections, the newbie section and the oldie section. It'll be really kewl!!

    "We hope you enjoyed your visit! Come back soon!"

    "Oh by the way, those pictures (except for the Tuxedo Mask and Chibi Chibi ones) are courtesy of Paul. Anyone who doesn't visit his site is a twit!!

    Go back to the Rainbow Realm!

    ^_^Special thanks to Bramble for helping me with this, ^_^
    ^_^ and getting me caught up in Sailor Moon in the first place!! ^_^

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