Butch's Cheap Photograph Scanning
There is no point in going out and spending hundreds of hard earned cash dollars having a few of your choice photographs scanned just to have some pics or pictures on your web home page. I have a scanner and I will be glad to scan your photos cheap. I have a high performance scanner that is able to scan up to 1200 dpi, although 300 is more than adequate. Book mark this page.
I will scan your photographs confidentially, and convert them to JPEG or JPG format. Or even giff. Giff images can be made to interlace on a web page, which means they download onto your browser faster through your telephone motam. JPEG and JPG have a little better quality.
I am not in this just for the money, because I am working full time in a field unrelated to computers. However a few extra bucks spending money would come in handy and justify some of the time I spend on the computer. Besides, I love to feel like I am doing a service for you.
The cost is a dollar and image. That is a lot less than my daughter spends on lipstick at Walmart. I will scan your pics in the correct format and return them to you by email, or post them on a page on the internet that only you and I can find. You will just have to use your right mouse button to click on the image, then push copy. Find the place on your home page where you want your image to appear, and press paste. It is that simple.
Or if you prefer I will help you open a web page of your own, and store the images in the files of the page. I am also availabe to answer any questions you have about computers, web pages, etc. Just try and get online help from a live person on the internet. Well I am not that smart, a year ago I couldn't even spell computers, now I are one. If I can not help you, I will find someone that can.
click here to see some samples of photographs I scanned
To order scan or ask questions email midnite_cowboy_98@yahooo.com/a>
You can also find me live on line by downloading icq by using this link: download icq, an online chat program
If you already have icq, my icq number is 57295199
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Do you want to register your home page with the search engines? click here
Do you think this is all to hard to learn and want someone to do it for you starting for about $20. Click here
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am Butch Cassidy, the bear, the storyteller, and these are the Sundance kids~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ICQ# 57295199...mIRC name= storyteller For Links to all my Sites http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/5426/index.html... ...I tell stories, show photos, images, pictures, some stories make you laugh and cry, some stories are true and some are just plain make believe. I also play lots of music and post lyrics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This page is about
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