Emu48 (630kB) Surprising emulator of HP48G/GX calculator for Windows 9x. Exactly equal to the true one. The programs can be proved before recording then to the authentic calculator. HP49G Emulator (1.6 Mb) Equal to HP48 emulator but to the Hp49G calculator. See that for new functions before buying one. | Links: HPCALC More than 120 MB in thousands of programs for the HP calculators, emulators, HP-PC Link Programs, HP49G calculators, links and more. HP48 Latest News For HP48/49 calculators. |
Listapro.zip (15kB) - > List of programs including in the zip files: Electr.zip (90kB) - > Electricity and Electronics Smelectr.zip (105kB) - > Electrical Engineering Matem48g.zip (467kB) - > Mathematical Matem48s.zip (763kB) - > More programs of Mathematical Juegos.zip (201kB) - > Games Kermit.zip (90kB) - > Transfer protocol in MS-DOS Faqeng.zip
(121kB)-> FAQ HP48 (answer |
The details to make this are in the user's manual of the calculator, however, here some general indications using common operating systems. In all the cases Serial Interface Cable must be 1) Using the HP Explorer
help.txt follows the indications
to use
2) Using the same software of the operating systems 2.1) In the HP48 In the menu < I/O > < Transfer >. Put the following parameters: ![]() 2.2) In Windows 9x
2.3) In Windows 3.x
• Run the Terminal of Windows, in the window of Accessories. • To Select the serial port predetermined (COM1, COM2, etc.) depending of which one is going away to use, normally COM2 is used. • In the Menu < Configuration > to select < Binary Transferences > Type: Kermit • In the Same Menu < Configuration > to select < Communications > and to fix the following parameters: Speed of Transmission in bauds: 9600 Bits of Data: 8 Bits of stop: 1 Parity: None Flow control: Xon/Xoff Connector: COM1, COM2, COM3, etc. depending of the port that is going away to use • In the Menu < Transfer > is selected < Send binary file > or < Receive binary file >, depending of which it is desired to do. |
2.4) In MSDOS