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Poems from Around the World

Poems Included


Do you say Amen
and know not what you say?
So be it now! And, let it me!
Not any other way!
Amen is magic, filled with life,
beginning, not the end
just use it wisely, it will be
a very special friends!
Amen is taking any wish
and making it a prayer,
it's giving wings to your thoughts
and flying ev'rywhere!
Amen is knowing in your heart
that things are really so!
So be it then, Amen! Amen!
I know--I know--I know!


Why am I trapped inside this shell
this prison, i call my body, I have no use for.
I scream, I shout, yet no jailor comes to let me out.
Who can hear my cries?
Who can hear what I speak inside?
Am I alone traped till I die?
Yet what is my crime that deserves this reply.
From my mothers womb I entered this lonley room,
Who holds the key that will unlock this darkness?
When shall I be released from this lonely prison?
Tis soon I hear, Tis soon.
For my Christ has risen...

- God's Call -

We were blessed with the love
and in the flicker of a flame
God called for the soul
from the body that it came

As we go on with our lives
and if only for a while
It won't be easy you know
not seeing that friendly smile

In our minds there's a presence
in our silence and in sound
In our thoughts there's a love
that can always be found

There's a yearning for togetherness
but it won't be too long
For Heaven is timeless
and with God we belong

When it's time and we're worthy
to recieve of that kiss
We'll be there in Heaven
with the Angels that we miss

We'll always feel the love
but that's not all
We'll all be together
and that's God's Call!
by Charles E. Bautsch

Give it Up
My yoke is easy
My burden is lite

My worries are few
Through day and night

My son I sent
To Save your soul

To cleanse your heart
To make you whole

My child I love you
Far more than you know

So my child don't fear
For before you I'll go

Take my hand
Step into the light

My angels keep watch
Through day and night

I have been with you through the years
In the future I'll always be here
- - by Rachel Imerese


If now your life in a tempest is tossed,
look unto Him who spared not the cost
who came through the womb
but then left on a cross
His life gladly given to ransom the loast.

Fear not for your vessel
nor its' weather worn sail
rather "count it all joy"
grab your bucket and bail

Remember: HE's still in command
of wind, waves AND the gale
whose own life did once hang
on a cross by a nail.
By M. Weiland, aka: "Not Eye"

God's Love <\center>
In the beginning before creation of man
God made his love into a master plan

Time began and creation came
but the sound of silence was never the same

From lightning came thunder
and out of the dust
Man could be heard shatting the trust

Jesus was sent with love for us all
and a way to salvation in spite of the fall

His love was spread for all to inspire
but the devil made evil quite a desire

Outraged to the point of bursting into flames
the devil continues with his evil games

Our lives he tempts with evil and sin
but God is here to help us win

Trust in God's word by following His plan
and be saved from the sin of ordinary man

Our souls will rise in a heavenly flight
as the light from home comes into sight

Silence was there before God's plan
but in all of its purity Gof's love is for man!
by Charles E. Bautsch, III

Have You Heard

An enormous clapping of thunder
the joy of a bird to see spring
the mewling of a new born kitten
the mighty roar of a jungle king

raindrops dancing on a tin roof
the honking of geese in flight
crackling wood in a cozy bonfire
an owl shattering a silent night

leaves whispering in the breeze
the rushing sound of a waterfall
or the ocean slapping a shoreline
and wondering WHO created it ALL?

copyright 1996 by Ava Fenner


I got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day;
I had so much to accomplish
that I didn't have time to pray.

Problems just tumbled about me,
and heavier came each task.
"Why doesn't God help me?" I wondered.
He answered, "You didn't ask."

I wanted to see joy and beauty,
but the day toiled on, gray and bleak;
I wondered why God didn't show me.
He said, "But you didn't seak."

I tried to come into God's presence;
I used all my keys at the lock;
God gently and lovingly chided,
"My child, you didn't knock."

I woke up early this morning,
and paused before entering the day;
I had so much to accomplish
that I took this time to pray.

God is in every tomorrow --

God is in every tomorrow,
Therefor I live for today,
Certain of finding a sunrise,
Guidance and strength for the way;
Power for each moment of weakness;
Hope for each moment of pain,
Comfort for every sorrow,
Sunshine and joy after the rain.

God is in every tomorrow,
E'en in the dark I will follow,
Trust where my eyes cannot see,
Still by His promise of blessing,
Sotthed by the touch of His hand,
Confident of His protection,
Knowi.Knowing my life is planned.

God is in every tomorrow,
life with its changes may come,
he is behind and before me,
While in the distance shines Home!
Home - where no thought of tomorrow
Ever can shadow my brow,
Home - in the presence of Jesus,
Through all eternity - now!


The Master was searching for a vessel to use:
Before Him were many, which one would He choose?

"Take me," cried the gold on. "I'm shiny and bright;
I'm of great value and I do thing just right.
My beauty and luster will outshine the rest,
And for someone like you, Master, Gold would be best."

The Master passed on with no word at all,
And looked at a silver urn, grand and tall.
"I'll you dear Master, I'll pour out your wide;
I'll be on your table whenever you dine.
My lines are so graceful, my carving so true,
And silver will always complement you."

Unheeding, the Master passed on to the brass
Wide-mouthed and shallow and polished like glass.
"Here, here!" cried the vessel, "I know I will do;
Place me on your table for all men to view."

"Look at me," called the goblet of crystal so clear,
"My transparency shows my contents so dear.
Though fragile am I, I will serve you with pride,
And I'm sure I'll be happy in your house to abide."

Then the Master came next to a vessel of wood;
Polished and carved, it solidly stood.
"You may use me, dearest Master," the wooden bowl said.
"But I'd rather you used me for fruit, not for bread."

Then the master looked down and saw a vessel of clay.
Empty and broken it helplessly lay.
No hope had the vessel that the Master might choose,
To cleanse, and make whole, to fill and to use.

"Ah! Now this is the vessel I've been hoping to find.
I'll meant it and use it and make it all mine.
I need not the vessel with pride of itself;
Nor one that is big-mouthed and shallow and loud;
Nor one that displays his contents so proud;
Nor the one who thinks he can do things just right;
But this plain earthen vessel filled with power and might."

Then gently He lifted the vessel of clay,
Mended and cleansed it and filled it that day;
Spoke to it kindly - "There's work you must do...
Just pour out to others as I pour into you."

by B.V. Cornwall

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