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(and many other names)

  • Tamf's guide to strange Alfandran names
  • the story of xgrmpflmprxyzzz
  • Robinton's stories from Alfandra
  • the land of Alfandra is a place widely known for its magic, tolerance and friendly atmosphere. it's a home and refuge for all dragon spirits who are lost in the world. it is also famous for its flying food, parties, and more than twenty five names.

    the Wacky and Wondrous World of Wyrms contains close to anything. there are poems and quests of the soul, as well as roleplays, socializing and crazy foodfighting. it is a place remarkably free of flames and other unpleasantry. this makes its inhabitors very much at ease with themselves and each other. there is no such thing as off-topic, and test posts are happily replied to. if people are in emotional pain they often find help amongst their friends in xgrmflmprxyzzz.

    a lot of talented artists seem to be attracted to the place as well, and we are frequently refreshened with new poems, stories and pictures.

    i am a rather frequent poster in the group, always ready to welcome a newbie, an old friend or a pie in the face. there really isn't any way to explain this group, but if it sounds a little bit intriguing to you, i recommend a visit. new beings seem to pop in every day, and if they make an introductory post, they are always warmly welcomed. is a thriving newsgroup for dragons and their supporters. the FAQ and lots of other info can be obtained from

    many of the posters are dragons, at a higher or lesser degree, but it is not necessary to be or play a dragon to join the group. we welcome any friendly being.

    however, keep in mind that some of us truly believe in our draconity. it is a serious issue and not just some game, although it can also be that.

    send Tamfmail
    choose Tamfness
    or Ranveigness