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this site is dead. go to the new one! update all links and bookmarks!
9/2/99 Put 4 more movies on the Downloadables page. They're rolling in!
8/31/99 Put 6 more movies on the Downloadables page. More to come!
8/17/99 Added some more icons and cursors to download at the downloadables page.
8/16/99 The new site is up! So much work....... Tell me what you think!
Update Archive

Image Gallery
Web Rings
Cool Stuff
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Email: AIM: mercknght1 ICQ: 13012295
Sailor Moon © Naoko Takeuchi
All page designs and graphics(including backgrounds) © 1999 Keith Thornhill
Attention! Do you want more hits for your site? Then join Mercury Knight's Top 100! Let people vote for your site, and watch your hits grow! Also, please click here to vote for this site. Thanx a lot!

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I would ignore everything past here cuz it's only for more hits and stuff like that. Later! :)
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