Monday, January 28, 2002
8:11 pm

i can't say what i want to... even if i'm not serious

ZUT! i have to read some 70 pages of les miserables by wednesday. hahaha, like that's going to happen! it's not that bad of a book, but there are other things i'd rather do.

it looks as though i'm going to be taking us history this summer through night school. 17 days, $155, and it sure as hell beats 12 weeks of it through normal summer school. but that leaves the stupid problem of picking out a class next year to take its place. le stupid. i might as well take psychology (since i didn't get it this semester, stupid fucking assholes) and.... oh fuck i don't know. i'll probably end up taking a study hall.


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catfood catfood

peach is gAy. except for velvet, that song is cool.

we have a new dictionary!!! it's all red and gross and it reminds me of tylenol and big red, both of which make me want to throw up or as danielle and i used to call it "toss my cookies" courtesy of warcraft even though the elf ogre thing never actually said it, only "my tummy feels funny" and then we would go talk to the cows... oh wait that was diablo. or as trey called die-AB-loe. hahaha good times. i think i'm gonna go slap myself now goodbye and have a good night.


OH FUCK, i just realized that today is the 28th and i wrote 27 on all my papers today! why why WHY must i be programmed to feel pain?!
