friday, june 16
4:40 pm

well, nothing stunningly important happened today, though i'm in a writing mood. nirvana's "in bloom" blasting from the radio, and the bird that's in my attic is chirping loudly. damn, how the hell, no, WHY the hell did it get into my attic??? anycrap, KISS ((radio station i'm listening to, the only good station in san antonio)) is going to announce two "major" concert events in a few minutes. i know one of them HAS to be korn, whose comming here on august 14, which just HAPPENS to be our first day of school. suck that.

TRL comes on in the evening too, right? normally i would never watch it, but the new korn video "somebody someone" debuted today on TRL, and i missed it.

oh, joy, the first "major" concert event is iron maiden, queensrych and rob halford. WOW, I DON'T WANNA MISS THAT ONE. yea right. why are these 80's hair bands still around? i thought they had all OD'ed back in the day when their fans wern't over 30. oh well, one concert event to go, and i hope it's korn 'cause this concert event is depressing and i need some korn to brighten my day.

does anybody REALLY know what Schlitterbahn means? well danielle and i are going there on monday ((hopefully, if her lazy mom can get off her ass and take us there... hey, it's only a 45 minute drive, it's not like it's in austin)). that's going to be so wicked-fun, although trey's probably going to be pissed that she's going with me and not him. he's really been pissing me off lately, and i don't care if he reads this. he probably won't anyway b/c he never comes to my site even when i tell him to, so i probably don't have anything to worry about.

she turned away, what was she looking at?
she was a sour girl the day that she left me

chineses food = eeeewwwww. i'm SO sick of it. my mom just asked me if going to a chinese resturaunt tonight was ok. hell no it's not ok. i'm almost as sick chinese food as i am of sea food. i'm not even hungry, even though i haven't eaten anything today. maybe that's because i ate half a bag of chips last night. OH GREAT GUESS WHERE WE'RE GOING TO EAT? the one resturaunt i wish would burn down: sea island. sea food. ugh. mommy, don't make me go.

7:13 pm

oh god. i'll never eat sea food again. uugghhh. well, thanks to my GREAT seafood experience, i missed the second "major" concert event. but i looked in the Weekender, and the only thing that's listed that i could've been is Santana, who's comming on october 8 or something like that. but it might not have been santana b/c whever KISS makes the annoucements, they're usually not listed in the Weekender yet. Iron Maided wasn't. so it might've been korn. and if it was, then i missed the ticked sale date, which is a crucial part of the concert experience, especially if it's korn 'cause korn tix sell out within the first one or two days. danielle and i would camp out in a tent in front of the ticketmaster doors ((foley's is the ticketmaster outlet we go to)), but we'd probably get arrested.

oh, to everyone who is reading this ((whether i know you or not)), be sure to send an instant message to balzinyourmouth and let him know how stupid his screen name is. his name is michael, and he's a moron.

i got my lunchbox and i'm armed real well

tomorrow night my dad is taking me and danielle to a Beatlemainia concert. Beatlemainia is a Beatles tribute band, so that should be fun. unfortunately, it's at an outdoor venue, so it's gonna be ma-freakin' hot, and i have a feeling that there aren't going to be any high-pressure hoses to cool us off. ((oh well, at least my shoes might survive the night))

i had a dream last night that i, along with about 8 other girls, was a guitar player for the band lit. but we wern't on stage, we were all on this ramp that led up to the stage. it was in an ampitheater, and it was really really hot, since the show was in the afternoon. half-way through the concert, a.jay popoff ((singer for lit)) ran off the stage, and i heard someone say that he had a rat in his pants ((?!?!?!?!?!?)). he came back on stage and we continued playing. then about 4/5ths of the way through the concert, the ramp filled with water, and we were all on inner tubes. then a.jay came over to us and started making fun of us, and he dragged one girl on stage and made her hop around the stage on one of those huge bouncy balls you sit on and jump on. then somehow he turned up the water pressure on the ramp, and knowing we were about to get really wet, i through my guitar on the stage to salvage it ((we were all lined up on the ramp, and i was the first one in the line)) and we all went careening down the ramp while he and the audience laughed at us. we ended up in a trailer that was completely full of water. i remember panicking because i thought i was going to drown, and if i opened my eyes to look for the door, i would lost my contacts. but somehow, i found the door, and i got out. in front of us, there was a HUGE bus, which we decided was Lit's tourbus. we went inside, and inside it was like a house. absolutely huge. after exploring its many rooms, we started walking back to the stage. all of a sudden, i, and another girl named andrea, remembered that we had left out guitars on the stage, and we ran full-speed towards the stage. when we got there, the ammpitheater was empty, and a.jay was nowhere to be seen. the only guy there was their guitar technician, and andrea and i asked him where out guitars were. he handed me my guitar and it was in peices. i was very upset, because it was a silver ibanez my dad had bought me, and it was new, so if it was destroyed, he would be very upset. i made him fix it, and that's when i woke up. a very bizarre dream. it was probably inspired by the fact that i was playing "my own worst enemy" my guitar yesterday, and i had heard the song "miserable" on the radio. in real life, my guitar is a black Kramer, but what i really want is a silver ibanez. very bizzarre.

songs of the day
"lunchbox" by marilyn manson
"down" by stone temple piolots
"in bloom" by nirvana
"stuck" by ultraspank
"i put a spell on you" by marilyn manson
"clown" by korn
"miserable" by lit
"my own worst enemy" by lit

love and all that stupid shit,
