Thursday, May 10, 2001
8:14 pm

he makes me want to die.

Static-X kicked ass, as i knew it would. though Godhead started about an hour late. then, right as they finish their first song, someone inside set off the fire alarm and the stage power went out. so he's like "some idiot smokin pot inside set off the fire alarm so... chill out or something." so after ten minutes or so, they got the power up and all was good. *sigh* memories... ah well, we'll see them again AND marilyn manson in just a few short months.

ok, i have to explain the layout of Sunset Station: the stage is a pavillion outside. surrounding it are a few bars, a dance club, and a restaurant. all this is gated in, so it's all Sunset Station. the pavillion is at the center of it all.

so Godhead was great, just like last time. then Static-X took the stage about 15 minutes after Godhead ended, and that's where the mayhem set it. we were separated for a minute or two during the first song, but then i felt a tap on my shoulder, and there was danielle. sometime later, some guy in a mosh pit hit me and i fell and was kicked around a few times until some guy next to me grabbed my arm and pulled me up. i looked around and realized and danny and i were separated again, but i found her a few minutes later.

oh yea, danielle brought along mike, who is a friend of mine too, i guess. so anyway, he was there too.

god i love concerts, though mosh pits can suck... but usually it's alright. i'm usually the only girl i see who's standing at the edge pushing around the guys. some guy last night even said to me "you push those guys hard!" i smiled. i like being a girl.

i'm listening to Soundgarden right now. "A-Sides." It's my dad's. he has all the coolest cd's. the day i tried to live...

my mom and i got back from Borders a little bit ago. she got me my first birthday present, an H.R. Giger tarot deck. i saw it and i just had to have it. i love Giger.

14 days left of school. dammit, i wish i could drive.

i also wish i was seeing nine inch nails. damn communist monkeys.

ok, now i must go. i have a magazine to read, some tarot cards to play with, Soundgarden to listen to, and a shower to take. black hole sun.....

