sunday, may 18, 2003
11:23 pm

excuse me, is this the headquarters for the punchable faces club?

well i've got tactics all figured out. i was up until four last night playing. i'm so tired.

mmmm. opiates.

i wish it would fucking rain. rainrainrainrainrainrairnainrairnianriranrinianriniarkimahriknowswhereyouliverianrirainrainrrainrain arrniarniarni

i actually ate a taquito from whataburger. it was the single greatest experience of my life. not really. then, just as we were leaving, a big juicy beetle fell from the sky onto ryan's shoulder. damn bats can't get a firm hold on their food.

ah yes. i was supended from school for three days for reasons too stupid and lame to go into. i have to go back to school on wednesday. but now i hold the assistant principals in a whole new light. they gave me three days off! plus, i can make up all the work i missed. my parents didn't even care that i was suspended. this is the best damn punishment ever.
