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Little known DBZ Facts
Contridictions in  DBZ Storyline
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Super Saiyia-jin Info
How they became SSJ's
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Planet DBZ

       Hello and welcome to Planet DBZ. As you see we have made major improvents to 
the site. Also DrRafi52 has made a few more upgrades and made some new  sites so 
 check them out. If you need anything or have any suggestions E-mail us. Well 
enjoy the site.

News and Updates

12/26/02~~~ Hey this is DrRafi52 here, Its been a while but school is taking up alot of time.. Sadly it seems A2me has given up his intrest in DBZ..I will never though..I have abbout 15 new sections that are *already* finished. I just need to find the time to uplaod them all and link them. Unlike any other iste we arent closing down..we arent charging you money..We arnt asking u to join a club or vote for anything. It is said that the best websites are those that are thier to relieve ones one intrest in somthing. And thats exactly what I am here to do. Just pure facts for those who care. Well i am still here and working I'll keep you posted as to when those un-uploaded sections will appear.later.....~~DrRafi52

6-/11/02- Ok its been a while since I wrote anything here but you can be sure that we wont give up or get bored of our fans like Planet Namek has a few mnths ago. Even though you havent heard from us in along time you can be sure that we are working on stuff and the "coming soon" stuff as well. A2me is supposed to be posting the summary for the Buu saga and the cell saga and i am almost done DBGT summary.Well i have to go now. PleAse dont hesitate to e-mail me (Drrafi52). Until then I'll be working here so cya later.

12/10/01- As some of you may have noticed, our first six image pages were not working properly. The first 3 are now up and running, 3 through 6 should be up soon. You might have noticed that I promised this a 2 months ago, well, my dad got ticked off at me, and grounded me. Sorry about the wait. See you guys later.

Special Recomedations

I would advise you to take a look at the Little known DBZ Facts section. It took a lot of hard work and is very useful. It has been up for a while but not many people seem to know what its on it. here is a sample:"Shenlong (the Eternal Dragon) is actually a nickname for Jacky Chan. ". Here is another one:"Mr. Satan has a dog named Bee". So know that you got a taste of it be sure to check out 55+ facts that you never knew.Enjoy!

Coming Soon

Well there are alot of new things on the way and most of them are complete I just have to debug them and upload them. They are: 

1) A FAQ section 
2) There will be a " How they became SSJ 2".
3) The bad guys and the good guys sections are being updated
4) The Buu saga Summery will be up soon.
5) This is a big one, I am starting A humor section which in its earlist form will have about 5 sites in in it.
6) A few minor adjustments here and there will be done.

Thats it for now but we are always thinking about stuff or at least I (DrRafi52) am and I am sure A2me is thinking about more improvements.