Chapter 4 Instructional Analysis: Analyzing the Learners |
Orienting Questions
By Regina M. Daigre
What are stable and changing similarities and differences among learners?
What are the categories of cognitive characteristics that should be considered in designing instruction?
What is the difference between general characteristics and specific prior knowledge of a learner population?
What are some instructional strategy variables that may be influenced by learner characteristics?
How can different learner characteristics influence how the variables are implemented?
How can you identify sources of information about learner characteristics of a particular audience?
What are some examples of learner characteristics?
What are some techniques and procedures that can be used to identify learner characteristics when designing instruction?
An Overview of Learner Analysis
By Kayla Hopkins
When designing instructional opportunities, the designer often assumes that everyone learns the way he or she does. Unfortunately that could never be farther from the truth. For the program to be effective, it must be stimulating to the targeted audience. How can that be accomplished? The construction of an audience profile with the use of questionnaires can be a valuable start. The key to instructional design is to work around the participants rather than the content. It is very important to not develop a program based on the characteristics you hope your audience will have. You must be realistic, the audience may come to you with a wider variety of interests and knowledge. This may seem overwhelming and confusing for a program designer, but with careful preparation and open mindedness, a successful project can result.
Similarities and Differences Between Learners
By Virginia Harman
Four Categories Of Human Characteristics |
Stable similarities: |
Similarities among people that are relatively unchanging over time. |
Stable differences: |
Differences among people that are relatively unchanging over time. |
Changing similarities: |
Similarities among people that change over time. |
Changing differences: |
Differences among people that change over time. |
Stable Similarities
By Sheryl Frederick
Stable Similarities |
Relevance To Instructional Design |
Sensory capacities |
Observing and modeling the behaviors |
Information processing |
Sensory Register, Short term (working memory), Long term memory, Factor Enhancing |
Types of learning |
Attitudes: factual information, concepts reasoning |
Conditions of learning |
Verbal information, intellectual skills, emotional reactions of others. |
Stable Differences
By Kayla Hopkins
There are basically four stable differences among learners that are identified in the text: (1) Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.), (2) Cognitive Style, (3) Psychosocial Traits, and (4) Gender, Ethnicity, & Racial Group. The relevance to instructional design for these stable difference are listed below.
Stable Differences |
Relevance To Instructional Design |
(1) Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.) |
(2) Cognitive Style |
(3) Psychosocial Traits |
(4) Gender, Ethnicity, & Racial Group |
The following web sites contain more information on:
Intelligence Quotient: |
Characteristics & Appropriate Assessment |
Online I.Q. Test |
How I.Q. can change over time |
Cognitive Styles: |
Definitions & Educational Applications | |
Cognitive Styles (continued): |
Learning Styles |
Attributes of Independent and Dependent Cognitive Styles |
Psychosocial Traits: |
Self Concept and Self Esteem | |
Music Education and Self Concept |
Self concepts for Children Ages 5-8 |
Measuring Self Concepts Across the Life Span |
Gender, Ethnicity, & Racial Group: |
Educational Reform for Latino Students |
Multicultural Education | |
Educating All |
Guide for Conducting a Multi-level Needs Assessment |
Changing Similarities
By Regina M. Daigre
Changing similarities can be defined as changing similarities among people that change over time, for example, the "startle response" of an infant. The author describes how babies wave their arms in a particular way when they are lowered. This pattern changes overtime. These notable distinctions gradually go away. It is believed that this movement leads to a more localized movement like facial gestures that show surprise. The startle response is used to illustrate the characteristic changing similarities. It is a characteristic that changes overtime but it is a shared similarity among us.
Developmental Theories Illustrative Of Changing Similarities |
Development Process
Intellectual Development
Language Development
Psychosocial & Personality Development
Changing similarities are those learner characteristics that are developmental. They appear to develop in a particular path over time. Knowledge of changing similarities can benefit the instructor in the instructional design process.
Related Links For Changing Similarities |
Erik Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development. |
LEARNING GUIDES: Piaget's Developmental Theory. |
Developmental stages: Erickson | |
Developmental stages: Piaget | |
Developmental stages: Levinson | |
ABCs of A Good Language Learner |
Behaviorist theories of learning | |
Behaviorist theory of learning: Skinner | |
Changing Differences
By Virginia Harman
Changing Differences |
Relevance To Instructional Design |
Development State |
Intellectual—increasing capacity to engage n certain kinds of abstract thought as depicted by Piaget. Other—i.e. personality, includes Erikson’s eight model of psychological development and Kohlberg |
Prior Learning |
General World Knowledge—the storehouse of knowledge, which varies other factors. Example: ability to decode visual messages. Specific—the most important factor, knowledge specific to each individual. Example: taking Spanish I |
Student Evaluation |
Applications of AI (Computer Aided Instruction) in Education |
Distance Education (Desk Guide Online) |
Preparing Faculty for Instructional Technology: From Education to Development to Creative Independence |
What is the Collaborative Classroom?—Individual Differences Among Students |
Significance of Types of Learner Characteristics
By Sheryl Frederick
By combining two opposite dimensions we get four quadrants of learning types.
Specific Prior Learning
By Kayla Hopkins
Specific prior learning is considered to be the most significant factor when designing an instructional program. This information can be obtained through testing a sample of the targeted audience. Questioning the trainers and teachers that will be involved in the program can be beneficial. Questioning for background information that is not directly related to the new concepts may be valuable to the designer also. With this information, the designer can provide effective educational opportunities for the learners.
An Explanation of Prior Learning Assessment |
Classroom Assessment Techniques | |
Questionnaire Design |
Complete Software Solution for Survey Research |
Learner Characteristics
By Regina Daigre
The following web sites contain more information on:
Cognitive Characteristics |
General aptitudes, Specific aptitudes, Developmental level, Language development level, Reading level, Level of visual literacy, Cognitive processing styles, Cognitive and learning strategies and general world knowledge |
Specific Prior Knowledge |
The instructor must ask the following questions: Do you have some background knowledge or skills that will help you learn the current task? Will the instructor have to fill in this background knowledge for the student? Is there a wide variation in background knowledge among the learners? Do you have some of the skills and knowledge the instructor plans to teach? |
Physiological Characteristics |
Sensory perception, General health, Age |
Affective Characteristics |
Interests, Motivation, Motivations to learn, Academic self-concept, Anxiety level, Beliefs, Attribution of success, Attitude toward subject matter, Attitude toward learning, Perceptions of and experience with specific forms of knowledge |
Social Characteristics |
Relationships to peers, Feelings toward authority, Tendencies toward cooperation or competition, Moral development, Socioeconomic background, Racial/ethnic background, affiliations, Role models |
Top 10 Learner Characteristics…Middle |
Top 10 Learner Characteristics…Intermediate |
Top 10 Learner Characteristics---High |
Learner Characteristics |
Learner Characteristics |
What is the purpose of using learner characteristics? |
Learner Characteristics |
Assessing Learner Characteristics
By Virginia Harman
Student Assessment |
Guide for Conducting A Multi-Level Needs Assessment |
How Does Learning Happen Best? |
Helping You Learn "HOW TO LEARN" |
Training Department 2.3 Conducting a Learner Analysis |
Instructional Design Course |
Using Adult Learning Styles to Better Reach Your Audiences |
Advanced Instructional Systems Design |
A Transitional Model of the Teaching/Learning Process | |
Assumptions About the Adult Learner | |
Instructional Design Overview | |
Implications of Learner Characteristics for Design
By Sheryl Frederick
Implications Of Instructional Design |
Pace Attention Structure Grouping Number of examples Learner control Reinforcement |
Practice Context of examples Medium Chunking Amount of practice Reading level Time |
Relevance statements Context of practice items Concrete/abstraction Response mode Feedback Vocabulary Learning guidance |
Source: Smith, Patricia L. and Tillman J. Ragan. Instructional Design, second edition, Merrill, 1999.
The Target Audience
By Regina Daigre
The target audience is key to designing instruction. The purpose of the target audience is to analyze the characteristics of the learners that are anticipated to use instruction. A good analytical review of the target audience helps the designer design instruction that is interesting and effective to the learner.
Links for the Learner Analysis |
An example of LEARNER ANALYSIS |
The EnterTech Target Learner Characteristics Report |
Learner Analysis Assignment |
Planning Form |
Learner Needs Analysis |
Training Department Product: Sample Learner Analysis Report | |
Cases for Instructional Design
By Regina Daigre
Designing A Computer Science Curriculum |
CASE 1 The assistant principal of instruction has appointed you as Team Leader of an Instructional Design Team at a local high school. The school hopes to offer computer science courses to graduating seniors for the academic year 2000-01. Your team has been asked to analyze all 11th graders who are currently taking advanced math courses. Using the four categories of human characteristics, your team is to develop an instructional design unit for Computer Science. Identify and describe four particular characteristics for each category as described in this lesson. |
CASE 2 Using the same learner population as described in Case 1, describe the difference between general characteristics and specific prior knowledge of the target group. |
CASE 3 Using the same learner population as described in Case 1, list and describe at least seven instructional strategy variables that may be influenced by learner characteristics. |
CASE 4 Based on the scenario in Case 1, your team is to analyze the learner environment. What information would you wish to know about the eleventh grade students who will receive this computer science program? List the questions that you would ask. Tell how you would go about finding the answers to your questions. |
By Regina Daigre
Learner styles are key in developing effective instructional design materials. The instructional designer must be able to identify the target audience. Prior to identifying the target audience, the instructional designer needs to have an understanding of learner styles or characteristics. Smith and Ragan identify four categories of learner characteristics: cognitive, physiological, affective, and social. Each of these categories is important and may or may not be used all at one time in a learner analysis.
First, the cognitive domain comprises itself of four pillars: stable similarities, stable differences, changing similarities, and changing differences. Stable similarities and stable differences do not change over time. Changing similarities and changing differences do change over time. Secondly, physiological characteristics like health and age are usually obvious to the designer. Physiological characteristics are identified in leaner analyses that are affected by this domain. Thirdly, the affective characteristics are on a more personable level. The instructional designer seeks to discover the target audience interests, motivational level, attitude, perceptions, self-concept, anxiety, beliefs, and attribution. It would be unwise to assume a target audience would be interested in instructional materials just because the designer has an interest in the materials. Finally, social characteristics are concerned about how the learner relates to his or her peers. What are their feelings toward authority? What tendencies do the learners have toward cooperation or competition? What is the perception of the learners' moral development? What is the socioeconomic background of the learner? Other variables that may influence social characteristics are racial/ethnic background, affiliations, and role models.
The designer may or may not use all the learning styles or characteristics when conducting a learner analysis. The amount of information collected is based on what is needed for the learner analysis. This chapter is a good model for the instructional designer who needs to develop instructional materials for a target group or target population that he or she is unfamiliar with. Another implication for instructional design to consider is specific prior knowledge. The specific prior knowledge of a learner population is generally the most important single learner characteristic to consider in the instructional design analysis because learners can sometime become inattentive in a course if it is below their learning level.
Types Of Learner Characteristics |
Cognitive Physiological Affective Social |
Specific Prior Knowledge |
Source: Smith, Patricia L. and Tillman J. Ragan. Instructional Design, second edition, Merrill, 1999.
Related Links |
Learning, Teaching and Technology: provides an overview of principles of effective teaching and learning. |
Developing Learning Outcomes: template for instructional design planning form, learning activities planning form, and interaction and exercises samples, and Bloom's taxonomy |
Scott's Research Library: Instructional Theory and Design Resources: information about instructional design, curriculum development, and instructional development. |
Instructional Design and Teaching Styles: learn how to plan classes so that the students will them as well as learn. |
Learner Characteristics and Instructional Design |
Learner Analysis |
General Needs Analysis |
Instructional Design Models |