Margery Casares Home Page

A Novel Place

                                The Web Home of Author Margery Markness Casares

Margery's Bio

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Margery Harkness Casares is a multipublished, award-winning author from North Louisiana. She wrote her first story at age 8 about a little girl who didn't want to go to school and a little frog who did.

She's been married twice, is the mother of four wonderful children, two sons and two daughters. Now retired, she lives in the small town of Bivins, Texas.

Margery's varied experiences include having been an Arthur Murray Instructor, appearing each Tuesday night on TV with the Arthur Murray dancers; a bartender; a bar owner; and a private secretary, to name a few. She collects dolls, books, and antique jewelry. She loves yard sales, flea markets, antique shops, & auctions. But mostly, she loves to write and to share that love with others.


 A Book is Like A Garden in the Pocket


The Books

To Read Excerts and Reviews

Click the Covers

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    "A Blosson Fell"

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Flood Drought &Trudy Pyburg

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Song of Innocence


    " Under The Mulberry Tree"


~Click above forWhite Azaleas!~

~Read reviews and an excerpt of White Azaleas!~







A Novel Place

WORDS by Charles Langley

I love words.
Noun and verb and preposition,
(dangling or in firm position)
learned by rote or intuition
I love words.

I love words.
Words of praise or denigration,
Those of sadness or elation,
All in endless celebration,
I love words.

I love words.
Be it ode or be it fiction,
Words are surely my addiction.
This I say without restriction,
I love words.

I love words.
Let my epitaph convey it.
Carve the stone with words to say it.
Spare the hymn, the dirge belay it,
He loved words.





Come drink a toast to flashing eyes,
To smiles that linger in the brain,
A toast to whispered love and sighs,
With bitter heartbreak for refrain.

We drink to things that might have been,
To lovers who have come and gone,
To fires that ne'er shall burn again,
To worlds that ended with the dawn.

Come drink your cup, 'tis full as yet,
Wash from your eyes the look of pain,
Though love has flown, have no regret,
Tomorrow brings new love again.




I've always loved words. I learned
at a very early age the magic of words.
Words can hurt or heal; they can evoke
sympathy or animosity; they can soothe a
savage heart, or enrage a gentle soul.

Words are powerful for good or evil.
I'm a writer; therefore words are the
substance of my work. My love of creating
exciting worlds and characters, and my
ability to escape into the worlds I create
is limited only by the extent of my imagination.

I want to share my love of writing with
others who are interested. I'd like this site
to be a showcase, not only for my work, but for
the work of others. Look for interesting
things to come in the near future.



Articles on Writing

Margery's unpublished works


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Guest Book

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