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Meet Kaye


My name is Kaye Des'Ormeaux and I am 47 years old. I am married to a wonderful husband, Brian. He is my everything.

We have 4 wonderful children who are all grown & on their own now. They are Nicki (27) Rickey (25) Christi (24) & Jared (23). We have been blessed with 2 beautiful grandsons, Nicholas (11) & Bailey (2 1/2).

We live in Cameron Parish, located at the bottom of the Southwest corner of Louisiana. My husband has been a criminal detective with the Sheriff's Department for twenty years & I was self employed. Self employed until I was knocked to my knees with illness & was picked up by the Lord. We are Christians & do our best to put the Lord first in our lives. I say "do our best" because old Satan is always around trying to break us down.

I was diagnosed with lung disease in 1997 after a long stay in coma on a life-support machine. I had an episode (strange word for it) of A.R.D.S. Also known as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Many of you who have been faced with the word "Syndrome" know that this word just means they don't know what causes it. Right?

The Lord brought me home & is still watching over me to this very moment. And, His glorious grace is the reason I write poetry. To give Him honor & glory.

Ergo, I met a beautiful lady named Judi Walker, who had lost her son to a murder. The tide kept rolling & I met another lady named Clarissa, who had lost her daughter & granddaughter at the hands of murder. I wrote a poem for Judi & wrote one for Clarissa. Judi's poem was entitled "In The Twinkling of an Eye" & Clarissa's was entitled "My Mom Is A Survivor." Needless to say, I soon met the moms of MMIAS. To show you how the Lord works, I didn't even know there was a support group with that name when I titled the poem. Then, I met Sonya. And, she asked me to write a poem for the Dads. Of course, the Lord & your 'angels" gave me the words.

The rest is history. I began to realize how much the moms & dads meant to me. I began to realize that when I am in hospital or just plain in distress, that it is their Angels who are with me. This may sound strange to you, but it so true. I can feel their presence with me. And, I am looking forward to the day when I cross over that river & meet them all. I know that they will be waiting there for me.

If any of you ever feel the need to talk to me, I am here. I will be more than happy to help you in any way I can. Don't hesitate to call upon me.

Kaye Des'Ormeaux

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