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New York
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The event's of September 11, 2001 will always be remembered by these generations.  Thinking about New York has reminded me of the nice time Mia and I had there.  I've made a few videos and I will post them here.  Later I'll put up pics of the forever changed New York  skyline, but for now share with me these times of joy...

You'll need this file to run these movies DivX 4.01 (709 KB)

MiaWatchingSnow.jpg (22650 bytes) see the movie (896 Kb)

I can't believe it! we have snow!


MiaInTheSnow.jpg (10041 bytes) see the movie (1.1 Mb)

Mia HAD to make a snow angel.  We've never been in this much snow!.

ChrisThrowingTheSnnow.jpg (36303 bytes) see the movie (2.2 Mb)

You better duck!, Chris is throwing a snow ball.