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Nov. 29, 1978-Dec. 2, 1997

Ryan was a very special person, who touched the lives of many and
was loved by all. He is our special angel, who watches over
his mom, dad and younger brother. We love and miss him so much.
As a parent it was difficult to find out that you could not
keep your child safe. Ryan is in heaven now, and safe in the
arms of Our Lord. His spirit of love lives on in us and the
many who knew and loved him.
Love you baby, Mom

Ryan was murdered due to gang violence. He died because he got
involved with the wrong people and they thought he was a "snitch."
He was shot point blank, in the back of the head 3 times, with a
sawed off shotgun. The shooter was in the car with him.

We found out before we went to trial that Ryan had not been a snitch. Unfortunately these type of people seem to " shoot first and ask questions last".

Feb. 8th, 2000, we went to trial for Ryan's murder. The shooter was
convicted of 2nd degree murder and received a sentence of 22 years,
flat time. He also was convicted of Assisting a Criminal Street Gang,
3 1/2 years, running concurrent. He will be 40 years old when he is
released from prison.

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