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Port Glasgow Curling Club


Gourdie Winners: Ian Darroch, Iain Jones, Phil Jones & John Taylor

Derby Winners: Ronnie Rushton, Jim Snoddy, Kenny MacDonald, (Euan Polea) & Khoo

Lapsley Winners: Andy Hendry, David Hebenton, Duncan McGilp & Robert Kirkpatrick

We retained the Kilmacolm Quaich - Won the Park Trophy and the District Medal and Andy Hendry won the Largs Bonspiel with his team of youngsters Euan Polea, Angus Shearer and Brian Blacklaw(!!)

See you @ the AGM & Prizegiving on Tuesday 16th April

Follow the links below for team news and fixtures.

Rinks for 2012/2013
Full Fixture List & Results

Gourdie Table
Derby Tables
Lapsley Tables
Previous Teams, Tables and Results
Winning Rinks from History
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Club Merchandise
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