By now, there should be no doubt in your mind that there is an orchestrated effort by a small group of men to establish a one-world government. Even though we have gone back to look at the roots, and evolution of this movement, the actual motive goes back much farther than that. Just think about, what motivation could there be to fuel that kind of desire. The answer, is that you have to look at things with a spiritual eye, in order to comprehend the complexities that the New World Order actually represents. And when you do that, then you can understand how it has been able to progress through all these years, and why it will continue.
When you read Genesis 1:1-2, it says: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," The Rotherham translation of the Bible, which was taken from the original Hebrew, says: "Now the earth had become waste and empty." You have to understand that there was an undetermined amount of time which passed between these two verses. However, we do have some clues about certain events which occurred before Adam, and the refurbishing of this world for his habitation.
Just as God told Noah and his sons in Genesis 9:1 to "replenish" the earth after the flood, God had told Adam and Eve the same thing in Genesis 1:28. This seems to indicate that there were men on the earth before Adam. Proof of this can be found in Jeremiah 4:23-26. Now you can understand the time frame, and the circumstances regarding Lucifer(the "lightbringer"). He was a "cherub"(the highest classification of angels), and is described in the Bible as being wise and perfect. It was his job to bring light. Eventually he became proud of himself, and sought to take the place of God(Isaiah 14:12-17, Ezekiel 28:2, I Timothy 3:6). He led a third of the angels(Revelation 12:4) in a revolt against Michael, the archangel, and the remaining angels(Jude 1:6, II Peter 2:4-5), for the control of Heaven. This battle for the control of Heaven nearly destroyed the earth. After his defeat, Lucifer was cast down to earth, where he became known as "Satan"(which means " adversary" ), the leader of the fallen angels(or demons), and the "god of this world" (II Corinthians 4:4).
When God renewed the earth, and created man in his image, he gave Adam dominion over the earth, which infuriated Satan, who had the impression that he was to rule over the earth. Again, Satan plotted against God, and caused Adam and Eve to sin by eating the fruit of the tree which was forbidden by God. For their sin, they were banished from the Garden of Eden. Ever since then, Satan has been carrying out his plan to corrupt and control the earth. For six thousand years, a small group of satanically empowered men have been feverishly working to eliminate God and to enslave mankind. The New World Order is nothing more than the culmination of these efforts. The final step of a plan that will enable Satan to again challenge God, and the angelic forces of Heaven.
Just as there have been signs that the political powers of this world are coming together in a New World Order, so it has been with the Church. The establishment of a World Church would seem to go hand-in-hand with a World Government. In this chapter, we will go back to the early history of man, and follow the history of the church, and what its relationship may be to the World Church.
In the Bible, according to the book of Genesis, Noah had three sons, Ham, Shem, and Japheth. Ham had a son by the name of Cush, and Cush's son was called Nimrod, and was known as the "mighty hunter". It was Nimrod who attempted to build a tower that would reach to Heaven. God confused their language, so they couldn't understand each other, and they were scattered over the face of the Earth. Nimrod (allegedly the founder of Masonry) established a religious system, with the help of his mother and father, to control the people through political methods. This was the beginning of the occult, which became known as Baal(Satan) worship. A common practice was to sacrifice babies. Nimrod's great-uncle Shem became so enraged over Nimrod's activities, and with the help of a group of Egyptians, killed him, chopped his body up into little pieces, and sent the pieces to different cities as a warning to those who dabbled in the occult.
Nimrod's mother, Semiramis(who had married her son Nimrod), took over the religion, and proclaimed Nimrod a god. She gathered all of Nimrod's pieces, except for his penis, which she couldn't find. She created the symbol of the obelisk and established phallus worship. She claimed that an Evergreen tree sprouted from a tree stump, which she said indicated the entry of new life into the deceased Nimrod. Every year on the anniversary of Nimrod's birth, said to be on December 25th, she would leave gifts at this Evergreen tree, which was the origin of the Christmas tree.
The religion was pushed underground. Those joining had to take oaths of secrecy, and had to tell their priests everything they did wrong. In this way, via the "confessional", they could blackmail anyone who didn't yield to their will. Semiramis became known as the "Queen of Heaven" and was symbolized by the figure of the Moon. Nimrod, her son/husband, was now called Baal, the Sun God, or the "Divine Son of Heaven". Statues were produced showing Semiramis holding the baby Nimrod.
When Babylon fell, the religion grew in Egypt and Pergamos(in Asia Minor), where Semiramis became known as Isis, and Nimrod became known as Horus(or Osiris), the Sun God. In Deuteronomy 4:19, Moses warned against Sun worship. In other lands, forms of Baal worship became dominant among various religious practices. In China, Semiramis was called "Sing Moo"("Holy Mother"); in ancient Phoenecia, she was called "Ashtoreth", and in Asia Minor, "Diana".
So, God established a nation of Jews, called Israel, and gave them laws to live by. They were to be the light to a world ravaged with sin, but they too became caught up in idol worship. Even though prophets, anointed by God, warned them, they did not heed the warning. As a punishment, God allowed them to become enslaved by other nations.
When Attalus, King of Pergamos, died in 133 B.C., he bequeathed the Babylonian priesthood to Rome. Thus, Julius Caesar became the Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Order. All Roman emperors served in this capacity until 376 A.D., when Emperor Gratian refused it, and Damascus , a Church Bishop, was appointed the Supreme Pontiff.
Jesus Christ, whose birth was prophesied by Isaiah(Isa. 7:14), was sent by God to be the saviour of the Jews. However, he wasn't recognized as the awaited Messiah, and was despised by religious leaders who plotted against him. These Jewish leaders became his judges, presenting phony witnesses, and breaking eighteen Jewish laws in order to have him sentenced to death. Satan, who three years before, had tempted Jesus in the wilderness, believed that through his crucifixion, he had defeated Christ. But, as you know, he was resurrected three days later; and forty days later was transfigured into heaven. With the Great Commission, Jesus had instructed his disciples to go through all the world to spread the gospel, and Satan tried his best to defeat the Christian movement.
Two years after the establishment of the true Christian Church, Satan raised up a man known as Simon Magus, a Babylonian priest, to do his bidding. According to Acts 8:9-11, Simon "used sorcery, and bewitched the out that himself was some great one." Many people, "from the least to the greatest" were impressed with him, thinking him to be "the great power of God." When the apostle Philip began to preach the gospel, and perform miracles in Samaria, Satan saw the potential of being able to use Christianity for his own purpose, and Simon tried to buy his way into an apostleship, without repenting his sins, in order to gain this mysterious new power. Simon adopted some of the Christian teachings interweaving it with his own pagan religion, and called it Christianity. The Dictionary of Christian Biography(Vol. 4, page 682) says: "...when Justin Martyr wrote his 'Apology' (152 A.D.), the sect of the Simonians appears to have been formidable, for he speaks four times of their founder, Simon...and tells that he came to Rome in the days of Claudius Caesar(45 A.D.), and made such an impression by his magical powers, that he was honored as a god, a statue being erected to him on the Tiber, between the two bridges, bearing the inscription 'Simoni deo Sancto'('the holy god Simon')."
Besides his attempt to dilute Christian teaching, Satan zeroed in on its leaders. Stephen, who was a deacon in the first Christian church in Jerusalem, was stoned to death in 29 A.D.; James, the son of Zebedee, was beheaded in Jerusalem in 45 A.D.; Philip was tied to a pillar at Phrygia in 54 A.D. and stoned; James, the son of Alpheus, was dragged from the Temple, stoned, and beaten to death with a club in 63 A.D.; in 64 A.D., Mark(author of one of the Gospels) was seized by a mob of pagan priests and idol worshipers, who tied a rope around his neck, and dragged him through the streets of Alexandria till he died; Paul(Saul of Tarsus) was persecuted, then beheaded in Rome, in 69 A.D.; Simon Peter was crucified upside-down in Rome in 69 A.D.; Andrew was tied to a cross, and left there three days before he died; Bartholomew was severely beaten in Armenia in 70 A.D., then beheaded; at Calaminia in 70 A.D., Thomas was thrown into a furnace, then speared to death with javelins; at Nad-davar in 70 A.D., Matthew was nailed to the ground, then beheaded; Simon, the Canaanite, was crucified in Syria in 70 A.D.; Judas Thaddeus was beaten to death with sticks in 70 A.D.; Matthias(who replaced Judas Iscariot as a disciple/apostle after Judas committed suicide) was tied to a cross, stoned, and then beheaded in 70 A.D.; Luke(another writer of the Gospels) was hung from an olive tree in Greece in 93 A.D.; and Timothy was stoned to death by idol worshipers in 98 A.D.
Being that Rome, who ruled the known world, was under the influence of a form of Baal worship, Christians who refused to worship the Emperor were persecuted, beginning with Nero, in the middle of the first century. They were arrested and put to death in various ways, such as crucifixion, being tied inside animal skins and attacked by wild dogs, fed to lions, and tied to stakes to be burned as human torches to light Nero's gardens at night. These persecutions, which lasted until early in the fourth century, caused the Christians to literally go underground, to worship secretly. They took refuge in the subterranean catacombs of Rome, which extended for miles underneath the city. There are said to be over two million Christian graves in these caverns. This persecution of the Christians was Satan's attempt to get rid of the Biblical teaching. Various religions, cults, and sects, were established to alter the Holy Scriptures in order to change them, and confuse the world.
Although the Christians were persecuted, their faith in God stood fast. John, the brother of James, the last of the disciples, was exiled to a penal colony on the island of Patmos in 97 A.D. He was instrumental in preserving our Holy Bible, by informing Christians which of the manuscripts were genuine. These manuscripts were then hidden by Christians in the cellars of the great monasteries.
In 305, the two Roman emperors, Diocletian and Maximian, stepped down, and were succeeded by their deputies, Galerius and Constantius. Constantius was then replaced by Maximinus Daia in the east, and Severus in the west, and he sent for his son Constantine to help him reclaim the throne. After Constantius died, Constantine was proclaimed emperor by his father's army, and he led them in a march against Rome.
On the evening of October 27, 312, he came face to face with the legions of Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge on the Tiber River. As he prepared to pit his small army against the military might of Rome, so the legend goes, he vowed that if God would help him conquer Rome, he would institute Christian rule. Eusebius wrote in The Life of Constantine, that above the setting sun, Constantine and his troops saw cross in the sky, and above it were the words: "Hoc signo victor eris", which means: "In this sign you shall be victorious." That night, Christ appeared to him with the cross, and told him to use it as a guardian. The next morning, he had this "sign of God" placed on his helmet, and the shields of his men.
Eusebius was given this account by the emperor himself, years afterward, but he didn't write about it till after Constantine's death. Most historians never acknowledged this glorified account, and not one man in his army of 40,000 ever mentioned it. Lactantius, a Christian, a few years later, wrote that Constantine had a vision of Apollo at the temple in Gaul, who instructed him to place the "celestial sign of God" on their shields prior to going into battle. Constantine felt that Christ was a manifestation of the Sun God, Sol, or Apollo, even though Christians didn't know it. The emblem he used, was not the cross he allegedly seen, but the symbol, known as the labarum, which was the first two Greek letters of the word "Christos", Chi and Rho, which had been discovered as part of an inscription found on a Pompeii tomb 250 years earlier.
Regardless of what did happen, he won the battle, and took over the government of Rome. The next year, in 313, he issued the Edict of Milan(also known as the Edict of Toleration), which bestowed religious freedom, in order to show tolerance towards Christianity, and all forms of monotheism were forbidden. He had his troops sprinkled in baptism, proclaiming them to be Christians, although spiritually they weren't. Constantine made Christianity the official religion of Rome. A document discovered in the eighth century, called the 'Donation of Constantine' was said to have conferred some of his secular power upon the Pope, and it was used by the Church to gain some authority in the government, but it was later proved to be a forgery.
In 325, he set up the Council of Nicaea, and ruled it as the "Summus Pontifex" (which is the official title of the Pope). He considered himself to be the head of the Church, although the Bishop of Rome was the recognized head, later to be known as the Pope(Italian for "father"). Constantine ordered all writings that challenged Church teaching to be gathered up and destroyed, and in 331 he commissioned a new Bible. In 303, pagan emperor Diocletian had already destroyed most of the Christian writings around Rome, so of all the manuscripts of the New Testament available, not one had been produced before the fourth century, which made it easy for the Church to alter the Scriptures to fit the point of view they wanted to convey.
Although all Romans were baptized into the Christian faith, there were those who wanted to remain loyal to the Babylonian mysteries, and sought to retain some aspects of their religion in the new Christian religion. Thus, paganism was allowed to infiltrate the Church. Although Constantine claimed to have converted to Christianity, he secretly worshipped the Sun God. He made Sunday a day of rest, not because it was supposed to be the Lord's day, but being that it was the first day of the week, it was to be a tribute to the Sun God.
St. Peter was said to be the first Bishop(or Pope) of the Church, and each Pope is said to be his successor. The rationale being that Jesus said to Peter(originally known as Simeon, or Simon, Jesus called him Cephas, or "rock", and the name Peter comes from the Latin "petrus", which means "rock"): "That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church..." This is a tradition that is historically inaccurate, because Peter never professed that distinction. There is no evidence that the Apostle Peter had ever been in Rome, at any time. However, secular history explains that there was a "Simon Peter" in Rome during the first century. The pagan gods of the Babylonians and Greeks were identified by the name Peter(or Patres). The Romans referred to Neptune, Saturn, Mars, and Liber, as "gods" of the Peter-rank. Going back as far as Nimrod, Deuteronomy 23:4 says that Balaam of Pethor was a sacred high place where there was an oracle temple. "Pethor" meant "place of interpretation", and "Balaam" was the chief Pantora(Peter) and successor to Nimrod. The Hebrew Lexicon indicates that the consonantal word P-T-R or Peter means "to interpret." Thus, Simon Magus, who had become the interpreter of the Babylonian Mysteries, became known as Simon Peter. The Vaticano Illustrato II says that the Babylonian statue of Jupiter was renamed "Peter".
Eusebius(264-340), the Bishop of Caesarea, a Church historian(who was imprisoned by the Romans as they searched for Bibles to destroy them), was Constantine's chief religious advisor. He studied at Origen's(184-254) school of Religion and Philosophy in Alexandria, where many gnostic scholars lived and studied. The school became a center for "Christian" learning and culture. Eusebius and his scribes were instructed by Constantine to prepare fifty Bibles for the churches in Constantinople (Byzantium, or the "new Rome"). Eusebius wasn't a true Christian, because he believed Jesus to be a lesser god, and was guided by that fact when he produced his version of the Scriptures. For instance, he eliminated the verse in 1 John 5:7, which says: "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." These altered manuscripts were prepared into Bibles for the newly formed Roman Catholic Church, and it was out of Eusebius' translation, that the Latin Vulgate Bible emerged(a revision of the old Latin version translated from the Greek Septuagint), written by Jerome(382-404), which became the official Bible for all Roman Catholics. All other versions were banned, discarded, and destroyed.
Emperor Theodosius (378-398) made Christianity the official State religion, and church membership was mandatory. This forced conversion brought many heathens, idol worshipers, and pagans into the Church. Soon these pagans succeeded in getting statues of Semiramis and Nimrod into the Church, as the Babylonian system of "mother and child" worship eventually evolved into the Madonna and child symbol(prominent at Christmas), and referred to them as the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus. The halos around their heads were symbolic of the sun. Confessionals were established, just as they were in Babylon, and soon the Church began to grow in power.
Several Christian sects, and semi-Christian orders criticized the Catholic Church, and taught from the original manuscripts, which they guarded with their lives, in order to insure the survival of God's word.
The Waldenses were founded in 1170 by a rich merchant from Lyons, in southern France, called Peter Waldo. He separated from the Catholic Church, and sold all of his possessions. He taught from the non-Latin version of the Bible, and said that the Catholic Church wasn't the Church of Christ, and referred to them as the World Church mention in the Book of Revelation. The Christian movement spread to Spain, northern France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Hungary, and Switzerland. The Anabaptists and Lollards were two groups which sprang from the Waldenses.
The Anabaptists was the name for various groups from the radical branch of the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. They were active in Germany, Holland, and Switzerland, and were nicknamed the "rebaptizers" because they rejected the idea of infant baptism, which was practiced by the Roman Catholic Church, as a means of saving souls, and demanded rebaptism. Severely persecuted, they eventually rallied behind Menno Simons(1496-1561) who started the group which eventually became known as the Mennonites.
John Wycliffe, a professor of Divinity at Oxford University, linked the Pope with the Antichrist. He translated the Bible from Latin to English, and produced the first English Bible in 1382, paving the way for the Reformation. He organized a group called the Order of Poor Preachers, and began distributing his new Bible. They were called "Lollards"(or "idle babblers"). Eventually Wycliffe's writings were banned, and the Pope ordered him to Rome to undergo trial. He died of a stroke in 1384 before he was able to go. By 1425, the Catholic Church was so upset with the increase in the number of Lollards, they ordered Wycliffe's bones to be exhumed, and they were burned together with the 200 books he had written.
In May, 1163, at a Council in Toulouse, France, which was attended by 17 Cardinals, 124 Bishops, and hundreds of Priests from the Roman Catholic Church, the Inquisition(from the Latin verb "inquire", or "to inquire into") was forged. As one speaker said: "An accursed heresy has recently arisen in the neighborhood of Toulouse, and it is the duty of the bishops to put it down with all the rigor of the ecclesiastical law." Anyone who didn't profess Catholicism was sought out, and again, Satan attempted to destroy Christianity.
In 1198, Pope Innocent III sent two Inquisitors to France with the following order: "The foxes called Waldenses, Cathari, and Patari, who, though they have different faces, yet all hang t oge ther by their tales, are sent by Satan to devastate the vineyard of the Lord," and they were "to be judged and killed." In 1200, the Pope instructed a Spanish priest named Dominique de Guaman(1170-1221) to form an Order to vanquish all opposing religious groups. In 1215, these Dominican monks(0rder of the Friar Preachers, or Black Friars), known as the "Militia of Christ", were dispatched to speak out against the Albigensians(a semi-Christian group prominent in France, which had Manichaean influence, as did the Cathari), who condemned the Catholic Church for worshipping images. A missionary, Peter of Castelnau, was sent to preach against the Albigensians, who killed him, and in 1208, in response to the murder, the Pope instigated a holy war against the Albigensians, and the Cathari of Toulouse, killing many.
At the Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1227, Pope Honorius III sanctioned the Inquisition, and said that all heretics should be turned over to the government, and their property confiscated. Catholics sympathetic to the views of these groups were excommunicated. The Inquisition sought to eliminate anyone who wasn't Catholic and refused to submit to the Pope. Christians were labeled as enemies of the State. Torture was used to obtain confessions and information, which was authorized by Pope Innocent IV in 1252. Christians were tortured by hoisting them in the air to dislocate their shoulders, tearing their arms out of the sockets. Other methods of torture included lacerating their backs with spikes, suffocation, pouring oil on them and setting them on fire. Female prisoners were often raped and beaten. Most, however, were killed by being burned at the stake.
The Roman Catholic Church had become so powerful, that through their control of the royalty in Europe, the Church and State had combined in an effort to make Catholicism the universal religion.
In Spain, within an eighteen year period, the Chief Inquisitor, Torquemada(1420-1498), imprisoned 97,000, and burned 10,200 to death. From Spain, the Inquisition spread to northern Italy, southern France, Germany, the Netherlands, Mexico, Latin America, Austria, and Poland. In all, the massive campaign, which ran into the early 1800's, claimed about 68 million victims.
In the 1500's, in order to get financing to build St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, "indulgences" were sold. They were certificates, signed by the Pope, which pardoned sins without confession and repentance.
Martin Luther(1483-1546), who turned away from Catholicism after reading the Syrian text of the Bible from Antioch, witnessed John Tetzel (Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg) selling these indulgences, and compiled a list of 95 "points" against indulgences, and nailed them on a church door on October 31, 1517, in Wittenberg, Germany. Those siding with Luther, were called "Protestants" because they protested the power of the Catholic Church. This initiated an era that became known as the Reformation Period. In 1520, a Papal Bull was issued, that officially excommunicated Luther. It called for his death because of his heresy, unless his document was retracted within 60 days. He publicly burned the Order. He went on to translate the New Testament into German, and soon the Lutheran religion(derived from his last name) became the dominant religion in northern Germany.
William Tyndale(1494-1536) translated the Greek version of the New Testament into English, but Church authorities prevented him from publishing it in England, so he published it in Germany in 1525. By 1536 he finished translating the Old Testament, but before it could be printed and distributed, he was burned at the stake in Belgium as a religious heretic, by the order of King Henry VIII of England. A year later, King Henry broke away from the Catholic Church, forming the Church of England, and in 1537, authorized the Tyndale Bible to be distributed as the official Bible of the Church. His translation became the basis of the King James version.
Soon the Catholic Church was in trouble, and in 1534, Pope Paul III instructed a Spanish priest, Ignatius de Loyola, to organize the "Order of the Jesuits"(also known as the "Society of Jesus") in order to oppose the Protestant movement. Loyola, as a soldier, had been maimed in battle, and while recuperating, claimed a conversion to Catholicism. He wrote a guidebook called Spiritual Exercises to help people get spiritually closer to Christ. On August 15, 1534, in Paris, Loyola and six other men, joined together in taking vows of poverty and chastity, and to accept any assignment requested by the Pope. The group was officially sanctioned by the Pope in 1540. The head of the Jesuits became known as the "Black Pope".
Those taking the Jesuit Oath swore allegiance to "his holiness, the Pope, (who) is Christ's Vice-Regent, and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the Earth." The oath contained a pledge to "make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither sex, age, nor condition, and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the wall, in order to annihilate forever their excrable."
While the Dominicans worked publicly, the Jesuits worked secretly. They had planned the massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572 that killed 70,000 Huguenots(French Protestants, who later established the Reformed Church of France). Carried out by Dominican monks and Roman Catholic troops, most of the French Christian leaders were killed, which practically stopped the Christian movement in France. To celebrate, the Pope ordered the Rosary said in every church to thank the Virgin Mary for victory, and had a medal struck to commemorate the occasion.
In England, Jesuit priests translated Origen's Alexandrian manuscripts into English in 1582, but the new Bible was rejected. Some researchers feel that this was the real reason behind the attack of the Spanish Armada in 1588. Spain's mighty fleet was defeated. The Jesuit movement grew, and by 1626, there were 15,000 members; and by 1749, over 22,000. It has become the largest single Roman Catholic Order.
On June 1773, Pope Clement XIV(1769-75), pressured by France, Spain, and Portugal, said that the group was "immoral and a menace to the Church and the Faith," and abolished the Order. In Germany, the government established a Commission to liquidate and inventory Jesuit assets. Councilor Zuytgens was appointed to inventory all articles at their college in Ruremonde, and to forward all documents to the government. He discovered the Secreta Monita, which was recorded in the "Protocol of the Transactions of the Committee Appointed in Consequence of the Suppression of the Society of Jesus in the Low Countries" which is on file in the archives in Brussels. The book contained secret instructions for the Jesuits, and its leaders, and warned against its discovery, because of people getting the wrong idea about the Order. The Jesuits continued to operate secretly, establishing their headquarters in Russia. It is believed that they survived by joining Masonic lodges. Napoleon had Pope Plus VII(1800-23) jailed at Avignon until he agreed to reinstate the Jesuits, and at the Congress of Vienna(1814-15) the demand for their services, allegedly to "make America Catholic," led Pope Plus VII to reestablish the Order.
Pope Leo X(1513-21) proclaimed that all human beings must be subject to the Roman Pontiff for salvation. He said: "It has served us well, this myth of Christ." He sold indulgences and ordered that heretics be burned.
In 1542, Pope Paul III(1534-50) established the Roman Inquisition to battle Protestantism in Italy. The operation was carried out by a Commission governed by six Cardinals, called the Congregation of the Inquisition. As Catholicism expanded, they concerned themselves only with maintaining religious order, and in 1908, Pope Plus X renamed them the Holy Office, and they were charged with maintaining the purity of the faith. In 1965, Pope Paul VI(1963-78) reorganized the group, and renamed it the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Pope Pius(1846-78) said that Protestantism is "no form of Christian religion" and Pope Leo XIII(1878-1903) condemned religious freedom and Bible translations, and said that "everyone separated from the Roman Catholic Church, however unblamable in other respects, has no part in Eternal Life." He also said that he was the head of all rulers, that he was God's earthly ruler, and that the Protestants were the "enemies of the Christian name."
Pope Plus X(1903-14) when he was Archbishop of Venice, said: "The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh. Does the Pope speak? It is Jesus Christ who speaks(reported in the Catholic Nationale, July 13, 1895)." As Pope, he said that the Reformation leaders were "enemies of the Cross of Christ". Pope Plus XI(1922-39) said in 1928, that the Roman Catholic Church was the only Church of Christ.
In the 1800's, the Vatican wasn't doing too good financially. Their credit was so bad that no Christian banker would help them. In 1835, James Mayer Rothschild(1792-1868) stepped in and lent them $200,000. Pope Gregory XVI(1831-46) was so grateful that he awarded the Rothschild family with a Papal decoration. Ever since then, the Rothschilds have been one of the financial agents of the Vatican. But that still wasn't enough. Properties were sold, relics of the saints were sold, a percentage of the money received at the Shrine of Lourdes was taken, annulments were sold; and they also raised money by selling straw from the Pope's bed, candles, rosaries, and images of the Madonna. They also tried to raise money in 1868 by establishing the Peter's Pence in the United States, a year after the U.S. broke off diplomatic relations with the Vatican(which were reestablished in 1984).
For years, the Popes ruled a 16,000 square mile area in central Italy which was referred to as the Papal States. That was reduced to about 4,891 square miles in 1860 when the Kingdom of Italy was formed. In September, 1870, Italian troops marched on Rome and ended the temporal power of the Pope, and limited his sovereignty to the palaces of the Vatican, the Lateran in Rome, and the villa of Castel Gandolfo. On February 11, 1929, Cardinal Gasparri and Italian Premier Benito Mussolini signed the Treaty of Conciliation(known as the Lateran Agreement), which established the independent state of Vatican City, and also made Catholicism the official religion of Italy. The agreement compensated the Vatican for their lost land($40,000,000), and transferred about 5% of the government's bonds(about $50,000,000) to them. The Lateran Treaty was made part of the Italian Constitution (Article 7) in 1947.
Vatican City in Rome, is the world's smallest independent country, taking in an area of nearly 109 acres. It includes St. Peters's Basilica, which covers an area of 163,200 square feet, making it the world's largest church; the Vatican Palace, which has 1,400 rooms, 200 staircases, and is the largest residence in the world; the Vatican Museum, which sits on thirteen acres, and contains the Sistine Chapel, where Michelangelo painted his "Last Judgment" on the ceiling; various buildings between Viale Vaticano and the Church; and the Vatican Gardens. Thirteen buildings outside the boundaries possess extraterritorial rights, and house people necessary for the administration of the Church. The name "Vatican", means "center of divination."
With a population of 800, 3,0000 employees, and an operating budget of over $100 million annually, the Vatican is the central administrative office of the Roman Catholic Church. Here the Pope wields executive and judicial powers over a religious empire of 1,042,501,000 members in about 20,000 churches. They have extensive real estate holdings(they own one-third of Rome), own major companies and utilities and have controlling interests in others, priceless works of art, religious artifacts, and massive deposits in Italian and foreign banks(including America and Switzerland). It is rumored, that the Vatican owns 40-50% of the shares quoted on the Italian Stock Exchanges, which is worth about $5 billion.
Vatican City has their own flag, their own bank, their own license plates(numbered from 1-142), their own radio station(Radio Vatican, which reaches every country on earth with broadcasts in thirty languages), their own newspaper(l'0sservatore Romano), their own post office(issuing their own stamps), their own telephone system, the Institute for Religious Works(established in 1942, which provides about $10 million a year towards their budget), a pharmacy, a bar, a gas station, a train depot, and a printing plant. There are no taxes; and they issue their own passports and citizenship papers. The neutral country is protected by 100 Swiss guards, and 150 Italian police.
Despite the efforts of the Catholic Church to destroy the Holy Bible, the Scriptures survived, and in 1603, King James of England gathered 54 English scholars to assemble manuscripts to prepare a Bible. They used Antioch manuscripts, and the Jewish Massoretic text, completing their work in 1611. The result was the King James version of the Bible that was used by the Episcopalians in England, and the Scottish Presbyterians . Today, it is the most widely accepted version of the Scriptures in the world.
In England, two groups opposed the Church of England, because of the centralized control of the Anglican Church and their elaborate rituals: the Puritans, who wanted to try and purify it from within; and the Separatists, who felt that the Church was so corrupt, that it was beyond the possibility of reform. To escape the persecution of King James, William Bradford led many to Holland, in 1608; and in 1619, they joined a larger group in England and sailed to America on the Mayflower, where the Separatists became known as Pilgrims. They had intended to land at Virginia, but was blown off course, hundreds of miles north, where the 103 settlers floated into the peninsula of Cape Cod in Massachusetts, in November of 1620.
Some of the Pilgrim leaders became worried about the group who had come from London and Southampton, and to control their actions, 41 of them drew up plans for a civil government, based on Christian principles, which became known as the Mayflower Compact. Bradford was elected as their first Governor, and he established a system that was unlike the Jamestown colony in Virginia(who were Anglicans), which was based on the communal theories of Plato and Francis Bacon. Although half of the settlers died during the harsh winter, the success of the Plymouth colony brought an influx of others seeking religious freedom from the dominance of the Anglican Church of England. To protect their new found freedom, their government took on the form of a theocracy, which only allowed propertied church members to vote; and there was no tolerance towards other religions.
As the population grew, the Puritans were unable to maintain their strict control, and other colonies in New England were established as a haven from those frustrated with their rigidity. Even though Puritan control was broken in the late 1600's, the New England colonies which welcomed Quakers and Jews, continued to ban Roman Catholic worship until 1783.
In 1624 the Dutch established a colony known as New Netherland, which was seized by the British in 1664, and renamed New York. Various religious groups flourished there, such as the Dutch Reformed, Swedish Lutherans, French Protestant (Huguenots), Quakers, and Jews. In 1682, responding to William Penn's(a Quaker) "Holy Experiment", Quakers, Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, Mennonites, and other pietists from Germany settled in Pennsylvania. Although Maryland was founded in 1634 as a Catholic colony, it was soon overwhelmed with Protestants, who dominated religion in America until the Civil War.
In 1910, J. R. Mott, a 45-year old American Methodist minister, chaired the World Congress in Edinburgh to foster inter-church relations and to eliminate overlapping by spreading out their manpower in the missionary field. Out of that, came the Universal Christian Council of Life and Work, at Stockholm, Sweden in 1925; and the World Conference of Faith and Order, at Lausanne in 1927. Eventually, it developed into the World Council of Churches(WCC) at Amsterdam(the Netherlands) on August 23, 1948, when representatives from 147 churches in 44 countries met. The banner over the stage said: "One World-One Church."
Six co-Presidents were appointed to run the organization, including an American, G. Bromley Oxham, who was a 33rd degree Mason, and Vice-President of a communist-front organization known as the Methodist Federation for Social Action. In the 1945 book Labor and Tomorrow's World, he wrote: "The workers of Russia speak. They say that the American demand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness can never be realized until it is complemented by the universal obligation to work in a society in which the means of production are owned by the people, and the fruits of the production go to the people..." Another co-President, T. C. Chao, was the Dean of Yenching University's School of Religion in Peiping(known as the "Harvard of China", which was partially funded by the Rockefellers). When the Communists were taking over China, Chao and his students welcomed their actions, and he was later given an official position in the Red Chinese government. Josef L. Hromadka, from Prague (Czechoslovakia) , a founding member of the WCC's Central Committee , was a Communist Party member, and said in a January, 1959 speech: "Communism is no embodiment of evil, no 'murder of souls' as some people in the West believe. It is our task to demonstrate that this view is mistaken. Communism has grown out of the humanitarian efforts of many philosophers and poets who desired to create a more just and happy human society."
According to its members, the WCC is a "fellowship of churches which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Savior according to the Scriptures and therefore seek to fulfill together their common calling to the glory of the One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit." However, the facts seem to point to a much different agenda. The Founding Assembly of the WCC, at their first meeting in 1948, approved and sent to its member churches, a report called, "The Church and the Disorder of Society", which said: "The Christian Church should reject the ideologies of both communism and capitalism...Communism ideology...promise that freedom will come automatically after the completion of the revolution. Capitalism puts the emphasis on freedom and promises that justice will follow as a by-product of free enterprise. That, too, is an ideology which has been proven false...It is the responsibility of Christians to seek new creative solutions which never allow either justice or freedom to destroy the other." In 1952, Dr. O. Frederick Nolde, Director of the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, said: "Our real enemy is not the Soviet Government..." In 1966, the Central Committee of the WCC(their chief policy-making body), said than an "American victory in Vietnam would cause long- range difficulties." They "called upon the United States to halt its bombing of North Vietnam and 'review and modify' its policy of trying to contain communism." They also called for the United Nations to accept Red China as a member. In May, 1967, Dr. Martin Niemoeller, President of the WCC, was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize by Russia.
The Central Committee of the WCC, made up of 120 members, meets annually to carry out policies and decisions. The Executive Committee meets twice a year, in order to keep things going between Central Committee meetings. The entire organization meets in seven year intervals. Their avowed objective is to uphold the ecumenical movement, and to establish an all-inclusive church. The WCC is made up of liberals, evangelicals, neo-0rthodox, Armenians, Calvinists, Protestants, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Russian Orthodox. Most of the non-Roman Catholic Churches belong, and they have been extending invitations to groups such as Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and Jews. They have 271 member churches in 90 countries, which represent a membership of nearly 400 million people. In October, 1979, Dr. Lukas Vischu, a Swiss Reform Minister, and Eastern Orthodox leader Dimitrios I, urged the Roman Catholic Church to merge with the WCC. An affiliated arm of the WCC, called the American Friends of the World Council of Churches is headquartered at the liberal Riverside Church in New York City, which had been pastored by Skull and Bones member Rev. William Sloane Coffin.
In May, 1969, the WCC recommended that its churches support violence to overthrow political tyranny and "combat racism." Since then, they have been giving financial aid to nearly 46 revolutionary groups in 17 countries. Some of the groups are communist, while others had been getting arms from Russia. They gave $125,000 to the South West Africa People's Organization in Angola, $65,000 to the African National Congress in Mozambique(whose leader, Joe Slovo, was a member of the Communist Party, and a colonel in the Russian KGB), and $85,000 to Robert Mugabe's Patriotic Front. After the takeover of Zimbabwe(formerly known as Rhodesia, after Cecil Rhodes, who conquered the area in 1897), Mugabe, a well known communist terrorist, told a delegation from the WCC: "This is the moment for the forthright acknowledgment of the support from the World Council of Churches for our struggle." During the Melbourne Conference in May, 1980, three Zimbabwe delegates told the assembly: "Our hard-won victory did not come only through our own determination. We were sustained and reinforced by the support- material, oral, and spiritual- accorded to us by the World Council of Churches, and its member churches."
In 1972, they voted to increase this funding to $1,000,000. Between 1969-79, this Committee, known as the Program to Combat Racism, had provided an average of $2,600,00 a year. Within a ten-year period, ending with the Vietnam War in 1975, the WCC gave millions of dollars to the Vietcong in North Vietnam. One $500,000 grant went towards their "new economic zones." A $200,000 grant was provided to four anti-government groups in Africa.
The largest U.S. Church donors to the WCC, had been the Presbyterian Church (USA), United Methodist, Disciples of Christ, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, United Church of Christ, Episcopal, and the American Baptist Churches.
Other ecumenical organizations: National Association of Evangelicals(1950), and its parent organization, the World Evangelical Fellowship(1951); and the American Council of Churches(1941), and its parent organization, the International Council of Christian Churches(1948).
The National Council of Churches of Christ in America(NCC), the American subsidiary of the WCC, is an interdenominational group founded on November 29, 1950, after fourteen interdenominational organizations merged. Actually, it was just a reorganization of the pro-communist Federal Council of Churches, that was founded in 1908 by Dr. Walter Rauschenbusch(the leading spokesman of socialist Christianity, who called for "a new order that would rest on Christian principles of equal rights and democratic distribution of economic power.") and Dr. Harry F. Ward, a top communist. The founding document of the National Council of Churches was adopted from Ward's "The Social Creed of Churches", which said that the churches must stand for "the most equitable division of the product of industry that can ultimately be devised." This was a subtle way of advocating the communistic principle of the confiscation of private property. When the Rothschilds charged Schiff with the task of undermining religion in America, Schiff delegated certain responsibilities to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. who later recruited Ward, who had taught religion at the Union Theological Seminary(which Rockefeller helped establish) in New York for 25 years. Manning Johnson, a Communist Party member, referred to Ward as "the chief architect for Communist infiltration and subversion in the religious field." In 1907, Rockefeller financed Ward's establishment of the Methodist Foundation of Social Service, which was America's first Communist-front organization. This religious institution cast serious doubts as to the virgin birth and divinity of Jesus. In 1953, Ward was identified as a Communist by the House Committee on Un-American Activities. In 1908, they reorganized and changed their name to the Federal Council of Churches. In 1927, Congressman Arthur M. Free described the group as "a Communist organization aimed at the establishment of a state church." From 1926-29, John D. Rockefeller contributed over $137,000 to them.
Raised as a Baptist, Rockefeller began noticing all of the competition between Protestant groups, and after World War II, got involved with the Interchurch World Movement, contributing over $1 million to its initial budget of $40 million, and traveling the country on a national speaking tour. It soon went under. Rockefeller was a well-known supporter of evangelist Billy Sunday, and forty years later, donated $75,000 to Billy Graham's New York crusade. He also donated $26 million to build the Riverside Church, which opened in 1930, which was pastored by Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick(brother of Raymond Fosdick, a member of the CFR), who had formerly been the pastor at the old First Presbyterian Church at 11th Street and 5th Avenue in New York. The interdenominational church was located on Riverside drive in Morningside Heights, a block from Columbia University, and across from the Union Theological Seminary(to whom Rockefeller contributed $1,083,333 in 1922). In 1935, they were identified by the Office of Naval Intelligence, as being one of the several organizations which "give aid and comfort to the Communist movement and Party." Later that year, Admiral William H. Standley, Chief of Naval Operations, publicly accused the Federal Council of Churches of collaborating with the Communists. In 1942, their platform called for "a world government, international control of all armies and navies, a universal system of money, and a democratically controlled international bank."
Rockefeller provided the land(near the Riverside Church) for the 15-story triangular-shaped Interchurch Center that serves as the headquarters for the National Council of Churches.
The membership of the National Council of Churches of Christ in America consists of 31 groups. They are the biggest advocate of the ecumenical movement in the country, having well over 100,000 churches, and nearly 45,000,000 members:
African Methodist Episcopal Church(3,500,000 members / 8,000 churches)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church(1,200,000 / 3,000)
American Baptist Churches in the USA(1,534,078 / 5,845)
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America(250,000 / 160)
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America(414,000 / 72)
Christian Church/Disciples of Christ(1,011,502 / 3,996)
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church(718,922 / 2,340)
Church of the Brethren(13,132 / 124)
Churches of Christ(1,684,872 / 13,174)
Coptic Orthodox Church in North America(180,000 / 85)
Episcopal Church in the USA(2,471,880 / 7,367)
Friends United Meeting(50,803 / 526)
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America(1,500,000 / 555)
Hungarian Reformed Church in America(9,780 / 27)
International Council of Community Churches(500,000 / 410)
Lutheran Church in America-Missouri Synod(2,609,905 / 5,369)
Moravian Church in America-North and South Province(50,982 / 153)
National Baptist Convention of America(2,500,000 / 2,500)
National Baptist Convention, USA(8,200,000 / 33,000)
Orthodox Church in America(600,000 / 700)
Patriarchial Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the USA(9,780 / 38)
Polish National Catholic Church of America(282,411 / 162)
Presbyterian Church, USA(3,758,085 / 11,456)
Progressive National Baptist Convention(2,500,000 / 1,400)
Reformed Church in America(274,521 / 927)
Religious Society of Friends-Conservative(1,744 / 28)
Serbian Orthodox Church of USA and Canada(67,000 / 68)
Swedenborgian Church(2,475 / 50)
Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch(33,000 / 16)
Ukranian Orthodox Church in America-Ecumenical Patriarchate(5,000 / 27)
United Methodist Church(8,789,101 / 37,100)
In the January 1926 issue of the Masonic New Age magazine, members were urged to "cast his lot with the Church - to help vitalize it, liberalize it, modernize it, and render it aggressive and efficient - to do less is treason to your country, to your Creator, and to the obligation you have promised to obey." Many NCC pastors are Masons, and in the May 22, 1989 edition of Time magazine, Dr. Richard Mouw of the Fuller Theological Seminary in California, said that NCC member churches are teaching "magic and the occult and the New Age."
The National Council of Churches is responsible for the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. They have concerned themselves with civil liberties, social justice, and the theological critique of U.S. foreign policy, particularly in respect to China and Indo-China. The have said that the United States should become a subordinate of the United Nations . In 1960, a Congressional Committee investigation revealed: "Thus far of the leadership of the National Council of Churches of Christ in America, we have found over 100 persons in leadership capacity with either Communist-front records or records of service to communist causes." The Foundation for Community Organization, which has its offices in the New York headquarters of the National Council of Churches, had made grants to the Mozambique Liberation Front, and the Zimbabwe African National Union. The Church World Service(CWS), a relief and development arm of the NCC, have sent money to "groups supporting the Palestine Liberation Organization, the governments of Cuba and Vietnam, the pro-Soviet movement in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and several political fringe groups in the U.S." The Domestic Hunger Network, which is also coordinated through the NCC, gave a hefty sum to political groups throughout the world. In 1980, the Methodist Church donated $8 million to the NCC; the United Presbyterian Church(who merged with the Presbyterian Church USA in 1983, after being separated since 1861) gave $3 million; United Churches of Christ, $2 million; the Episcopal Church, $1 million; and the Disciples of Christ, $1 million.
The socialist message of the NCC was emphasized even more in May, 1972, when a religious ecumenical assembly of 400 Americans met as the "Christians for Socialism." The May 4th edition of the New York Times, said that the newly organized group called for the purpose of achieving socialism throughout Latin America (since) socialism appears to be the only acceptable alternative for bringing an end to the exploitation of the class society."
At a Los Angeles tent meeting in 1949, on a night when Billy Graham was deciding whether to extend or end his revival, the place was suddenly crawling with reporters and photographers. Afterwards, he was told: "You have been kissed by William Randolph Hearst." From that day on, the Illuminati-controlled media supported him. This may be hard to swallow, and you may ask, how Graham, one of the country's greatest Christian leaders, could be linked to the Illuminati, Well, by now, you should understand how they work, so what better person to use, then somebody who is admired and respected by millions, even though his impact for their cause is rather indirect.
Graham had said that one of his best friends is Jessie Bader, who was the Secretary of Evangelism for the National Council of Churches. Another friend, is Tom Allen, a socialist from Scotland, who said that "Billy Graham has one of the most acute and social consciences of any man I ever met." Graham has long been a supporter of the United Nations. In 1960, he wrote an article for Life magazine to endorse Richard Nixon's presidential candidacy, who is his "closest friend in the political world." Henry Luce refused to publish it because of pressure from the Kennedy camp. When Nixon was the recipient of quite a backlash from the American people for planning a trip to Red China, Billy Graham flew to Washington, DC, and called a meeting at the White House of leading ministers from across the country. Both he and Henry Kissinger were able to convince them that the trip to Communist China was necessary.
There was a time(as reported by Parade magazine on February 1, 1981), when Graham said: "Communism is inspired, directed, and motivated by the devil himself. America is at a crossroad. Will we turn to the leftwingers and atheists, or will we turn to the right and embrace the Cross?" There was a time when he called the communists, "satan worshipers", and said in 1954: "Either Communism must die, or Christianity must die, because it is actually a battle between Christ and the Antichrist." In May, 1982, Graham was invited to speak at the World Conference of Religious Workers for Saving the Sacred Gift of Life from Nuclear Catastrophe(which was attended by 600 clergymen from around the world), which was sponsored by the Russian Orthodox Church. The Reagan Administration tried to convince him not to go, fearing that he would become a victim of communist propaganda. While he was there, he said that he didn't see any evidence of religious repression, and said: "There are differences, of course, in religion as it is practiced here and, let's say, in the U.S. But that doesn't mean there is no religious freedom." That was hardly an accurate statement concerning the religious status of the Soviet Union, an atheistic country, who at the time was still dominated by Communism, and persecuted those who worshipped God. When he returned to America, Graham was asked if his views towards communism had changed, and he said: "I've changed a little at this point, but I am not a pro-Communist."
Pope John XX III (1958-63) wrote : "When we have realized this enormous task(ecumenism), eliminating what, from a human point of view, would be an obstacle, on a path we seek to make more easy, we shall present the church in all her splendor, without spot or wrinkle, and we shall say to all the others who are separated from us, Orthodox, Protestants, etc.: 'See brothers, here is the Church of Christ! We have done our best to be true to her." On October 11, 1962, Pope John held the first Ecumenical Council at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome to modernize the Church. Over 2,700 gathered, including the entire Roman Catholic hierarchy, 28 non-Catholic prelates, representatives from most major Protestant denominations, and dignitaries from Eastern Orthodox Churches in the Middle East. A few months after the initial meeting, the Council reconvened with 2,500 ecclesiastical dignitaries, and 50 observers from non-Catholic denominations. After Pope John died, Billy Graham said at a press conference in Bonn, Germany: "Pope John brought an entirely new era to the world. It would be a great tragedy if the cardinals elect a Pope who would react against the policies of Pope John and bring back the walls between Christian faiths."
A year later, on September 29, 1963, Pope Paul VI(1963-78) made an appeal for Christian unity, and said that the Ecumenical Council's ultimate goal was the universal union of all Christians. One observation that was made about him, was that he was elected in the 6th year of the previous Pope's reign, in the sixth month(June), he was 66 years old, and he had completed four sets of 66 Popes. There had been talk of a merger with the World Council of Churches, to form the Christian Catholic Church of the United Church of Christ. Pope Paul contributed $10,000 to the WCC's Faith and Order Commission.
For two years, a group of eight Protestants, led by Charles Colson, the former Nixon aide(echoing sentiments expressed in his book The Body), and seven Roman Catholics, led by Father Richard John Neuhaus, worked on an 25-page, 8000-word document known as "Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium(or ECT)." It calls for Protestants and Catholics to discontinue their opposition in order to unite against enemies which are common to both of their religious philosophies. In the November, 1994, issue of Christianity Today, an editorial by Colson was titled "Why Catholics Are Our Allies". This seems to be part of a campaign to bring the two religions closer together in ideology. Since accepting the "Prize for Progress in Religion"(which included a $1 million gift), from New Age leader John Templeton, at the 1993 Parliament of World's Religions in Chicago; and revelations of a United Nations connection to his Prison Fellowship ministry, Colson's motivations are highly suspect. Neuhaus, a former Lutheran, denies the virgin birth of Christ, his miracles, and his resurrection.
In addition to many Roman Catholic leaders, some major Protestant leaders have signed this agreement, including Pat Robertson(700 Club), Bill Seiple(World Vision), Bill Bright(Campus Crusade for Christ), J. I. Packer(a Sr. Editor at Christianity Today magazine), Larry Lewis(Home Missions Board of the Southern Baptist Convention), and Richard Land(Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Church).
Needless to say, the agreement came under heavy fire from many Evangelicals, and on January 19, 1995, Colson, Bright, and Packer met with some of the ECT critics at the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in a conciliatory meeting which including its pastor D. James Kennedy, John MacArthur(pastor of the Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA), R. C. Sproul(Lignonier Ministries), and John Ankerberg(evangelist). Though the two groups were able to hammer out a five-point statement to clarify the support of those Evangelical leaders that signed the agreement, it still retained the aura of religious unity. A Catholic signer, Keith Fournier(author of Evangelical Catholics and A House United: Evangelicals and Catholics Together), praised the results of the meeting, and said that it represented the "true spirit of ecumenism."
Besides signing the agreement, Pat Robertson had Colson on his show, and brought in Neuhaus to be a keynote speaker at the Christian Coalition's(700 Club's political action group) "1994, Road to Victory Conference" held in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Also in 1994, Pat Robertson presented the Christian Coalition's "Catholic Layman of the Year" Award to Pennsylvania Governor Robert P. Casey, a Democrat who is very vocal in his stand against abortion. Pat Robertson, in the eyes of some Christians, lost credibility, when he entered the 1992 Presidential campaign, saying God told him to run. Though he didn't win, it gave him more political clout and visibility, and paved the way for him to receive the mantle of America's most prominent religious leader from an aging Billy Graham. Even though he has written about the New World Order; as a guest on Larry King's national radio show, he refused to comment on a caller's question about an element of the New World Order.
In Pat Robertson's book, The New Millennium, published in 1990 by Word Publishing, at the top of every page, to the right of the page number, is the symbol of a circle with a dot in the middle. An unusual symbol, it is used as an astronomical symbol for the sun; and for proofreaders, it is used to indicate a place where a comma should be inserted; and it is sometimes used as a mathematical sign for a circle. However, none of these applications seem appropriate in this instance. There is one more use for this symbol. According to documents discovered by the German government in 1785, it was the secret symbol which represented the Illuminati's name. I contacted Word Publishing to ask them about the use of the symbol, since I didn't want to be accused of making an irresponsible accusation. They told me that various symbols, called "dingbats", are sometimes incorporated into the header design of a page. In this case, the symbol was randomly chosen, and nobody at Word was even aware of the symbol's connotations. I had even considered that perhaps the symbol was used to sabotage the book, but Word maintains that everyone there is a committed Christian. If it was randomly chosen, it would really be a coincidence, because there are no other symbols, that I know of, that would lend itself to having any connections with the New World Order. Without a doubt, this book is a companion volume to Robertson's The New World Order published by Word in 1991. It remains to be seen whether there was truly a reason for that symbol to be used, and for now, I guess we have to chalk it up as being an amazing coincidence.
Now, before you get yourself in an uproar, I am not anti- Pat. I have nothing but respect for Pat Robertson. His ministry has been a tremendous witness in this country, and his efforts as part of the Religious Right certainly contributed to the conservative swing this country has taken. His connection to the entertainment industry through the Family Channel succeeded in beginning the movement towards more family-oriented programming. However, I can not ignore the disturbing trend towards tolerance and coexistence that is succeeding to bring us closer to a united Church, which he seems to advocate.
Not too long ago, One night, I caught Jack van Impe on his show, saying that he agreed with the Pope on almost every issue. Now here is a man who has done a tremendous amount of prophetic research, and yet he is contributing to the ecumenical movement. Paul Crouch of the Trinity Broadcasting Network has said: "I'm eradicating the word Protestant even out of my vocabulary...I('m) not protesting anything...(it's) time for Catholics and non-Catholics to come together as one in the Spirit and one in the Lord." Robert Schuller said: "It's time for Protestants to go to the shepherd(or the Pope) and say, 'What do we have to do to come home?' "
It seems inevitable that sometime in the near future, the last remaining obstacles to a merger between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches, into a World Church, will take place, and will contribute to the influence exercised by the New World Order.
The underlying power to all occult practices, is Satanism- the worship of Satan(or Lucifer) in opposition to the worship of God. It is the worship of Satan which has been the driving force behind the handful of men who have perpetuated the Illuminati conspiracy. Through its various incarnations, the spread of the occult has enabled the Illuminati to create a social climate that has welcomed the advent of the New World Order, and the one-world government that accompanies it.
The word 'witchcraft', is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word 'wicca-craft' which means 'craft of the wise', and is considered the world's oldest religion. It is a descendent of the Druids, who existed in the British Isles, Scotland, and Ireland. Around 98-180 AD, the Druid religion was outlawed, and they were forced to go underground, where it has been secretly active, in various forms, ever since. The Druids were members of a priesthood made up of the upper class of Celt society, who were exempt from taxes and manual labor. Their name comes from the Celtic word "daur" which means "oak tree", which was sacred to them. An aura of mystery surrounded the Druids. It was alleged that they possessed strange powers, such as being able to produce mists, storms, floods, and cast spells. They could be compared to he Medicine Man of the American Indians. As it turned out, these men were greatly feared, because some of their rituals included both animal and human sacrifice.
The earliest mention of these "men of the oak" was in the 3rd century BC, and what little information that is available, comes from Roman and Greek historians, and ancient records found in Ireland. For the most part, their legacy has been passed down orally from generation to generation.
Their biggest night of the year, was the ceremony known as the "Vigil of Samhein", on October 31st, in honor of Samhein, the Horned Hunter of the Night (Satan, as seen in the Pentagram), the Oak God of the Underworld, and the God of the Dead. It is this ritual that evolved into the annual tradition of Halloween.
The Druids also worshipped the Sun God, Hu; the moon, and the stars. Many of their rites centered around such astronomical occurrences as equinoxes and solstices. It is believed that Stonehenge, built in 2750 BC on the Salisbury Plain in southwest England, and transferred into a solar observatory by 1900 BC, was later used by the Druids as a temple for sacrifices. A similar structure in Avebury, 20 miles north, was also used.
The lineal successor to the religion of the Druids, was British Witchcraft, which became strong in the 120O's. Witches are polytheists who believe in the superiority of the mother goddess who controls the fertility rites, and the process of birth and life. They also worship a horned god which represents death and the afterlife; and a number of lesser deities. White Sorcery is practiced out of the La Clavicule de Solomon("The Key of Solomon"), which was said to be written by King Solomon, but was actually written in the 14th or 15th century. The Lemegeton("Lesser Key") is known as the Book of Shadows. Black Magic comes from the 6th and 7th Book of Moses, mistakenly alleged to have been written by Moses. Witches claim that their religion is not anti-Christian, because they worship deities in existence before the advent of the Christian era.
In 1980, Skip Tarrant, a head witch in the Church of Wicca, said: "Being a witch makes one feel more alive." Thousands have been drawn to the spiritualistic aspects of witchcraft, and their churches are recognized as tax-deductable entities. In 1980, Joyce Clemow, a director of the New York Center for the Strange(a non- profit research group that investigates "the myriad aspects of prognostication, prophecy, and divination") said that among America's practicing witches, were three Congressmen, a syndicated financial columnist, the President of one of the nation's banks, a well-known television newscaster, and a man who held a top foreign affairs position in the Nixon Administration.
It has been reported, that the spread of Witchcraft and the occult, has been the job of an inner circle of the Illuminati, which is known as the Council of 13, or the Grand Druid Council.
According to the testimony of former witches and Satanists, the ancient religion of Witchcraft and its "white magic" is nothing more than a "little white lie". The deities they worship are actually demons, and the "horned hunter of the night" is actually Satan. Many witches have realized, that in order to get more "power", they have to surrender more of themselves, moving into the direction of all-out Satan worship.
Satanic charms, amulets, and talismans have now infiltrated our society, even our churches. The charms, which attract demons, are used in demon worship and to cast spells. It had been impossible to buy them, and were only available in witchcraft bookstores, because they were handmade and sold to occult stores. Now they are marketed commercially to spread the influence of witchcraft. The most notorious of these was called the Unicorn Horn, and was a symbol used by Druid priests. It is now called the Italian Horn, and it means that you trust Satan for your finances. It is available from most jewelry manufacturers and is frequently worn.
Remember the peace symbol, which was prominently displayed by the anti-war protesters of the 1960's and 70's. During the Middle Ages, this symbol was known as the "crow's foot"(or "witches foot"), the insignia of Satan. After Nero crucified St. Peter upside-down in 69 AD, the symbol was called the Nero Cross, or the "sign of the broken Jew." It is used by Satanists as a mockery of Christ. In witchcraft, a ceremonial breaking of the crossbar of a cross, is used to symbolize the rejection of Calvary, and Christianity, and was said to bring "peace of mind." It was first used as a "peace" symbol on February 21, 1958, at the Aldermaston Easter Walk in England, which was led by Lord Bertrand Russell, a member of the Fabian Society. It was said to represent the semaphore for the letters "N" and "D", which stood for "Nuclear Disarmament".
According to J. C. Cooper, author of Fairy Tales-Allegories of the Inner Life, fairy tales are linked to the occult. Cooper said that the fairy tale practice of kissing frogs, is a pagan ritual that dates back to prehistoric days. In the story of Hansel and Gretel, the two children encountered a witch. When the wicked witch offered the apple to Snow White, it is based on Satan offering the fruit to Eve.
Besides being able to get occult courses established at many colleges and universities, one of the greatest victories of the occult movement, was to infiltrate the music world. The music that was performed during Druid ceremonies, had a "rock" beat, and they knew that when certain chords were struck, it acted as a hypnotic suggestion to stir rebellion. Witches have their own language, and some rock songs have incorporated these coded incantations. On the surface, what sounds like a bunch of strange words, is actually an intentionally written lyric of hidden meaning. Acid rocker Jimi Hendricks said in an interview with Life magazine(October, 1969) that "music is a spiritual thing of its own. You can hypnotize people with music, and when you get them at their weakest point you can preach into their subconscious whatever you want to say." Some of Elton John's songs(most notably- "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road") have allegedly been written in witch language. Bernie Taupin, his co-writer, said that "John's home is laden with trinkets and books relating to Satanism and witchcraft."
An album by the group Blue Oyster Cult, "Mirror", contains the song "You're Not the One", which has a high speed subliminal message which says: "And furthermore our Father is not in Heaven."
Jimmy Page, of the rock group Led Zeppelin, who co-wrote the song "Stairway to Heaven"(with Robert Plant), said it was based on the writings of a Druid priest, hundreds of years ago, which was based on the Bible(which Bible?). Page had purchased the mansion of Edward Alister Crowley(1875-1947, one of the most famous Satanists of all time, who called himself "the most wickedest man in the world."), which is said to be inhabited by demons, and owned one of the largest occult bookstores in England. Page referred to Crowley as an "unrecognized genius of twentieth century thinking," Plant said that the song just came together, as if he was being driven by some "spiritual force". He said: "Somebody pushed my pen, I think." It became one of the biggest selling records in music history, and is still one of the most requested songs on rock stations. Some of the words, typical of witch language, have a double-meaning. The line: "And when you wind on down the road, the shadow's taller than your soul," means that Satan is supposed to be stronger than us(which, of course, he isn't).
The song also used a process known as "backward masking", which is accomplished when a phrase is recorded on tape, played backwards, then recorded again on the master tape. One segment which says: "Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on. And it makes me wonder...", played in reverse, says: "There's no escaping it, oh it's my sweet Satan, the one whose path makes me sad, whose power is Satan." Other parts of the song, when played in reverse, say: "I live for Satan," "The Lord turns me off," "Here is to my sweet Satan," "There's power in Satan," and "Take the 666."
There is some evidence that suggests that the human brain can decode a recorded message that is played backwards, even though the person isn't consciously aware of what's being said. On the Beatles 'White' Album (called "The Beatles"), there is a song called "No. 9 Revolution." In one segment, John Lennon chants "number nine, number nine," which, when played in reverse, says "turn me on dead man." This fueled rumors that group member Paul McCartney was dead. Eric Nehart, of Mechanicsburg, PA, who does research into subliminal techniques used in rock music, said that someone he knew, who was listening to "No. 9 Revolution", and hallucinating from drugs, was imagining that there were no windows or doors in the room, and that fire was coming at him. He began to scream, "Let me out, let me out." A section of the song, when played in reverse, says: "Let me out."
On the Electric Light Orchestra's album "Face the Music", there's a song called "Fire on High", a segment of which, when played in reverse, says: "The music is reversible, but time isn't, turn back, turn back, turn back..." In their album "Eldorado", there are backward messages which say: "Christ you're the nasty one, you're infernal," and "He's there on the cross and dead." Queen's song, "Another One Bites the Dust," when played in reverse, continually says: "It's fun to smoke marijuana." In Jefferson Starship's "Blows Against the Empire", the song says: "I've got a surprise for you, a child is coming, a child is coming. Everything's gonna get better, it's gonna be brighter." When played in reverse, it continually says: "Son of Satan." On the live album of Black Oak Arkansas, called "Raunch and Roll", during the song, "The Day Electricity Came to Arkansas" the lead singer Jim Landy utters something unintelligible, then laughs. When it is played backwards, he says: "Satan, Satan, Satan; He is God, he is God, he is God." Some researchers believe that not all of this is intentional, that some of it may be put there supernaturally.
The Eagles, who publicly admitted to having ties with the Church of Satan(founded in San Francisco in 1966), illustrated that fact with their album "Hotel California". The face of the church's founder, Anton LaVey, can be seen in a window on the inside cover. A segment of the song "Hotel California" when played in reverse, says: "Yes Satan, he organized his own religion." The Church is located on California Street, and the song refers to 1969, when the Satanic Bible was written by LaVey.
In January, 1983, Congressman Jack McCoy(D-AR) proposed legislation(HR336) that would require albums which utilized "back-masking" to bear warning labels. If such a record failed to display such a warning, then it would be confiscated. It passed 18-13 in the House Committee on Public Health, and 83-0 in the full House vote. When it got to the Senate, they amended the penalty to a Class A Misdemeanor, and when it was sent back to the House for concurrence, they tabled it. McCoy vowed to reintroduce the Bill during the next session of Congress.
Many groups also use occult symbols on their album covers, even though the public doesn't think of it that way. Rush and Starz, use the inverted five-pointed star(which represents Satan, the horned hunter of the night); the Blue Oyster Cult, used an inverted Satanic cross, with the bottom section replaced with an upside-down question mark. Other groups using occult symbolism are Black Sabbath(who in an Ontario, Canada concert attended by 100,000 people, gave an alter call for Satan) whose first album was called "Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath" and depicted an upside-down cross and the number "666" on the cover; Molly Hatchet; Nazareth; Alice Cooper; Rolling Stones(one of their albums was called "Their Satanic Majesty's Request", and two of their songs, "Sympathy for the Devil", which is the unofficial anthem for Satanists; "Dancing with Mr. D" - or the devil); Styx(named after a mythical river that runs through Hell); Earth, Wind and Fire; Santana; KISS(which is said to mean "Knights in Satan's Service"); Rush; Judas Priest; and Motley Crue (whose album "Shout at the Devil" has a pentagram, the five pointed star which symbolizes the five sense of man, his head and four limbs, and is a protection against evil spirits). On the back of one of Venom's albums, which contains the song "Welcome to Hell", is this line: "We're possessed by all that is evil, the death of you God we demand; We spit at the virgin you worship, and sit you at the Lord Satan's left hand."
The group AC/DC used the Satanic "S" on a couple album covers. Their song "Highway to Hell" claims that Hell is the promised land. Their lead guitarist, known as a "guitar demon" once said: "By the time we're halfway through the first number someone else is steering me- I'm just along for the ride. I become possessed when I'm on stage." Deep Purple has recorded in a 17th century castle that is said to be haunted by a demon who is a servant of the Babylonian god Baal. Mick Jagger, the lead singer of the Rolling Stones, who was labeled by Newsweek as the "Lucifer of Rock" and the "unholy roller", said: "There are black magicians who think we are acting as unknown agents of Lucifer." Peter Criss, the former KISS drummer, said: "I find myself evil, I believe in the devil as much as I believe in God. You can use either one to get things done." David Bowie told Rolling Stone magazine(February, 1976): "Rock has always been the Devil's music. You can't convince me that it isn't. I honestly believe everything I've said, I believe Rock and Roll is dangerous." Guitarist Craig Chaquico of the group Jefferson Starship said: "Rock concerts are the churches of today." Another member, Spencer Dryden, said: "Get them while they're young and bend their minds." An Iron Maiden concert in Portland, Oregon opened with the words: "Welcome to Satan's Sanctuary."
Another element that has permeated rock music, is sadistic violence. Ozzy Osbourne, who has bitten off the heads of live birds in his concerts, threw live puppies into the crowd during the 1983 "Us" Festival in California, and refused to continue performing until they were returned dead. He once said: "Sometimes I feel like a medium for some outside force..." He said that Aleister Crowley was a "phenomenon of his time." A song by a group known as the "Dead Kennedys" had the following lyrics: "I kill children. I love to see them die. I kill children and make their mamas cry. Crush'em under my car. I wanna hear them scream. Feed'em poison candy, to spoil their Halloween...Ever want to die? Of course you have. But I won't until I get my revenge...Take as many away with me, anyone can be king for a day...I kill children. I bang their heads in doors. I kill children. I can hardly wait for yours."
Parents, do you know what your children are listening to? Do you know what they are watching on TV? MTV(Music Television), owned by Warner Communications, broadcasts rock music 24 hours a day to millions of cable subscribers across the country. The National Coalition on Television Violence(NCTV) had reported that MTV showed "18 violent or hostile actions every hour, with more than half the videos stressing or suggesting violence and 35 per cent of programming featuring violence of a sexual nature."
In 1935, Joseph Stalin said: "If we can enslave just one generation in any country, that country will fall to Soviet Communism." This was to be accomplished through "immorality, music, and drugs." The Illuminati has been working behind the scenes to ensnare our youth, by weakening our moral fiber with pornography; encouraging the use of alcohol and drugs, and seeking the destruction of the family unit. The blueprint for this was prepared by the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations(established by RIIA) at Sussex University in England, under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. Stanford Research continued the work, which later became known as the "Aquarian Conspiracy."
The 1980's and 90's have brought an explosion of interest in the supernatural, and its level of acceptance has increased because of graphic horror movies and rock music. In horror movie of the past, the villain would die at the end, but today, as in the case of Michael Myers("Halloween"), Jason("Friday the 13th"), and Freddy Krueger("Nightmare on Elm Street"), they could not be killed, and became heroes to the youth of this country who were fascinated by this kind of power. Role-playing games, like Dungeons and Dragons, which contain occult material, have become wildly popular, even though the playing of those games have contributed to the deaths of some participants.
Many kids are being seduced into the occult because of the allure of having power, and feeling accepted. Some come from disfunctional homes, being raised in an environment void of love. The parents of this generation are allowing their children to "do their own thing." The problem with this mentality, is that there are too many external conflicts. Foremost, is that God has been taken out of the schools. Nothing has done more damage to the youth of this country, than to have prayer taken out of our schools. Much of the decline of morality in this country can be traced to that single incident. With the weapon of first amendment rights, our children are being bombarded with sex, violence, and drugs. Without the proper guidance, role models, and teaching, they are vulnerable - "ripe for the picking".
The Bible is very clear concerning the occult. Exodus 22:18 says: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Jeremiah 10:2 says: "...Learn not the way of the heathen..." Deuteronomy 18:10-12 says: "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord..."
In 1908, Annie Besant(1847-1933, sister of Sir Walter Besant, a Mason), an outspoken atheist who was converted to Satanism by Pike, member of the Fabian Society, who became president of the Theosophical Society(whose goal was to "gain access to the universal spiritual reality beyond material existence") after the death of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky(1831-1891, who became a Satanist in 1856) who founded the Society in New York in 1875; and Charles W. Leadbeater, former Anglican priest, a Theosophist, and 33rd degree Mason; discovered Jiddu Krishnamurti, who they believed to be the reincarnation of the being that inhabited Jesus, Krishna and Buddha. They founded the Order of the Star to spread his word. Those who listened to him speak at a Star of the East convocation in 1911, said he "spoke in the first person as a god." Others witnessed "a great coronet of brilliant, shimmering blue" appearing above his head. Many knelt to worship him as the "world teacher" and the "guiding spirit of the universe."
A biographer later wrote: "Although he was only a little boy when she brought him from India to London, and although he hardly moved and did not speak when introduced at a party at Charing Cross, those who were present professed to feel a strange 'vibration' coming from him. Years later this same vibration caused thousands to fall at his feet in homage, accepting him as their Messiah, when he addressed a huge International Conference of Theosophists in Holland. A visitor to the conference afterwards testified, 'When he spoke, it was awe inspiring. I am not easily moved, but there was something there- impalpable, but resistless."'
However, when he came to America in 1926, his occult powers failed him, and his spirit guides left him. The New York Times reported him to be "a shy, badly frightened, nice-looking Hindu." His speaking engagements were canceled, and he later denied that he was the "Christ", and renounced the Theosophical Society. Because America, at that time, was still, for the most part, a Christian, Bible-believing nation, the spirit that inhabited Jiddu had to leave him.
He retired in 1929, broke all connections with organized philosophy, and became a popular mystic writer and speaker. In 1969, he established the Krishnamurti Foundation of America (P. O. Box 1560, Ojai, CA 93024) to publish and distribute his teachings. He said that his only concern was "to set men absolutely, unconditionally free." He died in 1986. However, his library and archives are continuing to feed a new generation his brand of New Age teaching. He is listed as a contributing editor of the Bruce Lee magazine, the official publication and voice of the Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do nucleus.
Besant was later replaced with Alice Bailey, a witch, and an occult writer who, back in the 1940's, was the first to use the term "New Age". Collaborating with other occultists, she claimed to be working out mankind's spiritual destiny, from a remote Himalayan retreat, and that her writings were telepathically sent to her by the Tibetan Djuhal Khul, who said that there was going to be a new world government and a new world religion.
In 1922, Bailey, established the Lucifer Publishing Co. of New York to print and distribute their Satanic doctrine. The name was later changed a year later to the Lucis Publishing Co. Years later, their president, Perry Coles, tried to downplay the sinister overtones, by saying that "lucis" comes from the Latin word "lux", which means "of light", and the word is used in the context of being "bringers of light", and doesn't have anything to do with Satanism. Yet they are one of the biggest publishers of occult material in the country.
Lucis Publishing, the Arcane School, and World Goodwill(founded in 1933 to promote Luciferian views, is composed of individuals who are referred to as the "New Group of World Servers"), are run under the auspices of the Lucis Trust Co., which had been located at 866 United Nations Plaza in New York City(suite 566 & 567), but is now located at 113 University Place, 11th floor, P. O. Box 722, Cooper New York, NY, 10276(phone no. 212-982-8770). They seem to be the coordinating force behind the New Age movement. Some of the people who have served on the Board: Robert McNamara, Donald Regan, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Paul Volcker, and George Shultz.
Bailey wrote a few books detailing the New Age plan and said that the New World Order will be the "reappearance of the Christ." In her Externalization of the Hierarchy she said that the New Age will be in full bloom after the global crisis occurs and the world turns to "Christ" for leadership. She felt that the term "Christ" could be applied to any person who reached an elevated state of consciousness, thereby achieving a divine status. Only a few souls found enough favor with the spiritual hierarchy of the reincarnated ancient Masters to be chosen to return to earth as an avatar. New Agers claim that Mohammed, Buddha, and Jesus were avatars, and therefore each was a "Christ".
Bailey said that her "hidden Masters" told her that 1975 was the time to begin open propagation of their plans. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who brought Transcendental Meditation to America, teaches that the New Age began in 1975 when he inaugurated the "Age of Enlightenment."
The central theme of the New Age movement is "the emergence of a new planetary consciousness." They hope to usher in the "Age of Aquarius" and their goal is a one-world religion. It is nothing more than a revival of the ancient Babylonian religion, and a dressed-up version of witchcraft, which they hope to introduce to every aspect of society. The spirit guides they refer to are demons. They are working to integrate New Age teaching into religion, and in the process, they are trying to discredit Christianity. For instance, New Agers have latched onto the "lost years" of Jesus, the period between his boyhood and the beginning of his ministry, which are omitted from the Bible. Kevin Ryerson, the demon channeler for actress Shirley Maclaine, says that his spirit guides told him that "the man Jesus studied for 18 years in India before he returned to Jerusalem. He was studying the teachings of Buddha and became an adept Yogi himself." Elizabeth Clare Prophet in her book The Lost Years of Jesus, said that she discovered, through documents she found in the Himalayas, that when Jesus was a youth, he joined a caravan to the East, and studied under "wise men" who taught him mysticism. Edgar Cayce's demon guides also gave him similar revelations. He claimed that Jesus traveled through Egypt, India and Persia, and it was in Persia that he learned from the Mystery Religion teachers. New Age leaders claim this information was censored in the 6th century by the Church. A book called Jesus Lived in India, by Holger Kerston, has gone as far as to say that after the "resurrection" of Jesus, he returned to India, and that his tomb in Kashmir can still be seen.
Ruth Montgomery was told by her spirit guides: "...We are as much God as God is part of us...each of us is God...together we are God." Corinne and Theodore Heline, authors of many New Age books, including New Age Bible Interpretation, said that with the dawning of a New Age, an evil Satan who doesn't exist, will vanish from man's memory. Christians unfit for the New Age will also cease to exist, being wiped off the earth by the New Age "Christ". New Ager Ken Eyers was quoted in Parade magazine(August 9, 1987) as saying: "Those who can not be enlightened will not be permitted to dwell in this world. They will be sent to some equally appropriate place to work their way to understanding." In the New Age book Reflections on the Christ by David Spangler, he wrote that Lucifer is "an agent of God's love", and that "Christ is the same force as Lucifer." He also wrote: "Lucifer prepares man for the experience of Christhood...(he is) the great Initiator...Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, as we move into a new age...each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation...that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into the new age." New Agers refer to the writings of a 14th century gnostic group, called Luciferians, who worshiped him, believing him to be the brother of God, and taught that he was wrongly cast out of Heaven, and would someday be vindicated. He was praised as the "bright and morning star."
The December, 1986 issue of the Omega-Letter reported that the New Age movement is the fastest growing religion in America. People are being drawn into the New Age movement because of its propaganda regarding social injustices, environmental concerns, and ending world hunger. Some of the well-known people who are involved: singer John Denver, former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, former University of Notre Dame president Theodore Hesburgh, former German chancellor Willy Brandt, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, physicist Fritjof Capra, and Megatrends author John Naisbitt. According to Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980's, published in 1980, which has become a handbook for action by the New Age movement, she claimed that the movement had grown to such an extent, that thousand of groups are now a part of the network, including: Human Potential Movement, New Thought, Consciousness Movement, Holistic Movement, Whole Earth, and Unity. Some of their front-groups include: Association for Humanistic Psychology, the Holistic Health Organizing Committee, Association for World Organization, Political Science Committee of the Institute for the New Age, Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, Naropa Institute, Hunger Project, Planetary Citizens, Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, and the Movement for a New Society. Ferguson said that the New Age movement "has triggered the most rapid cultural realignment in history." California New Age minister and writer Terry Cole-Whittaker told Magical Blend magazine: "I feel that we are right on the edge and we are going to 'pop' into a new dimension. Everybody senses it."
Lola Davis, author of Toward a World Religion for the New Age, identified the New Age "Christ" as Lord Maitreya, who has been labeled as an avatar and a world teacher. She said "he will bring new revelations and further guidance for establishing the World Religion." She also said that the "World Council of Churches ...has the potential to serve as a source of unity among the diversity of religions." On April 25, 1982, the Tara Center(headquartered in London and N. Hollywood, CA), a New Age group led by Benjamin Creme, ran a full page ad in twenty major papers around the world proclaiming that the New Age Messiah, Lord Maitreya, was alive and ready to institute their plan, which included "the installation of a new world government and a new world religion under Maitreya." The ad said: "Since July, 1977, the Christ has been emerging as a spokesman for a group or community in a well-known modern country." It promised that the "Christ" would appear "within the next two months" and that "his message will be heard inwardly, telepathically, by all people in their own language. From that time, with his help, we will build a new world."
A similar ad ran five years later, on January 12, 1987, in USA Today, under the headline "The Christ is in the World", describing Lord Maitreya as "a great world teacher for people of every religion and no religion." He never did appear, and according to Creme, Maitreya, was living in a Hindu-Pakistani community in southeast London, and attending Oxford University, where he is studying the sacred writings of the world's major religions.
When Creme spoke in Detroit on November 4, 1981, he was asked if he had met Maitreya, and he said: "No, I've never met the Christ, but I've met the human body he is inhabiting several times - but never as the Christ." This man has been identified as Rahmat Ahmad, and is the great-great grandson of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who was born in the 1800's in India, and claimed that he was the Messiah, sent to unite the entire world in a New World Religion. It has been revealed that he was born in February, 1962 in Rabwah, Pakistan, then went to England in July, 1977, in preparation for his role.
Just as the birth of Jesus was prophesied by many Old Testament prophets, New Agers believed that the birth of the new "Christ", Lord Maitreya was prophesied by Jeanne Dixon. Shortly before sunrise on February 5, 1962, Dixon had an unusual experience. For several months, astrologers had predicted that an earth-shaking event on that day, because of a rare conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus in the constellation of Pisces. A similar conjunction which occurred nearly 2,000 years ago, is believed by some to explain the "bright star in the east" at the time of the birth of Jesus. As she looked outside, she didn't see any trees, or the street, just a blue sky, above a barren desert. In the sky, the sun was shining brighter than she had ever seen. Coming from the sun in every direction were brilliant rays which seemed to be drawing the earth toward it like a magnet. Stepping out of the brightness of the sun's rays, hand-in-hand, was a Pharaoh(later identified as Pharaoh Amenhotep) and Queen Nefertiti. In her arms was a baby in ragged soiled clothing. The eyes of the child were "all-knowing"(the all-seeing eye on the Illuminati seal?), full of wisdom and knowledge. To one side of the Queen, Dixon could see a pyramid (the Illuminati?). The couple came before her, as if to offer the baby to the world. Within the sun, Joseph was guiding the tableau like a puppeteer pulling strings(Bible teacher David Ebaugh has linked Genesis 41:14-36, dealing with Joseph's interpretations of the Pharaoh's dreams, with the Book of Revelation; in addition, Joseph was known as the "dreamer"). Rays of light burst forth from the baby, blending with those of the sun, obliterating the Pharaoh from her sight. Off to the left, Dixon saw Queen Nefertiti walking away, thousands of miles into the past. She paused beside a large brown water jug, and as she stooped to cup her hands and drink, she was stabbed in the back by a dagger. She died and vanished. The baby, meanwhile, had grown to manhood, and a small cross formed above him, expanding until it dripped over the earth in every direction. At the same time, people of every race, religion, and color, all knelt and lifted their arms in worship; and were all as one.
Dixon interpreted this to mean that there was a child born somewhere in the Middle East, shortly after February 5, 1962, of humble peasant origin, possibly a direct descendent of Queen Nefertiti. Her husband, Pharaoh Amenhotep IV(known as the great "Heretic King") had changed his name to Ikhnaton(which means, "He in whom Aton is satisfied"), and built a city, Tell-el-Amarna, protected by impregnable cliffs, to worship the sun god Aton(in 1375 BC). They had seven daughters, but no sons. After his death, the priests of Amon took over. Tutankhaton, who married the third daughter, became Pharaoh at the age of twelve, and changed his name to Tutankhamon(the "image of Amon"), destroying all traces of Atonism, returning to the worship of earlier gods. If the child isn't a direct descendent, the sun could be a symbol of the one world religion that is to come. When the Illuminati was established, their secret code utilized the planetary symbol for the sun to signify the Order. Dixon said: "There is no doubt in my mind that the 'child' is the actual person of the Antichrist, the one who will deceive the world in Satan's name."
Lord Maitreya has yet to make an appearance, so the New Agers are either waiting for the right time to unveil him, or perhaps another has been chosen to by their spirit guides to be the New Age "Christ".
Robert Mueller, a former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN, and a member of the board of Planetary Citizens, has supported a one-world religion organized along the same lines as the UN, and suggested that the UN flag be displayed in all the churches and that a universal Bible be written. He said in 1982: "The human person and planetary citizenship must be given absolute priority over national citizenship." His views were molded by his "Master", former Secretary-General U Thant, a Buddhist and a one worlder. In his book The New Genesis, he calls for the New Age to be ushered in by the year 2000.
We can see New Age philosophy being advocated on television, and in the movies. There are New Age book stores, and there is even New Age music. New Age meditation techniques have been secretly introduced in our public schools, and there seems to be no end as to how far they will go to spread the New Age message. A song by former Beatle member, George Harrison, "My Sweet Lord" (in fact, a rip-off of the Chiffon's "He's So Fine") was accepted by many churches as a Christian song, when in fact it was a song of dedication to Krishna, and contained a chant to summon spirits (demons). He had been involved with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, later converting to Hinduism.
The facts speak for themselves here. The New Age movement is nothing more than a politically-correct form of witchcraft, and its purpose is to deceive. Will the New Age movement be the vehicle that will dilute the major religions enough, that they will be able to find enough a common ground, to join together in a new World Religion; or will the movement become so strong that it will just overshadow all of the other religions, and force them to abdicate to the New Age "religion". John Randolph Price, a New Age leader, said that "there are more than half a billion New Age advocates on the planet at this time, working among various religious groups."
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My Masonic Friend!
EXPLAINING THE ILLUMINATI, by John Todd a former Illuminatist Pt. 1
EXPLAINING THE ILLUMINATI, by John Todd a former Illuminatist Pt. 2
THE BILDERBERGS AND OTHER SECRET SOCIETIES"Morals and Dogma" is an official Masonic book written by occultist Albert Pike. Pages 104 and 105 of this Satanic occult book states:
“Masonry, like all the religions, all Mysteries, Hermetiscism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be mislead;”Only the "illuminated ones" at the highest levels of Freemasonry and other secretive societies are privy to the Luciferian agenda of the New World Order!
“So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray.” (Morals and Dogma, pp. 104, 105)