Established 1997
The purpose of the St. Andrew Society of Baton Rouge is to carry on and conduct charitable and educational activities consistent with it's objectives of preserving and promoting Scottish heritage, tradition and culture. The energy and resources of the St.Andrew Society of Baton Rouge are directed toward encouraging and financing the study of Scottish culture through scholarships, grants, loans, and the award of prizes, all to the promotion and understanding of the American public of the Scots and things Scottish.
In furtherance of this purpose, the Society will endeavor to preserve and promote the customs, traditions, and heritage of Scotland and the Scottish people by educating the public as to Scottish history, genealogy, heraldry, literature, music, poetry, art, cuisine, athletics, language and architecture.
Note the arms (above) of the St. Andrew Society of Baton Rouge incorporates the Cross of St. Andrew on a Blue field which represents the national arms of Scotland. The shield is surmounted by crossed red maces representing the "Red Stick" of Baton Rouge. The colors are red, white and blue which symbolize our American heritage.
St. Andrew Society Meetings are held at Noon the last Monday of each month. Contact Secretary for time and place.
Chief - Joe McD. Campbell
Deputy Chief ~ Stan Masinter
Secretary ~Thomas G. Mungall, III
Treasurer ~ Ricks Bowles
Past Chief ~Dave McDougall ~
Thomas G. Mungall ~ Webmaster ~ SABR
Scottish Websites
Flowers of the Forest ~ St. Andrew Society of Baton Rouge
The Caledonian Society of Baton Rouge
Undiscovered Scotland
St. Andrew Society of Baton Rouge Contact Inforamtion
St. Andrew Society of Baton Rouge Events
~ SABR History Page ~
Past Chiefs of the St. Andrew Society of Baton Rouge
2004 Highland Games of Louisiana
New! - Louisiana Scottish Associations - New!
NEW! - Caledonian Society of New Orleans, Louisiana - NEW!
NEW!!St. Andrew Society of Baton Rouge Member Honored-NEW!!