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"Life is a struggle but there's hope and beauty in the world.
Even though a lot of our songs are dark, there's oftentimes a strain of
'but we're so powerful as individuals and we're loved and we're good and
the things we struggle with are things that teach us the most and help us to grow.'
In the end, that's what matters."
~Emily Sailers

These two women... wow. Amy Ray and Emily Sailers have a harmony and influnce rarely found in today's music scene. Amy and Emily speak out about the persecution of native americans, race relations, gay rights, environmental issues and intolerance, to name just a few issues. But what continuously amazes me is their capacity to love and accept everyone. To quote Amy, "every devil I meet becomes a friend of mine." They write music that is difficult to catagorize, but some call it folk rock.



Meaings of some songs

Little poem I found called "Everything Indigo"


Interview with Emily and her dad in an Emory magazine

Infamous interview with Amy by Jennifer Baumgardner


Girl with Guitars Page