Hardcore Holly Vs. X-Pac
Winner: X-Pac Disqualification
Hardcore Holly brought a chair to the ring, after being thrown out by X-Pac, he then struck X-Pac, he tried to block it with his arm, but instead it struck it. Road dogg then came to his aid and Hardcore Holly ran out of the ring.
Kane Vs. Big Show
Winner: Kane, submission
Kane gave Big Show a choke hold (while the referree was unconscious) and the Big show Paul wright fell on his knee and fell to the ground,Kane got out of the ring to get a chair, he brought the chair in the ring and nailed the big show in the head.
The referee got back up and counted the 1-2-3.
Billy Gunn Vs. Shamrock
Winner: Billy Gunn, Submission
Earlier on Heat, Shamrock had to face Shane McMahon, but suffered from an attack by Steve Blackmen. Giving Shane the win. When the match came for Shamrock, the EMT's ordered Shamrock not to participate in the match, Knowing Shamrock, he went on to fight the match. During the match Shamrock wasn't 100% so he lost by submission and was bleeding from his mouth caused by the beating of Steve Blackmen.
Road Dogg Vs. Chyna
Winner: Road Dogg, Pin fall
Chyna was in the ring on the floor suffering a beating by the Road Dogg, on the other end was Triple H trying to distract Road Dogg so Chyna could go for the low blow, Road dogg gave into the distraction to triple H, but then HBK Shawn Michaels, the commissioner, escorted Triple H to his locker room. Road Dogg's
attention was still on triple H, without knowing chyna went for the low blow, but what she didn't know was that Road dogg had a "Metal Cup" on! Which left her hand stinging from the pain of the cup, Road dogg took advantage of the opportunity and got the pin for the win.
Christian/edge Vs. Hardy Boys
Winner:Hardy Boys, Pin fall
Edge had control of the match, while on the outside of the ring, Gangrel was getting ready to spit his blood from the cup, in Matt Hardy's face, but missed and got Edge, Edge then body slammed Jeff and Matt hardy. Somehow, Michael Hayes distracted the referee and Matt Hardy then got Edge into an inside cradle while, Edge was distracted and got the win.
Billy Gunn Vs. Kane
Winner:Billy Gunn, Pin fall
Kane was gaining control of the match, while on the outside, the Big show Paul wright made his way to the ring with a chair in hand. He then got Kane's attention and struck him over the head (I guess you can call it revenge) without the referee knowing, Billy Gunn took action and performed the "Fam-ass-er"
Taking the Win.
X-Pac vs. Road Dogg
Winner: X-Pac, Pin Fall
Making this a, "May the best man win" match, X-Pac took control with a "X-Factor" and won against the Road Dogg, moving on to the Finals.
X-Pac Vs.Billy Gunn
Winner: Billy Gunn 1999 King Of The Ring Winner
The main contenders, X-Pac and Billy Gunn made their way to the ring. During the beginning of the match, X-Pac and Billy Gunn were battling it out for the chance to be King of the Ring. Billy Gunn did the "Fam-ass-er" on X-Pac, Billy Gunn didn't believe his eyes when X-Pac kicked out,Billy Gunn then performed it again, took the win and became WWF King of the Ring.
The Rock Vs. Undertaker
Winner: Undertaker
The Rock taking control of the match, laid the undertaker down and Paul Bearer, put poison on a rag and gave it to the Undertaker, but then the Rock, punched the Undertaker and took the rag out of his hand and put it over the Undertakers face. Rock took control of the undertaker's drowsiness, and gave the Undertaker the "People's Elbow",following the Rock bottom. Astonishing, the Undertaker rose up, and "Tombstoned", the Rock and retained the title.
Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Vince McMahon & Boy Wonder Shane
Winner: The McMahon's--Shane McMahon
The "Boy Wonder" Shane, suposively had a hurt neck, and Vince was forced to get a replacement. His replacement was Steve Blackmen. Thanks to G-TV, the fans and Vince were able to see, Shane and "The MeanStreet Posse" laughing and hitting Shane's neck out of sacasim. Shawn Michaels took charge and ordered Shane to wrestle. The match got started. Beating the crap out of the McMahon's, Stone Cold climbed up the ladder. Surprisingly, the brief case rose up in the air. The Vince McMachon distracted Stone Cold and Shane, climbed up the ladder, got the brief case and won the match, gaining control of the World Wrestling Federation.
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