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All 3 MIAL sessions are closed to the public and held in undisclosed locations. When the muse smiles upon us, we try and get the groovage on tape. Email us at for CD ordering info. Also, check us out at MP3.COM for song downloads and bio info. Peace Y'all...3 MIAL
This is the first one. The first meeting. The birth of the triumvirate!!! The very vector where 3 seperate journeys intersected. The session evolved from simple (safe) blues progressions to expressive displays of creativity. It was during track 3 that the muse revealed unto us, our name.
When Danny-boy retreated to his summer residence in July 2002. The Chaz-man and I decided to just "see what happens". The result was some pretty cool stuff!!! She co. Blues was the jem of the session. Look for a re-mix/headphone mix coming soon.
"Major Healey!!!!" "Who was that blonde woman I saw you with?" The Dr. Bellows session was just simply the best interplay yet between 3MIAL. Track 4 is the diamond on this disc. I actually had to reduce the db level of some parts. Also track 3 has the riff that would not leave us alone. Thanx Mingus.
Some MOFO done been messin' wit our MOJO. This was a rough one. We got through it though. In retrospect there are some moments. Track 2 is another attempt at vibing on Mingus. The disc closes with a return to the park. There is also some post production that begs for candles and headphones.

3 MIAL sessions live on disc

  • Three men in a lab 7/16/02
  • The cognitive/biopsych alliance 7/23/02
  • The Dr. Bellows sessions 9/11/02 (critically acclaimed as our best work!!)
  • Lost Mojo session 9/18/02
  • Western Hoe 10/02/02 (lots of post-production at 3MIAL studios)

3 MIAL endorsed sites

Free 3MIAL downloads on MP3.COM
The H-man commeth
