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Mad Madam's Mask

Anna Marie Catoir

Mask 1 Mask 2 mask 3 Mask 4

"Mask...>n. 1. A covering worn on the face to conceal one's identity. 2. A figure of a head worn by actors in Greek and Roman drama. 3a. A protective covering for the face of head. b. A covering for the nose and mouth that is used for inhaling oxygen or an anesthetic. 4. A mold of a person's face. 5. The facial markings of certain animals. 7. Var. of masque. > v. 1. To cover with a mask. 2. To make indistinct or blurred to the senses. 3. To conceal, protect, or disguise. " -- American Heritage Dictionary 4th ed.

Art Work on Display
St. Tammany Parish Library -- Causeway Branch
April and May 2009



Papier Mache Mask Workshops
St. Tammany Parish Library’s Summer Teen Program Ages 12 – 17

Must Pre-Register. Call branch for details.

Slidell Branch

(985) 646-6470

June 3rd & 10th

@ 2:30 pm

Covington Branch

(985) 893-6280

June 12th & 19th

@ 6:30 pm

Lee Road Branch

(985) 893-6284

June 17th & June 24th

@ 4 pm


2005 Submission to the Southern Illinois University Carbondale Mask Exhibit

"The Green" got accepted! I'm so happy. I mailed it off Monday. I believe the exhibit is up from May 18th -- Oct. 8th.


the novice ART-A-Fact


These are the two most recent editions to my website. I made these masks in the beginning of May 2004. The photos are a little washed out. Each of these masks are a rich warm brown. The one on the left is embelished with gold mesh and beads. The mask on the right is embelished with gold mesh, ribbon, and blue nail enamel.

beaded egypta



The Storyteller

Trading Faces
a Silent Auction and Mask Art Exhibit
Saturday, October 18, 2003
6:00 pm
St. Tammany Art Association
320 N. Columbia Street, Downtown Covington



All masks Copyright Anna Marie Catoir 2002-2009