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Disclaimers: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer belongs to Fox and a few others other than me. No copyright infringement was intended. This story is written solely for entertainment, and no money was exchanged.

This song is based on events in BtVS, but not in order.



(to the tune of "Supercalifragillisticiscpialladoughshus")

Oh, Vampire fangs, the Scooby Gang, and scary demon eyes
Darla's fun, the Anointed One, and several virgin cries
Stakes, crosses, holy water, Buffy's birthday surprise
Put it all together, you have Sunnydale before sunrise!

Buffy slays vampires all through the night
Angel turned into a vamp and gave her a fright
Xander's dating Cordelia, Willow and Oz are dating, too
It's just another night in Sunnydale, what are you to do?


The Master killed Buffy, Xander revived her
Spike's legs were crushed temporarily, that's not what we'd prefer
Angel turned into Angelus, and Faith, evil she turned
The Master's dead by Buffy's hand, and the Anointed One got burned


Jenny's killed by Angelus' hand, she was a gypsy spy
Oz is a werewolf, but a still a nice guy
Giles is a watcher, who used to be real bad
Angelus turned back into Angel and we're all glad
