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Disclaimer: All borrowed characters/concepts belong to their respective owners who are obviously not me, or there wouldn't be a disclaimer. Any copyright infringements were not intended. This story was written for entertainment and not for profit.

Author's Note: I have never seen these particular plot devices being used before. However, there is the possibility that others have done any of these before; if that is true, cool!

Summary: Crossover drabbles of 250 words or less. Answers my own Who Would Have Guessed It Challenge. Secrets are often not what they are suspected to be, if they are suspected at all. Includes WW, Amber, Buffy, SW, Roswell, HP, and the Matrix.

This is in answer to a challenge I'm about to make up. I will be posting the challenge on Twisting the Hellmouth and on some of the groups I belong to. Here it is:


The Who Would Have Guessed It Challenge

Write a story of any length about one of the characters of any TV show, movie, book or radio program (fiction-based) of your choice. The character must have an ability or secret that no one else in the story knows about. It must be an ability or secret that, as far as you know, has not been previously used in canon or in fanfic. For example, you can't make Harry Potter an Immortal, because that's been done in fan fiction already, but you can make Neville Longbottom a Power Ranger, since as far as I know that idea has never been used. The stranger the ability or secret is, the better.


- They are caught in the act by one of the other characters in the fic.


On Arrival(West Wing/Books of Amber)
On Discovery (Buffy/Star Wars)
On Surprises (Stargate SG-1/Superman)
On Collision (Harry Potter/Roswell)
On Hope (Matrix Trilogy/Books of Amber)
(Untitled) (Highlander/The Sentinel)