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The Entity of Seven - 1/26/04

Status: Complete
Summary: It's a few days before Xander and Anya's wedding, but it's also a few days after the debacle with the Order of Taraka in junior year. Buffy, Faith, and the Potentials are preparing to enter the Hellmouth and go up against the First's army, while at the same time the Shadow Men are merging demonic energy to a human girl to create the first Slayer. Time seems to have ceased flowing in one direction, but Xander seems to be the only one to realize it. Also, there's someone after him and he's determined to get Xander one way or another, and it's all because of a destiny Xander never would have dreamed of having or even wanting.

The Retrieval

Status: Complete
Summary: Sequel/Companion Story to “The Entity of Seven.” The Watcher’s Council was not sufficiently protected against modern weaponry, a situation Caleb took advantage of when he detonated the bomb at Headquarters in London. Other protection spells, however, ensured that, the moment after the bomb went off, Headquarters was sent into an alternate dimension, where it was reconstructed. There it has waited to be retrieved by someone still on Earth. That person is Rupert Giles, a man capable of doing terrible things, all of which he believed were necessary. Despite all they know he has done, Buffy, Willow and Xander still do not know the full extent of his capabilities. If Rupert has any say, if he can fulfill his goal and get out of this alternate world safely, then they will never learn from him the lengths he is determined to go, even now.

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