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Everyone's tried to re-write an episode or a season of Buffy. I have nothing against Buffy Season Five - in fact, after S3 it's my favorite season - but I do like giving Buffy characters super powers where they previously had none. This series explores how the fifth season could have been if Dawn was an Amberite from Roger Zelazny's book series, The Chronicles of Amber. Glory won't know what's coming...


In a Shadow alternate to the televised version of the Buffyverse, Dawn isn't just the Key, nor is she the daughter of Joyce and Hank Summers. She's still Joyce's daughter but her father was a completely different man, one who passed his legacy down to Dawn along with the rest of his offspring...


Dawn's just found out she's the Key, and she isn't taking it very well. Little does she know that there are more surprises on the way. Dawn Summers, meet the rest of the family...


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