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Summer Experience at the National Weather Center in Slidell.


Link to National Weather Service Web Page
Link to Pictures from the Summer
Link to Heat Index record

Daily Journal
Date Morning Activities Afternoon Activities
06/4/01 Introduced to Staff. Tour of the Weather Center. Recieved overview of future activities. Field Trip to vital instrument sites in New Orleans and Slidell.Theses sites provided valueable information on the amount of rain fall recieved in a particular area. In New Orleans the site is located in Audoubon park. In Slidell this site is located at the Sewage Water Treatment Plant. Later that day we participated in launching a Weather Balloon. The weather Ballons provides essential information used to determine weather conditions throughout the day
06/5/01 Recieved information about duties of the Weather Services and my duties as a student. Started constructing a speadsheet to record the Heat Index. Obtained information on resources to complete web page up grades. Monitored movements of Tropical Storm Alican.
06/6/01 Attended the St.Benard Hurricane Emergence Preparation Meeting. Continued designing the Heat Index spreadsheet.
06/7/01 Participated in properly handling office activities Assisted in Updating the National Weather Service's Web Page
06/8/01 Assisted in Updating the National Weather Service's Web Page. Started designing web page for summer activities at the Weather Center
06/9/01 Weekend Break Weekend Break
06/10/01 Weekend Break Weekend Break
06/11/01 Intense and Endless rain water continue to punish the cities and counties of Texas, New Orleans, and other Southern States. Flash flood watches and Warnings control the Computers Screens and telephone lines. This afternoon we took a trip out to missippi. It was believed that a weather guage was malfunctioning. Upon arrival it was discovered that the gauge wasn't malfunctioning, so there was no need to worry.While in missippi we examined local lakes and warned bussiness owners about flood predictions for that very evening
06/12/01 Field trip to examine possible tornado and flood damage along the coast of missippi. Trip members include Tim, Frank, Jessica Mellieon, and Darius Glover. Our trip provided pictures of tree damage, roof damage, house foundation damage, and flood damage. The path of the tornadoes can be determined the damaged areas After returning from the field I was able to observe and analize radar data concerning the remains of Topical Storm Alician.
06/13/01 I started the morning by upgrading my web site. The HTML and the CRS books at the weather center proved to vital assets. Accurate records have an important purpose at the National Weather Center. Without percise records it would be impossible to determine the outcome of many weather conditions. I was given the task to verify that the climate records at New Orleans Intl. Airport and Baton Rouge Regional Airport were posted correctly on the Internet.
06/14/01 Today I focused on the task assigned to me yesterday. I was able to finish checking the climate records for the New Orleans Intl. Airport and I began to check the records for the Baton Rouge Regional Airport. The National Weather Service develops news articles and mail them to important people and organizations in the community. The paper is call the Bayou Observer. It contains helpful information on just about anything that deals with weather. Jessica and I were given the assignment to wrtie an article for this paper. Her article is about the the damaging effects of hurricane Alician and my article will most likely concern information about tornadoes.
Fri.06/15/01 This is the beginning day for the HEAT INDEX PROGJECT. We begin the project by collecting data from the AWIPS computers.This data includes the forcast temperature and the focast Dew Point for 2:00am and 2:00pm.After entering the data into an online weather calculator I am provided with the degree of the Heat Index. Mr. Paul Trotter informed us about his important presentation in Jefferson Parish. We are assigned the task to scan an assortment of newspaper articles, pictures, and charts relating to Topical Storm Alician. Afterwards, we must successful format the items according to his specifications
Sat.06/16/01 Weekend Break Weekend Break
06/17/01 Weekend Break Weekend Break
06/18/01 Scanned pictures for Jefferson Parish Prentation.Scanned pictures for Jefferson Parish Presentation.
06/19/01 Put the finishing touches on the Jefferson Parish Presentation Searched the Net for newpaper articles concerning Tropical Storm Alician
06/20/01 Made updates to my NWA research Web Page Searched the Net for pictures and music to add to my web page
06/21/01 Aided in design of finding and suppling Keys. Continued the 'Key' project.
06/22/01 Worked on Heat Index dataWorked on Heat Index data
06/23/01Weekend BreakWeekend Break
06/24/01Weekend BreakWeekend Break
06/25/01 Taught the correct procedure for coping files onto a CDTaught the procede to properly mail government document.
06/26/01 Searched the Net for Climate records in the New Orleans Area Search the Net for pictures to insert in my Heat Index Presentation.
06/27/01 Prepared Heat Index PresentationPrepared Heat Index Presentation
06/28/01 Press Conference on Heat Index. Information session on Heat Index at NWS