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Daniel's Dakota

I have a 95 Dodge Dakota, X-Cab, Auto, Flame Red, Sport. It used to have a v6 that ran a best of 15.2 @ 89 on nitrous. i now have a stock 318 in it. Don't have times yet. Should be some mid-lower 14's on nitrous. I have some updates picures finally so click on the link below to go to my Pics page. This page is still under construction, so come back and check it out. I am also a member of the Dakota Mailing list or the DML, and Dakota USA. Click on their link to check them out. It is an excellant list if you have a dakota. I am also a member of a local car club called Domestic Disturbance.

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Chuck Robbins' 99 Intense Blue Dak
Speedtweaks (Dodge Speed Shop)
A Sweet 96 Flame Red Lowered Dakota
Dakota USA
