Welcome to the new Houma -Thibodaux Cursillo Site
Updated on 06/30/2010
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Houma-Thibodaux Diocese Welcome to the Web Site for the Houma-Thibodaux Cursillo Movement. We hope you find this site useful. We welcome you to visit us if you are ever in the area. You will find an Ultreya schedule below, along with maps for their locations. If you visit this site frequently, please click "Refresh" on your browser for the most current updates. What is Cursillo? The Cursillo is both a movement and a method. The purpose of the movement is to create small groups of Christians that will evangelize their environment with the Gospel spirit. The purpose of the method is to help persons to live what is fundamental for being a Christian by committing themselves to the spiritual aids the Church offers in order to grow in Piety, Study, and Action. More information can be found at the National Cursillo Web Site. Secretariat Kearn Chouest Jr. ................….........................................................Lay Director Janet Lebeouf.........................................................................SecretarySusie Eymard.........................................................................Treasurer Deb Jarreau............................................................Chair / School of Leaders Danny Eymard.........................................…...................Chair / Pre-Cursillo Larry Griffin………………….………………….Chair / Cursillo Janel Chaisson.............................................................Chair / Post-Cursillo Father
Naquin..........................Bishop’s Representative / Spiritual Director
Current Topics
Ultreyas Our Ultreyas are held at 4 different locations within the Diocese. Ultreyas are held every Wednesday at 7:00pm. If you are ever in the area, we would love to have you join us. You are always welcome. A more specific schedule of events can be found further below! School of Leaders July 1 Bourg July 8 Cut Off August 5 Bourg August 12 Cut Off(pray on team) 24.0pt;color:red'>2009 ULTREYA SCHEDULES AREA DATE Cut Off June 23 Lockport July 7 P.O.C. July 14 St. Gregory July 21 Cut Off July 28 Lockport August 4 P.O.C. August 11 St. Gregory August 18 Ultreya Format Opening prayer and song Grouping (15 min.) Witnessing (May include scripture) Spiritual Summation Announcements (next Ultreya. S.O.L., etc.) Closing song, prayer, and blessing Ultreya last about 1 hour
Let us love one another : for Love is of God.1John4:7
Secretariat Meetings
Houma-Thibodaux, Weekend Schedule for 2009 Houma-Thibodaux, Weekend Schedule for 2010 March 25th-28th Women April 22nd-25th Men August 26th-29th Women September 23rd-26th Men
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. Palanca We can send Palance to your weekends, and/or you can send Palanca to our Weekends. Let us know your schedule. See the national website visit www.nationalcatholiccursillomovement.com
Pope John Paul II reminded us with the words of the "Mystical Body" when saying, " It is a tremendous mystery that will never be meditated upon enough. The salvation of many depends on the actions of a few."
Remember your TRIPOD · Piety · Study · Action Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ.
PRAY ALWAYS LET GO - LET GOD A note from your lay director. All Cursillistas are encouraged to live their 'Fourth Day' in all three forms within the movement, School of Leaders, Ultreya, and Group Reunion Pre-weekend announcements PRAYERS ARE NEEDED AS THESE INDIVIDUALS ARE CHOOSING THEIR TEAM MEMBERS.
Janel C. & Janet L..........Larry and Dwyane G..............................Assistant DIRECTORS
Witnesses Cursillo was the beginning of Life with Christ for me. Before Cursillo, like most people I thought I knew everything. When I made Cursillo#101 in may of 2005, I found out that I really didn't know much. But Cursillo did supply me with the "tools" to learn it all. These "tools" which we all have are just like all the rest of the "tools" that we posses, if we don't use them they don't work. Cursillo offers a method for us to use these "tools". Having used my "tools" for four years now I still don't know everything, but, I know a lot more now, than I did back then about living what JESUS CHRIST expects of me. H/T Cursillo Community invites You to realize and maintain your "tools".Kearn Chouest, Jr. #101 H/T Cursillo Community Lay Director
Since making my Cursillo 21 years ago,
by the grace of God, who chose me to be a Cursillo Leader. I have
being going to a process of a change of mind and heart, to reflect
the love of Jesus and Mary and bring that love to others. There were
many areas the Holy Spirit needed to change and it was to discover
my blockage to the love of God. My mind was telling me things that
was not true and I am now living in the Will of The Father. All the
tools of Cursillo is keeping me focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. I
say often remind myself, I know I am not where I want to be and I
can now see that I am not where I use to be. Today is sufficent for
me. I need to practice all my tools. Piety, Study and Action and
Pre-Cursillo, Cursillo and Post Cursillo. It is a life of Grace. I
pray that we can all remain in Jesus and Mary.
Your sister in Christ, Gale Pitre #47
Region 8 team member..
If you would like to post a short witness to your Cursillo experiences, you may e-mail your witness by clicking on This Link