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"Daddy..." "Daddy...."

<BGSOUND SRC="images/KnowingYoullBeThere.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

I sure do miss you!
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you
And wish you were here for me to talk to
So many times I find that I could sure use your advice
I'm trying to live my life wisely and make good decisions
Decisions that would make you proud of me
But I fear, at times I don't do so well.

You taught me so much..
I'm not sure I ever thanked you for that
I'm proud of the way you and Momma raised me
The morals and values that you taught me
I am still trying to hold on to those
Although the world around me is changing so fast
Makes me worry for your grandkids
I just hope I did ok in raising them the same way
That you and Mom raised me.
I know sometimes we lose our way
I only hope that we all will go back to our roots when that happens.
And soon.. before too much damage is done.

I remember the night you left us like it was yesterday
And I have to be thankful that we were all there to send you on your way
It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do
But I know it wasn't me that did it
It was something much stronger than me that told you,
"It was ok. Time for you to go home. We will be ok here and will see you soon."
Not many families get the chance to be there like we did
To send their loved one off on their journey with love
But we were blessed that we could.
Even though it was painful
I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

I know you missed your Dad a lot
I'm not sure you ever quite got over his death
Maybe no more than I have got over yours.
But it's true that we have to keep on living
Even if for a time there, we didn't want to
The world keeps on spinning
We can't get off until its our time to
I know that I wished you back a million times
Until I would think about how you dealt with pain daily
And knew that you really were better off than us now
And atlast, there was no more pain for you
I know you are there with your Dad
And now.. your Mom, too
I hope I did well by taking care of her
And seeing her go to meet ya'll
Seems I have had to do that to a few people I love
But once again.. it's ok.
I am stronger and a better person for it.
So now, ya'll are all together
And I know ya'll are waiting for us to meet you there

Mom misses you daily
Time has not kept turning for her
She does what she has to do to get by
But she has never stopped missing you
I think she still sees you
As you must have looked the day she met you
You were so COOL!
If I had been a teenage girl then,
I am sure you would have sweeped me off my feet, too!
You did a good job by Mom
Cuz her love for you is still burning bright
I know she is anxious to see you again.
To atlast be reunited with her one true love.

You remember when you gave me away at my wedding?
Do you remember how I was shaking?
I think I remember you shaking, too!
It was a big step for me...
Life changing...
I was still so young, too
I still needed my Daddy in so many ways
Next thing you know,
I'm giving you grandbabies!
And who would have believed it
But you become a Daddy again!!
Wow! Michael has been such a blessing in so many ways
A little brother I always wanted growing up
Ya'll were just kinda late on delivering him
But it was so cool that my little brother and my kids
Have all been able to grow up together.

Life has been good, Daddy
But I still miss you like crazy
And I just want you to know that I look forward to the day I see you again
I'm not scared of it
I know that knowing you'll be there
Will make it easy to come home.
I love you, Daddy!

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