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"Friends Are Friends Forever" "Friends Are Friends Forever"

<BGSOUND SRC="images/FriendsForever.mp3" LOOP=INFINITE>

There's all kinds of reasons
God allows people to come into our lives
I may never know the reason
He allowed you to walk into mine
But I can say that I am happy
And very thankful for it
You have been there for me
And a better friend, I could never find.

I know how life can be at times
And how friends come and go
But I didn't want you to slip away
Without me first letting you know.

I know it's been said
Many, many times before..
Friends leave footprints on our hearts
When we let them in that door
But a true friend will be there until the end
Right beside you through and through
I really feel very lucky
Because that's what I found in you.

If for some reason by chance
Our roads have to part...
I will always keep you close to me
Right here in my heart.

Tina White

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