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"I Believe"

> "I Believe"

<BGSOUND SRC="images/IBelieve.wma" LOOP=INFINITE>

I can feel you surrounding me
Even when you are not here
I don't have to touch you
Or see your face
To know that you are with me
My love for you warms my soul
And it's strong enough to continue
Even in the absence of the physical contact
Cuz I know you're there
You are a part of me
And you will always be.

That's enough to make my love remain
There's nowhere that my love won't reach you
It will stand through eternity
Only growing stronger
Not an ordinary love
But a love from the deepest depts of my soul
One that calls out your name
With every beat of my heart
As natural as breathing the air
My love will remain..
And I will meet you on the other side.

Tina White
November 2, 2006

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